What is this I don't even...

Ran across an incredibly scary video of some "training" recently.

Well, it was entertaining in a morbid sort of way. Kinda like watching any of a number of death defying entertainment stunts.

At least I hope no one mistakes this for legitimate firearms training.:cool:
which do I take first?

The 3 week Ninjitsu course has evening classes, so that's convenient.

But I wonder if an afternoon with these people would get me up to speed a little faster. I could be a commando in a weekend, then work on being a ninja. Pretty sure the ninja school curriculum is mostly hazing for the first two weeks, to make certain we're serious.
Im all for more real world training, and especially training like from tactical response and suarez international. But this is over board, i never do this with anyone, not even any of my shooting buds who i have trained with alot. i showed this to a special forces friend and he about s*** himself laughing at these mall ninjas.
So that's the story. The video was indeed "serious" when it was posted.
I can vouch for that. A friend who runs a local academy got a solicitation from this outfit a couple of weeks back.

Like everyone else, he flinched and asked "is this serious?" Like everyone else, his blood ran cold when he realized it was.
American Defense Enterprises

Anyone else ever notice that so many shady businesses use the term "enterprises?" :cool:
Anyone else ever notice that so many shady businesses use the term "enterprises?"
What's wrong with Tom Servo's Retail Enterprises Training And Rapid Deployment? Somebody's gotta keep peace in front of Hot Topic when the new Twilight movie comes out. Sometimes somebody's gotta do it with extreme prejudice.
I was curious and went to their website. They have a little video playing on the front page. At about 10 secs and 30 secs Mr. Beasley makes two very ummm... interesting statements, "We do dangerous things" (10sec) Yep sure seems like it. and "The objective is more important than your own life"(30sec) WHAT?!?

As a civilian keeping my life is the objective. Given the mallninjaness of it all, I seriously doubt they train anyone who is in a position where "the objective is more important than your own life" is even remotely true. Even in military and police situations I can think of few times where that statement is ultimately true. Furthermore when the tactics and training given, at least by what their video demonstrates, it seems more likely you would be injured by your comrade or yourself than the BG if you were to try and apply their methods.
"The objective is more important than your own life"
Pain is the cleanser!

My name is a killing word!

Behold how snug these 5.11 pants are in the crotch!

Imma go tell those Marines over there how cool I am, and how lame they are! Be right back...

Imma go tell those Marines over there how cool I am, and how lame they are! Be right back...

I think your invincible summer, just found your depth of winter

write when your knuckles heal :D:D:D
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Glockgrabber said:
Im all for more real world training, and especially training like from tactical response and suarez international.

Then you should be all about these guys. :rolleyes:
Well, if the day ever comes that I can financially afford to go to a training school, at least I know to cross these yahoos off the list. :eek:
I think your invincible summer, just found your depth of winter
This is Tom's supervisor, writing under his username. Tom has led a valiant and distinguished career as an operator for the National Uniformed Tactical Junta Ordnance Brigade until recently. He was instrumental in infiltrating and dismantling a gang of Sumatran transvestite terrorists. Though he did us all a great service, he was never quite the same afterward.

Sometimes, the job comes home with you, it appears.

Afterwards, he claimed to suffer flashbacks to the Crimean War, insisted that the Giant Space Lizards were the top of the chain of command, and at times, his diet consisted of beef jerky and Red Bull. This often led to decisions of questionable wisdom.

We all wish him a speedy recovery from his latest misfortune and ask that any donations be forwarded to a trust established by the good folks at Whole Health And Caring Kindness Operations.