What is the largest handgun you've seen anybody carry concealed?

I did have a co-worker show up to work one day wearing a leather duster with a folding stock AKM clone under his right shoulder in some gawdawful home made setup with a 75 round drum and a 37mm flare launcher. Yes, it was loaded. No, he wasn't nuts...much. Yes, it was legal. Yes, I made him stow it in the vault when we pulled out of the truck bay that day.
Have seen many N frames, 2 ruger Alaskans one with a cool semi boot grip, 1 stub barrel smith x frame and an HK mark 23.

Seeing a 5 inch 1911 / glock 17 or sig 220 hardly hits the radar here, many do that including some with notably less body to work with than some of us.

These were all carried more than once and in "seriousness" often afield which makes one be committed as you can't go swap out or ditch it in the car if it was a bad idea.

I don't count hey I wonder if this will work... Towards that end I have seen and even tried much. Favorites... HK SP 89 shoulder rig and a rig for a serbu supper shorty.

One of our local "characters" showed me his new S$W M29 6". He un buttoned the flap on his bib overalls and pulled it from the pocket, vertically.

The old boy had cut a hole in the bottom of the pouch so that the barrel could pass through. The flap pocket held the frame/grip just so.
I've carried my 12" 460XVR IWB concealed but I tend to limp when trying to walk. The muzzle tip fits nicely into my sock. Sitting is a bit of a challenge too.

Ok. I think I can win this one. I'm in NJ so it's rare that anyone carries here. But, while at one of the local LGS a big Russian guy cam in with a dessert eagle in a shoulder rig under his spirt coat. This guy was easily 6-5 and 320. The gun actually looked proportioned in his hand.
I have a buddy that IWB carries a P-09 with +2 mag extensions for 21+1 capacity. I can manage my P-07, but I prefer something smaller, so I can't figure out how he does it. It is especially perplexing because he is ridiculously skinny, and that gun should stick out like a sore thumb. I guess it all varies from one person to another.
Way out in the boonies years ago, here in the Southern California desert;
Looked like a S&W .44 mag, with the longest barrel I've ever seen on one??
Big guy, maybe 6 foot 4 and 300+ pounds...............the barrel stuck out a good two inches under his T shirt.:rolleyes:

:confused:Why he was wearing a white T and carrying the revolver under it was a strange?? Considering we were along way out in the sticks and a thin, white T sure didn't hide anything under it??
Had to be ten other people in the same area packing also, I was too................................my Ruger single six in a western cowboy rig. :)
It was a customer of mine a few weeks back.

It was a full sized semi on an ordinary belt holster.

Except he had pulled his polo shirt down over the belt hoster, and then tucked it under.

Here in this crummy state, we are required to carry concealed. If someone sees it, freaks out, and calls the law on you, you will be in trouble and probably lose your CWP.

Having said that, I generally only carry when I'm out hunting. I don't engage in much "general" carry due to where I live being so anti-2a. Anyway, when out hunting I regularly carry my S&W 629 Classic with 6.5" bbl in a vertical shoulder rig under an Army field jacket. I've stopped off at the store for a gallon of milk on my way home from hunting with the 44 under my jacket a time or two. Nobody had a clue, and being "conditioned" as we NYers are, I felt like I was doing something bad....

I carry my 5" bbl 460V in a Guides Choice chest rig now and then too... under the above mentioned field jacket. I have others, but those are the largest.
I ve carried my S&W 29 6" 44mag in a shoulder holster in jacket weather .
Just because I could . My 1911's are no trouble in a shoulder or IWB to carry.
An 8 and3/8" 44 magnum in a shoulder holster by my cousin Jim who just recently passed. He was a Vietnam Army vet and had a fondness for large caliber revolvers and 1911's. I loved his transparency and miss him dearly.
An older sergeant in a PD I worked for carried two Colt Government Models (.45) in matching shoulder holsters. And he shot pretty well with them (no, not at the same time, but alternating shots). I once saw a guy named Chick Gaylord do his "strip tease"; IIRC, he had something like a dozen guns on him and nobody even noticed a bulge until he started pulling them out, one at a time! (At that time, I was too slender to do that; now.....)

Have to admit to concealing a Deagle .50ae for a few years,
used three different holsters for different outerwear...
It was easiest to deep conceal in a shoulder rig under coveralls, with a jacket over...
but it'd take a little time to get to ;)