CarbineCaleb, China copied the Soviet system in the 50-70s, and started to abondon it (unwillingly maybe) from late 70s (so called Reform of 1978). However, the Chinese system has two folds: A, for people living in cities, they get full benefit; B, for people living in farms/villiges (80% of the population), nada.
Today, even people living in cities are losing the benefit unless they work for the government. It used to be that everything is owned by the government, but nowadays, privately own businesses are just everywhere, and more and more state owned businesses are being transformed into privately owned or publicly owned. More and more city people who formerly had benefit are now being cut off.
Also keep in mind, China's achievement today has a lot to do with USA. In 1972, USA and all NATO countries ended 20 years' long trade embargo trying to strangle China. Since then, western technology and capital have been flooding into China.