What is this I don't even...

Its just a matter of time before idiot #1 crosses the line of fire while idiot #2 touches off a round into the other person. That "tactical spin" with the two guys is rediculous and there is no practical application for most of these "tactical moves". People are going to end up dead, someone needs to stop them now :eek::eek:. I got so nervous watching them shooting past eachother and doing this idiotic stuff; I wouldnt be within a five mile radius of that training facility.
Like everyone, at first i was laughing...

but when i came to the conclusion that it really was live fire, no little firecrackers on the berm, i just sat there open mouthed and watched the rest of it in total disbelief of the stupidity demonstrated by some people.

Notice how many times the camera was swept by a muzzle? Or how many times the fellow mall ninjas were swept by their partners muzzles? In the room clearing, one guy jerked his weapon up real quick - i think he realized at the last second his idiot partner was coming into his line of fire. That was almost a homicide.

Doesn't this guy occasionally get a clear headed client, who says "***? Get me outa here! I want to live!" Except there's nowhere to run away to, because bullets are flying in all directions.

I wonder if these guys would come and guard my manure pile.. Never know when someone wants yer crap, it may need some guys just like this to keep that pile safe......
There is a topic about this on another respectable tactics forum. A member apparantly works at the range they train at and has some incredibly, undeniably rage inducing stories about the ADE and thier "instructors".

For example, one of the females was made an instructor with only 3 weeks of previous shooting experience and is only able to clear malfunctions by bringing it up to the shoothouse and having someone do it for her.

And these guys "train swat and seals and military personnel".

My god.
They "claim" to have taught U.S. special forces - Marines and Navy SEALs - along with CIA and can't forget the Victoria Secrets models. I find it hard to believe they have trained any special forces.

There are some females who are very good shooters and very good instructors. However, I do not consider any of these male or female 'instructors' as valid instructors just by their form, techniques, lack of muzzle control and disregard for safety. I would be interested to see their qualifications for being called an instructor.
Anyone else find it ironic that the a state (california) that doesn't allow many perfectly safe guns to be used by its citizens would allow these morons to "train" its citizens......don't get me wrong though I am not for more gun laws/restrictions/ect

I actually think a video like this is proof that stricter gun laws are MORE DANGEROUS. Stricter laws lead to less knowledgeable citizens. Less knowledgeable citizens leave the door open for idiots like this to take advantage of their lack of knowledge.

I would like to see this place close the good old fashion way.......lack of customers and poor product.

I think I may spend my ALL free time calling the phone # listed at the bottom of the website and tying it up. Maybe if they are on the phone with me it will keep a potential customer off the phone and possible save their life.
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Morons, its one thing under the right conditions with the right instruction to be forward of a muzzle point but this is more than just your average stupidity this is stupidity taken to very high levels....

Also I even found reviews by individuals on other gun websites where they praise these incompetent bozo's, scary situation.... going by this video anyone anywhere must be a qualified master instructor even with no training.... Dont go by this video nor would I take instruction from these people, doing so could be deadly to the student and anyone within bullet range... Grossly incompetent.....
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