What happens if Guns are banned?

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I've thought about this thread for awhile, I'm not sure what is a appropriate response to the question that started this thread, as the America I fought for and I loved is gone! The Patriot Act and Congress destroyed what remained of her. Liberty and responsibility are two sides of the same coin IMHO. My only answer is the suggestion that you review the first paragraph of the declaration of independence. I fear the time is drawing near. Congress has foregone its responsibility. Keep the powder dry!

God bless America and pass the ammo!

Lastly, What guns? That's my story and I'm sticking to it, till it is time!

Don't worry about a "what if" ban on guns. There are more guns than people in the country already. Want something special...get it NOW ! ;)
banning guns?

No way without changing the Constitution and right to bear arms. However, they could screw around with you by charging you a high yearly fee to own each weapon you have and possibly stop the large purchase of ammo down the road. Anything is possible.........
I lost mine in a boating accident......................

......me too. My flat bottom boat turned over in the river and I lost all of them. sorry ;)
guns in primary schools have you gone mad

on a serious note, the only thing taught in primary schools is they are bad, don't touch and tell an adult (or something like that)

G'day! Hopefully you were just kidding about giving guns to primary school classes!? This got me thinking, so I've started another thread on the subject.

Teaching responsible firearms etiquette is not the same as teaching firearm usage and technique. It's like teaching kids road safety, it can be done, without giving children the keys to the family car! Regardless of their age and maturity - some things need to be taught.
Very easy to outlaw guns......Majority or Super majority in both houses, where no filibuster can be allowed......bill to ban passed---signed by the President.......into law.......turn em in now........easy as pie....
Just one problem with that logic.......The Supreme Court will hear something quickly and find it unconstitutional, and you need to have 2/3 majority to change that pesky, antiquated constitution. :p

2/3 may become democrat, but that doesn't mean 2/3 have the cahones to take the constitution head on.

Guns are not going away any time soon. Anyway, I don't own any guns, do you? My gun came loose from the holster when I was going to the bathroom and was accidentally flushed.... Never saw it again. :D

Do 'ya really think a guy with the handle "44Magnum" owns a small enough gun to fit down a pipe? ;)
The RKBA will be decided by the Supreme Court. No President will magically declare gun ownership illegal. People said the same thing about Clinton.

Even if that did somehow happen, most gun enthusiasts (particularly con$ervatives/people to the Right) would never in a million years take part in some armed insurrection.
What will happen if. . . . .???

There is a solution, and it is in the Declaration of Independence, sentence 2: "...it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it ((Government)) and to establish new..." et cetera. Which was the foretelling of the FIRST American Revolution. Here's to the Second!! God. Guns. Guts. Groceries. Glory. Enough of the first four will give us the final one. There's a big difference between insurrection and rebellion. Semper Paratus et Fidelis.

(If this comment is banned, there is real trouble at the top of TFL ))
If the next president gets firearms ban thru House and Senate we will all be good little sheaple and turn them in...I myself do not feel like going to prison and losing everything I have to Lawyers..
I question whether the anti gun crowd would really try to ban guns. Easier for them to go after severe restrictions on specific types of gun and also try to outlaw lead ammo, require micro imprinting, etc.
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I question whether the anti gun crowd would really try to ban guns. Easier for them to go after severe restrictions on specific types of gun and also try to outlaw lead ammo, require micro imprinting, etc.

You are contradicting yourself a bit. The efforts you describe are designed to reduce and ultimately eliminate gun ownership.

Yes, they really want to ban guns, as they've said over and over. They are just doing so bit by bit.
If the wrong people get elected I can tell you for sure we'll be headed down a path that allows society to become more and more corrupt and less protected: legalize gambling, prostitution, drugs, etc. but ban every gun except a muzzleloader that shoots a copper bullet (this will be the bone they throw the dogs (us) to cover the second amendment).

Somebody once said America "is begging for shorter chains and smaller cages".

The Founding Fathers created this country for their posterity, now we've come to this:

I myself do not feel like going to prison and losing everything I have to Lawyers..

I'd like to remind everyone that the danger in a gun ban is not that all guns will be banned, but that a few guns will be banned.

If all guns are banned, the people will rise up and resist. Just a few and the people will tolerate, accept, or even embrace it. Then a few more, and more and more.

It's stealthy, like age. You never see yourself getting old. You just get old and realize it happened. Gun prohibition in the U.S. IS happening, WILL continue, and in much the same way.
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