What is this I don't even...

The Benny Hill music, title "Do not do this" and being categorized as "comedy" didn't get noticed by anyone else?
The Benny Hill music was classic - the only thing it lacked was a huge chested woman busting out of her brazzier being chased by an old man...
Watching this sends chills up my spine. Their grip, form and muzzle control needs work. You would think they would have these perfected doing this "training", but I guess that is too boring. That is a great grip at 1:40 - NOT. Makes you wonder how scary is the firearm handling of the other students who did not make the video.

I took a look at their website. It appears the people in the video are the instructors. That makes things even scarier.
Just placed and order for black BDU's and Ninja knives......I'm on my way......

Anyone care to dance in front of me while I practice.........
The Benny Hill music, title "Do not do this" and being categorized as "comedy" didn't get noticed by anyone else?

A little backstory: the video was first posted as a very serious "come train with us!" advertisement on the school's YouTube channel. When several bloggers began mercilessly mocking the stupidity, it was linked by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit. At that point, rather than continuing to tolerate the merciless laughter from the unwashed, the school pulled down the video.

But the internets are forever. Someone else had saved the video, and uploaded the version you see with the music. Of course it belongs in the comedy section. (sigh. I'm not laughing. Stupid idiot morons with guns make all of us look bad. Hardy har har.)

So that's the story. The video was indeed "serious" when it was posted.

Thank you, Mrs. Jackson,

As to these tools, that which is ridiculous deserves ridicule. In this case, it's the charitable thing to do - it might even save a life!!
Really? What a bunch of idiots. If 4 civilians find themselves breaching buildings and taking down multiple attackers like these "trainers" in the video are doing, they need to rethink their lives. This is not how a CCW holder should conduct themselves. Train to protect and defend not breach and destroy. There are law enforcement and military agencies that take care of the latter.
I want to learn how to pull out my ninja knives and pose like the guy at the end

"Honey? Bring me my katana, will ya?" :D

That is just...nuts, not really sure how else to describe that...

They can't possibly be hitting with any accuracy...right?

This is not how a CCW holder should conduct themselves

No kidding, I got 7-16 rounds (depending on carry) for me and mine. See no need to go all Diehard despite ownership of a Beretta, leave that to Willis & Shipwreck:D
I still can't for the life understand why the pointman in a room clear would not shoot the threats but instead run toward them and let the other teamates wiz bullets by his head.:eek: I guess that would be a tactical human shield distraction manuver. Ninjas only please. Even them just doing some of their less dangerous drills was a joke. Fancy manuvering that is just a useless choriograph since they know exactly were each target is and what their partner's position and action is also going to do. No real world use.

I'd gladly take anyone who just has the basics down as back up, over those clowns.
If you go to their site their own promotional video is only slightly less outrageous than the Benny Hill dub.

That Beasley foists hmself off as "realistic" is incredible.

Can anyone tell me a scenario where you would stand back to back with someone - engaging enemies and then the two of you do a choregraphed spin and you put a double tap in the target your partner was formerly engaging and he puts a double tap in the targets you were engaging?

It's Hollywood.

If Beasley would have told me what all he was going to be doing before he started this venture I would have told him "You'll shoot your eye out..."
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Can anyone tell me a scenario where you would stand back to back with someone - engaging enemies and then the two of you do a choregraphed spin and you put a double tap in the target your partner was formerly engaging and he puts a double tap in the targets you were engaging?

Wasn't that on Boondock Saints?
Wanna be SWAT, wanna be SEALS, wanna be Rangers, wanna be Delta, wanna be Force Recon.
Gonna be injured or dead. Darwin, come back, all is forgiven.
Nuff Said.
This is about what my CCW class was like, except we all wore night-vision goggles and body armor...not to mention the .338 Lapua CQB and bayonet work.

I guess these folks feel comfortable with what they do. Silly them.
To me is seems this "special forces" training for the general public could put people in harms way by making them overconfident. I went to this schools website and the way the advertising was it seemed to make people believe if they went to this school they would be as bad ass as a Ranger, SEAL and so on. I have always been taught situational awareness (not just robot head turns) was most important. Also knowing your limitations. If i was in a bank and 5 guys with AK's came in demanding money and i had my ruger on me, i would do what they say let them take what they want and hope everyone leaves safely. I guess the point of my long winded comment is im curious what the classroom teachings are in schools that teach combat skills(not just this one but reputable ones as well). I think a school that teaches room clearing and things like that with reputable instructors would be a whole lot of fun for a week or weekend but as a average armed citizen with no law enforcement or military job i don't see it being very useful. Someone who has been to a school like this or has advanced military training might be able to correct me on what skill set might be useful to the average person.
Not just no, but HELL NO.

Good, I would look very silly in them black clothes. Seemed to be a lot of folks shooting while others were moving into their line of fire.

I miss Benny Hill for sure :) he was one funny guy.