What I Don't Like About Glock...

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I have an idea!! Buy sumthin else... reality, what a concept. Subjectivity enters in gun choices, like it does in almost every ‘thing’ choice. Yeegads.
I have bought other things, a lot of them. In addition to Glocks, over my gun owning career, I have owned or do own firearms from about 30 other manufacturers.

With a little thought, I could make a list like the one I made above for any of the guns I own or have owned. As an engineer (or maybe just because I'm a picky, perfectionist, SOB), without trying very hard, I tend to see things that can be improved in most products.
But don’t you dare tell ME I’m deficient in some way because I’m part of the Glock universe. BS flag again on that one, sir.
I've re-read my post a couple of times and I have no idea how you got that out of what I posted.

I didn't mean for anything I said to be an attack on you, or on Glock owners in general. It wouldn't make sense for me to make an attack on Glock owners because I am one. I own more than half a dozen Glocks (although Glock is not, by the way, the maker I own the most guns from), I'm carrying one right now, and another is my nightstand pistol. The last pistol I purchased was a Glock.

I don't know that I would call myself "part of the Glock universe", whatever that means, but I'm also not knocking those who do--and I don't knock those who consider themselves aficionados of any other gun company, for that matter.

A few observations:

1. You are not your guns. The fact that a gun you own and like isn't perfect doesn't mean you are a bad person or that someone who notes a problem with that gun dislikes you or is trying to insult you.

2. You are not the manufacturer of your guns. I like Beretta pistols, but I am not an Italian gun maker who's been in business since the 1500s. I've only been around a tiny fraction of that amount of time and I've never been to Italy. When someone says something bad about Beretta, I don't take it personally because my last name doesn't start with "Beretta".

3. It's possible to note that an item is imperfect without getting rid of it or losing faith in it, or hating the people who own it. In spite of the fact that I provided a partial list of things I don't like about Glocks, I have no intention of changing to a different nightstand gun. And while I might hate myself, it's not because I own Glocks. ;)

4. It's possible to like a product even while noting that it could be improved. I wish that the DA trigger pull on my SP101 .22LR revolver were a little lighter, but it's still one of my favorite handguns.
Imagine that people can discuss their perceived negatives of a product without you getting uppity. Trust me when I say Glock doesn't need a white knight. They'll do just fine with sales regardless of this thread.

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Yer right, apologies to John KSa..still cringing about this and I know John didn't write it..BUT seems like anybody that favors Glock is somehow 'amateur-ish or easily impressed or sumthin..
Glock is the PERFECT gun for those easily impressed.

'Glock universe'..kinda like Apple Universe..entire family-iphone(4), Apple laptops(3), ipads(5), Apple TV(3), Mini-Mac(2)..etc..
Between my sons and me..pic below the other WE..young son owns a Taurus model 65..but that stays in his car:)


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Don't like them? Don't buy them.

I was not happy with the way it felt, I changed it..... Whoopity doo, its a Glock, not a Wilson combat 1911 or P&R S&W.
Glock is the PERFECT gun for those easily impressed.

There is always someone who makes statements along these lines about any type of gun out there. 1911s lead the way on this. The Beretta 92 gets it's share, etc. The particular statement (insult) above has been around for years. A person can get pissed and cringe every time they hear it or read it but that's kinda the point of trolls...they like to say things to make folks cringe and get pissed off. Like this...

"Tools not trophy's"

I'm not sure exactly what that means except that it has an insult buried in it somewhere. Is it aimed against gun collectors? Is it aimed against folks who send their guns out to gunsmiths to have them worked over? Is it disdain for those shooters who buy high end guns? I'm not sure which, maybe all.

Glock's are not immune from being gussied up. There is a large and thriving market for transforming Glocks from "tools" into trophy's. Or what looks like it.






You can get your Glock refinished in a camo pattern then they will toss it in a tumbler so that it looks like it's been on a battlefield for a decade. You can get it in different colors!


You can get a $2,000. Glock if you want one.

Nothing I'm saying is directed against Glocks. I'm just pointing out the facts of the industry. If you want a purple Glock with rhinestones on it for your mantle piece...someones already done it.

"I know John didn't write it..BUT seems like anybody that favors Glock is somehow 'amateur-ish or easily impressed or sumthin.."(USNret93).

I agree, Glocks are great starter guns for novices! :D
The caption to one of the "battleworn" Glocks I linked too...

Battleworn look on this Glock using Robins Egg Blue (similar to Tiffany blue) and Sniper Grey. The monogram was used to add a little more customization.

Tough choice choosing between Robin's Egg Blue or Tiffany Blue on your G19. Just the right hue of Sniper Grey will make it pop!:)

BUT seems like anybody that favors Glock is somehow 'amateur-ish or easily impressed or sumthin...
No question about it. That's why if you look at the top 8 brands of pistols used by IDPA competitors (who are amateurish and easily impressed), about a third are Glocks. And why when you look at the top 8 models used, 3 out of the 8 are Glock models, which make up about 70% of the top 8 models by percentage.

And when you see folks like Bob Vogel, Taran Butler, and Dave Sevigny (who was shooting Glocks very successfully before he did his professional stint with Glock), naturally the words "amateurish" and "easily impressed" immediately spring to mind. :D
"Tools not trophy's"

I'm not sure exactly what that means except that it has an insult buried in it somewhere.

Not at all sir but my opinion that a gun is a tool, like a hammer. I view my guns as something fun, so I looked at, tried and bought one that would enhance my 'like' of shooting..I really don't care what it 'looks' like, I care about how it works. 'Some' are all sweated up by the silver slide on the new Glock 43x/48...(?)..I sure don't care about that.

If you are insulted by that statement, sorry...
Nothing I'm saying is directed against Glocks. I'm just pointing out the facts of the industry. If you want a purple Glock with rhinestones on it for your mantle piece...someones already done it.

Correct but for ME..no thanks, not interested in making my gun 'pretty'. I don't ever, take my gun out to show somebody, 'look at THIS'...few people even know I have a CCW..
BTW-I DO understand those who 'collect', some really pretty stuff out there but, not for ME.

My other mention of 'tools not trophys', was for the gent that essentially said the same thing..if it works and ya like it, use it, if you don't, then.....don't.

I agree, Glocks are great starter guns for novices!

nice try..:rolleyes: The more safeties the better for you. Good for you, carry on...



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Glock is the PERFECT gun for those easily impressed.

I understand that this comment was a flippant jab but there is some truth to this and I am guilty as charged. I prefer handguns without safeties (with the exception of single actions autos), minimal contours/grooves etc...etc... In a nutshell this comment sums me up pretty well.
I am also one that thinks of guns as tools.

I have worked with hand tools and power tools and machinery most of my life as a carpenter, machinist, etc. I have built homes, restored old cars and trucks, and even race cars and the engines for them. Even now I work with hand tools daily making specialized Kydex holsters for AIWB.

For me, some Glocks just happen to be the right tool for what I am wanting to accomplish. There are also other guns in my tool kit.
I can place links here to maybe 10-20 gun forums. Post a link to the hammer forum please. I'm interested in seeing the 13 page discussion/debate on what folks don't like about the Craftsman 16 oz. roofing hammer.

A good worker takes care of their tools. Keeps them clean, stores them proper, etc. Takes pride in them. But it's not like folks and guns.

Part of the romance of Glocks, the image of Glocks, is that folks like to say "It's just a tool" then spend hours on a gun forum discussing that. No one does that about pry bars or mics.

Folks have been decorating their weapons for as long as we've made weapons. In some cases we decorate tools, like axes, saws, hammers.

No disrespect intended. Just thinking.

I can place links here to maybe 10-20 gun forums. Post a link to the hammer forum please. I'm interested in seeing the 13 page discussion/debate on what folks don't like about the Craftsman 16 oz. roofing hammer.

A good worker takes care of their tools. Keeps them clean, stores them proper, etc. Takes pride in them. But it's not like folks and guns.

Part of the romance of Glocks, the image of Glocks, is that folks like to say "It's just a tool" then spend hours on a gun forum discussing that. No one does that about pry bars or mics.

Folks have been decorating their weapons for as long as we've made weapons. In some cases we decorate tools, like axes, saws, hammers.

No disrespect intended. Just thinking.

I never said that guns are tools to everybody but they are for me.

All guns that I own are tools for a specific purpose. I can't afford to collect guns. If I could I would have dozens of S&W P&R revolvers.
My carry guns are tools, I use them at the range and carry them in Kydex without hesitation. Now my range only pistols(like my old C series Hi Power), I treat more gently, but they do still get shot. Poly guns are "a dime a dozen" so use them like they're intended.
I am the OP. I just want to explain why I started this thread. I started it after reading another thread where someone (I don't recall who) essentially claimed that Glock is the perfect pistol and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. That thread got closed down because apparently there were some nasty comments without much substance.

So, after reading that thread, and being a Glock owner myself, I thought "you know, there really are things I like about Glocks, but also some things that really annoy me about their design". I wanted to open that up for discussion because I really didn't know if others had some of the same gripes I did. I am pleased to see that this thread did not turn into a Glock-bashing thread, that really would be contrary to my intent.

For a gun that has been around since the 1980's, I do have to wonder why Glock never came out with a model that has a decocker/thumb safety. Now, I understand exactly how Glocks work - I don't need a lesson on that. But, you would think that if there is an aftermarket company making thumb safeties for Glocks, that Glock might just recognize that perhaps there is a market for that.
For a gun that has been around since the 1980's, I do have to wonder why Glock never came out with a model that has a decocker/thumb safety.

A Glock with a decocker? The only striker fired pistol I know that has such is the Walther P99 and word is it is being discontinued as it is not in Walther's 2019 catalog. IMO ff someone wants a decocker they should buy a hammer fired pistol.
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