What is the LEAST likely place in the US

I vote for Delaware. Why? (not because I live here now... I'm originally from PA)...

1. Any hurricane from down south is a small tropical depression by the time it gets up here (plus that beautiful weather a week after!)
2. no significant earthquakes (pets feel them, we usually don't)
3. no typhoons
4. no tsunamis
5. rare isolated "minor" (in comparison) tornadoes
6. no super deep snow in the winter (last few years were easy compared to PA)
7. no regular droughts
8. no volcanoes :eek:
9. no significant flooding (Delaware River)
10. No forest fires

The only problem w/ Delaware that I have is during the spring/summer with allergy season... it can get bad here (thanks DuPont!!). But that's not a natural disaster.
TN is pretty mild weather wise, every ten yrs or so we do get a big snow or 2 but no hurricanes and few tornados.

I love TN, have been here my whole life, and think its a great place to live. But for the sake of the discussion I have to metnion that if/when the New Madrid fault goes off again pretty much everything West of Nashville is going to be in big trouble. The last major New Madrid quake made the Mississippi River run backwards :eek:

that quake also rang church bells in Boston, MA. I live in Tennessee, too; born here and love it. I am not, however, looking forward to the next big New Madrid quake! :eek:+1
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Well, in the South you've got Hurricanes and Tornedos, on the Left Coast you have earthquakes, in the Midwest you have Tornedos, In the Rockys you have landslides, in New England and Midwest you have blizzards, and in desert areas you have serious droughts and heat.
safest place???

Watching/reading this thread......no one has mentioned xxxxxxxxxx....and since I grew up there.....I can tell you all......no storms, no disasters, no floods, no droughts..and best of all not crowded....sorry cant tell yall .would ruin it for those of us who know!
Everyone talks about blizzards and tons of snow up here in the NE, but it's really not as bad as people think. Yeah, we can get TONS of snow on a given winter, but our plows and snow removal apparatus are absolutely the best in the buisness.

I live in Derry, NH and am a member of the Derry Fire Dept and I have to tip my hats to the DOT up here for their response to snow storms. They are awesome. We can literally get anywhere we want in any of our apparatus during any storm. I'd say that blizzards, as crappy as they may be with all the damn snow and cold you have to deal with, would be one of the least serious threats as far as living goes.

If I had to throw my hat in the ring about a disaster up here that had the possibility to be horrifying, it would be a successful terrorist strike on the Seabrook nuclear plant. There are contingency plans for that, but it would still be one hell of a nightmare scenario...
..if you are worried about avoiding a possible future catastrophe..it is not so much where you live but how you live that is important...
News Shooter . . .

"Mohave Desert"

Before you move to the high desert, you might want to know that San Andres fault runs right through the west side of Palmdale; in fact, as you ascend on the Antelope Valley Freeway from Palmdale to Valencia, you can see a textbook illustration of the tortured rock strata in the road cuts.
308 Enfield

"I have to metnion that if/when the New Madrid fault goes off again pretty much everything West of Nashville is going to be in big trouble."

Yeah, you're probably right about that, seems like no matter where you go there are a different set of problems to consider. Stupid New Madrid fault line, :barf: ! I guess the goal is to minimize your risk by being in a spot where you are least likely to get nailed by a big unforseen occurance and where the weather isn't too horrible in any season.
I notice that we all tend to reccommend the part of the country we live in for various reasons. Anybody think we're all biased towards our home states?? :) I know that I am, I live in TN not because I have to, but because I want to and I do love it here. I hope the New Madrid fault doesn't go off anytime soon though, that would booger up my shooting plans this weekend!
".....Personally, I like southwest Florida. yea, I know we've got flooding, hurricanes, tropical storms, lots-o-lightning, water spouts/tornados, 'gators, giant roaches, poisonous snakes, choking humidity, searing heat, and more insects and reptiles than one person could count in a lifetime...but at least it's never boring!...."

And you can't surf in Wyoming...Florida's EAST coast here. Still places to shoot outdoors, lotsa gun shows, hunting, fishing, etc. I ain't going anywhere.
I live in the extreme NE corner of Alabama, near the Tn/GA border. Tornado's were all we had to worry about until one morning a couple of years ago. I was getting ready for work around 4a.m. and a 4.something earthquake shook the area.

I'm a wimp for the cold. Rather risk the hurricanes than snow. I'm in the middle of Florida though, so I have rather less to fear than the coastal people.
Well, you can forget about where I live - hurricanes, lightning storms, floods, and tornadoes in summer, and blizzards, sub-zero cold, and ice storms in winter.
I wouldn't dream of living elsewhere. :D
the new madrid quake didnt just ring church bells in boston but all the way in london.
tornadoes, floods, quakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, blizzards, sandstorms, droughts, meteors, ice age, disease outbreaks, zombies :) .....no place is safe from everything, you cant hide from danger you can only minimize it by living someplace less likely. personally I think midwest is farely safe unless you are in a river valley or the new madrid shakes. rockies are fairly safe unless a really really bad winter hits. just dont live on the side of a volcanoe, a regularly active fault line, tornadoe alley, or gulf coast.
North Dakota. The middle of North Dakota is approximately the middle of North America, and hardly anyone lives there. As for targeting populated areas for terrorism, ND is about the same as Wyoming--just not enough people to attrack the terrorists. As for bombing ND, any planes will likely be shot down long before they reach the middle of North America, and it probably would not be targeted anyway. Hurricanes, No! Tsunamis, No! COLD, YES! Occasional tornado, YES!

Should worse come to worse, assuming you have some extra gasoline, drive north to Manitoba with all of your bug-out gear. No one wants to deal with
Canada. It's just not worth the effort. Bring all the beer you can carry, too, because it will be better for bartering than US currency at that point.

Delaware? I beg to differ


Where I live, if the nuclear power plant in Jersey goes.... Well, I'll just bend over and kiss my butt goodbye. And if the refinery in DE City has an accident, lots of fuel and chemicals nearby, see reaction to event #1.

If both happen together,..... :eek:

So no, DE is not the best place to hide, try the island of Fiji, that or Djabouti.

Where the heck is Djabouti???????????? Need I say more?
Until they get approval for it as a nuclear waste repository (which should take a few centuries at this rate), Yucca Mountain is looking pretty darned safe. It was the result of a nationwide geographic search.