What happens if Guns are banned?

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A full out 'firearms ban' is not likely to occur without SERIOUS revolt and they know this. Sure the sheeple will walk straight to a gas chamber if asked to, but I'm talking about 'we the people' that have a brain.

As stated before ... such a result happens slowly. It has been happening slowly, but surely.

The first thing that happened was the registration of what is now called "class 3 weapons" and that was not long ago. Keep in mind that this has NOTHING to do with our personal safety … it’s about tightening control.

Then the ‘waiting period’ came into play. This ONLY makes us desensitized to the upcoming gun laws.

Then the prohibition of specific characteristics of firearms. Calling them assault weapons for instance. They tell us what we CAN’T have with the weapon; vertical forend grip, type of stock, high capacity mags, etc… Anyone feel safer or just more ‘controlled’?

Pretty soon ALL STATES will eventually adopt some kind of law that says something like this “all firearms given, constructed, sold or transfers must be conducted through a Federal License holder”. No private sale, gift, or private assembly will be permitted. This will make absolute record (call it registration) of each and every firearm that exists eventually. It will be claimed to make us ‘safer’ but will ONLY tighten their control and create a mandatory registration so to speak without actually creating a ‘specific registration law’.

More laws will be passed which will force the Federal License holders to confiscate and report weapons that are not within the letter of the MANY laws/specifications. And you know they will confiscate/report it ... as does today, their livelyhood depends on it (not to mention prison time, fines, and loss of their Federal License).

See how this works over time? People have been just plain STUPID to allow our government to put their foot in the door with this BS. It ALWAYS starts out small like seat belts, then it progresses to being allowed to be pulled over for a seat belt check, then this allows everyone to be more likely to be ‘asked‘ to be searched. Such crap only promotes search & seizure when WE do not know our rights. Slowly progressing to loss of our rights for sake of security.

Some day you will hear a news broadcast stating “America is now under martial law, your constitutional rights have now been suspended, the comforts and security you have demanded are now mandatory”.
#80, the first sentence of your second paragraph is the kind of thing antigun nutjobs like to lift out of context and use in their flyers.

I know you meant it in the context of organized crime and various thuggery, just sayin'.
I honestly believe politicians fear scoped rifles and concealable pistols more than EBRs. I'm surprised there hasn't been more effort to ban concealable pistols.
You would have some of the atmosphere that Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia had, with people quick to denounce each other either to show their
loyalty or save their hides. Though I recall one city-D.C.?-set up a hot line to report illegal guns, they were swamped with malicious and prank calls, a favorite technique was to denounce cops, politicians, ex boy friends, etc.
Again, I am more worried about creeping incrementalism. Or consider this-
a liberal moneybags buys up the gun companies and halts production.
You would have some of the atmosphere that Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia had, with people quick to denounce each other either to show their
loyalty or save their hides. Though I recall one city-D.C.?-set up a hot line to report illegal guns, they were swamped with malicious and prank calls, a favorite technique was to denounce cops, politicians, ex boy friends, etc.
Again, I am more worried about creeping incrementalism. Or consider this-
a liberal moneybags buys up the gun companies and halts production.

Which post are you referring to :confused:
Which post are you referring to

I think he's referring to what would occur during such a ban. Many people will turn others in to gain some kind of advantage (such as a monetary reward). That's historically what has happened in oppressive societies, and occurs here with regard to fraud against the gov't (turn someone in and you get a cut).
Any idiot with a drill, a chunk of metal, and a few rubber bands can make a one shot zip gun over a weekend.

any half decent machinist can produce a sten in an afternoon with bike parts. Another afternoon for a suppressor.

not safe or accurate, but it will work.

Like someone stated about drug dealers, making it illegal and throwing a few in jail won't slow criminals down. Think how much a $50 AK bought in sub-saharan Africa would be worth once it was walked across the US-Mexico border? I believe a total ban would limit the number of semi-autos and repeaters, but significantly increase the number of full auto rifles in the US b/c it would create a demand for the network to be created. Once it is in place it will grow larger and larger.
Antipitas, I disagree with your opinion just a little bit.
Just because guns/ammunition would be outlawed, that would be solely for civilian possession. Military and police would probably pay what they have always paid for ammunition.

During the 94 AWB, military and police did not pay any more for standard capacity magazines, did they? Of course not, they continued to pay the normal prices. Do military and law enforcement pay outrageous amounts for full auto weapons? Of course not.
Why would their costs for ammunition be any different? Granted, ammunition companies would likely have a tough time, some probably going bankrupt or would have to move to producing other products to compensate.

The government never comes up with ways to make them pay more for anything. They find ways to make us pay more.

To answer the OP's question, well I would have to say that those who express outloud what they will do may find it more difficult to follow through than those who never express their answer to such questions. Watch out for the quiet ones.
Read the Declaration of Independence. It tells you what to do if a government takes away your right to self defense (a human right). In the course of human events . . .
The guys at the bridge near Concord knew what to do in that instance.
I know of a few organizations that have petitioned the Government for a redress of grievances and 100% of the time ... the government REFUSES to hear it.

Can you believe that? Our government is actually saying 'We The People do not matter and will not be heard'.

These petitions for a redress of grievances that were filed were for VERY serious matters such as the Federal Reserve and Federal Income Tax.

Rightfully and legally petitioning the government for a redress of grievances is our ONLY recourse with regard to the direction of our country.

Regardless who you vote for ... you're not voting for the true issues that matter because neither will admit that these true issues even exist.
Highly unlikely in my opinion, but playing the "what if's".
Millions of us are ordered to give up our arms, and as a result the same millions stop paying their taxes. Would that get their attention? Are they going to fund prisons to stick all of us no taxpayers away in, while the Gov is Bankrupt without the tax income.
This is crazy, as I say it won't happen. Some lead would fly if it did.

The way the world is headed, I (personal opinion) don't think its far away in the realm of time anyway. As Forest Gump said " that's all I've got to say about that", otherwise the Mods would kick me off TFL for good, EXILED!:eek:
3, It seems to me that the anti gun lobby is trying to make guns socially unacceptable. One way they do this by using peoples fears of guns. People often fear what they don't understand. If you were to teach responsible gun etiquette in primary schools, this would reduce the ignorance and therefore a lot of the related fear. Respect and courtesy would probably also need to be taught.

guns in primary schools have you gone mad:eek:

on a serious note, the only thing taught in primary schools is they are bad, don't touch and tell an adult (or something like that)

however I do see a silver lining on the cloud, with all these kids I see playing airsoft, I see future firearm owners.
JustAnotherPlinker said:
Any idea what blackmarket ammo costs to feed those glocks and SGs? Just curious is all...

Well, I have heard that up here in Canada the criminals pay something like $10.00 a round.

My concern is less that "they" take away your guns, than what "they" will do when the ability to say "no" is removed.

Remember, the 2nd Amendment is there to ensure all the others stay put.
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