What happens if Guns are banned?

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All the while, drugs and guns will be readily available, though at their vastly inflated black market price. Last I checked, Glocks in the UK are readily available, but go for about $5K right now. People who can't afford that have to make do with sawed off shotguns.

Any idea what blackmarket ammo costs to feed those glocks and SGs? Just curious is all...
Problem with comparing guns to drugs is you can do drugs in private where no one knows what's going on (and yes, alcohol is a drug).

I own a gun, dang it, I'm going to shoot it.

As mentioned before, if all the guns are outlawed, there will be a battlefield on America's soil. And don't be too sure that all the men who swore to protect our freedom and our flag will be fightinig for the goverment if it should come to that.

What, should I be wearing my tin hat?:D
Not our guns our Ammo

I dont think they will go after our guns. I think They will tax the ammo so much so it will dry up so the guns are worth nothing so buy all you can and all the reloading equiptment. Ive had a little trouble getting primers lately everything is getting high. So Brothers Please be careful. Guns with no ammo are useless. That is my 2 cents for what its worth. Thanks and god bless. your friend. Patrick
What happens if guns are banned:?

I replied to this posting with what I believe to be real life answers.

this question cannot be answered in a direct format because IMHO our guns will never be banned. the question might as well be "WHAT WILL WE DO IF ONE DAY THE SKY FALLS DOWN?" my point is not to demean the original poster of this thread but to point out that this is not a reality there are more than 35 million handguns alone in the United States according to the National Statistics for crime prevention as surveyed in 2000

America is an armed nation, we always have been since the Declaration of Independence.

I agree that if the government ever did ban our guns they would most certainly lose their jobs the next election, look what happened to Clinton and his cronies after his AWB anti gun politicians all over the congress and white house lost their jobs!

IMHO our government will be focused on far more important things that are currently facing this nation, the crumbling economy, loss of jobs, guns are just not big enough to add to this list at this point in time and so will be taking a back seat in the legislature.

I watched all the debates this election year, can anyone remember the topic of gun control ever even brought up durring any of this besides the fella in michigan who asked a question to Joe Biden "are my babies going to be safe"?

the topic of gun control did not get much emphasis durring this election campaign year .
Any idea what blackmarket ammo costs to feed those glocks and SGs? Just curious is all...
Don't know, the article I read it in, from a UK paper no less, just listed prices for various weapons. (Sawed off single shot shotguns were much cheaper, around $150-200 IIRC. Can't find the article.) Though I would guess it would probably follow the 10x markup from white market prices. Meaning that $20 box of WWB could go for $200 in the UK.:eek:

Still more money to be made smuggling Heroin, though the prices of that have been falling lately thanks to the glut from Afghanistan. (Yes, there is a strong drug market even in North Dakota, though I don't partake anymore.) On the other hand, drug dogs don't sniff for gunpowder.:rolleyes:
There is a media compaign on right now to get just this done.

Guns are being demonized yet used as tools to sell advertising space by the same people.

Lawful gun owners are portrayed as reckless stooges,intoxicated with owning their handguns and endangering everyone around them.:rolleyes:

People saving their lives with handguns or stopping crime with them are rarely reported then usually only with one report that disappears quickly.

All over the world,governments look at the United States and wonder when it will happen.

We are that last bastion of freedom.

No matter who earns the job of President or what Congress tries to sneak by us,We,The People must turn off our televisions,get off out butts and call our elected officials.

Make them manifestly uncomfortable with even the idea of banning firearms.

But all the complaining in the world will not help if you do not get involved.

Either you can vote and start calling your elected officials or you should shut up and get in the line to turn in your handguns.
The banning of firearms in general? It would make Prohibition look like a smashing success.

While it is tempting to look at Australia or the UK for exemplars, neither country had anywhere near the rate of private gun ownership the USA does. Non-compliance would be massive, and I'm not certain the government (federal, state, or local) has the infrastructure to handle even a 50% compliance rate. There are a lot of guns out there; as folks liked to point out during the Cold War, there are more deer rifles in Wisconsin than Kalashnikovs in the Russian army.
I think those who say it will/can never happen need to be careful. We have to ensure that it will not/can not happen by voting and supporting organizations such as the NRA. How many of you have 10 round capped mags fors guns that can hold more rounds? That was the Brady Bill and that was a strong first step. Whoever mentioned the ammo tagging also made a very valid point about driving up the cost to ammo so that it is prohibitively expensive to shoot. Taxation is another tactic they are sure to use. You want to buy a box of $10 ammo? No problem. Your bill comes out to $40. :eek: Don't believe me? Ask smokers how much the cost of cigarettes have increased.

A few other things I see happening is people who keep their guns and use them defend themselves will not be calling the police to take a report and cover up the situation.

I would certainly hide a few of my guns and let the police find the others. To deny that you have any woould lead to an intensive search. I guess it is time to buy some cheapo guns!

You guys forgot to mention that all shooting ranges would close. Not sure who would be dumb enough to go to one anyways since I'm sure they would be watched by the police.

I would probably stock pile ammo and have to resort to practicing with airsoft or pellet guns (assuming those are still legal) and save the real stuff for when the poop hits the fan. You have to remember that no one is going to be selling ammo if guns are illegal (legally anyways). Scary looking paper weights are useless in a gun fight! :eek::p
When you mention on the internet that you hide some and let the police find some - think you just set yourself up for your house and anything else you own be taken down to the molecular level.

Geez - just another TEOTWAKI scenario.

I got a great idea - the ballot box - vote for progun candidates but of course that was polluted by the supposed progun party being the epitomy of incompetence this time around.
To quote Bud Helms from page one of this thread...

Thanks very much for the commentary, superhornet. You will notice your post has been deleted. That is because it contains partisan political content.

General Discussion is temporarily hosting political and legal topics until the new L&CR forum has been thoroughly tested. But no post using a candidate's or political party's name is permitted.
Glenn E. Meyer said:
When you mention on the internet that you hide some and let the police find some - think you just set yourself up for your house and anything else you own be taken down to the molecular level.


I think you give the police too much credit. Maybe the FBI is capable of narrowing down who we really are, but do they have the resources to do all that checking while guns are still currently legal? Besides, I'm sure Rich is smart enough to have the servers "crash" if and when such a ban ever becomes law.
It truely would be ashame if it were to happen. But let me ask you this, I bet it would cost more than the bailout for them to pay us for the value of our property.
While it is tempting to look at Australia or the UK for exemplars, neither country had anywhere near the rate of private gun ownership the USA does

which reminds me, I predict you won't see the truly radical infringements on freedom being rolled out in England and Australia, until Americans give up their guns.

Otherwise, Americans might see it and say "hey, we're next, and I don't like what I see".

Everybody needs to watch that video about England and Australia again.
Elmer Fudd gave away everybody else's gun rights, then acted surprised when he had to turn in his rabbit gun. Too bad about that, Elmer.

Like they said, donate to the NRA now. Otherwise you might someday be facing down some of the scenarios BillCA and others have suggested.
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