What guns you don't like and why?


New member
Tell what handguns you dislike and why? discounting subjective reasons, are there any objective reasons that make you dislike a gun? If so, what are they? People on this forum regularly tell I like this or that gun but not so much about what guns they don't like. Thanks
There are two;

ANY .25 auto, I have had 2 of two different mfgrs, neither could hit the side of a barn at 10yards.

The Beretta 92f. I like the pistol and it shot good but the trigger was too easy and too quick for me. It was reliable, over two thousand rounds before I sold it with no jambs/misfires.
Let's just throw something out here EARLY in the thread...
When topics open up on a particular gun, or where we discuss different guns we *LIKE*, folks participate and all goes (mostly) nice & friendly.

When you open up specific discussions on guns you DON'T like or threads on a particular gun that ask for direct complaints, we often find ourselves do a heap of battling back & forth when someone who LIKES the platform runs to defend. Just seems to be the nature here.

To the subject...
I don't care for polymer/tupperware guns. I have many handguns but only two are polymer framed. One is my EDC, a Glock. I like it, trust it, shoot it well, and hope very much to never, ever own another. My only other polymer gun is a Ruger P95. Solid and cost me -so- little money that it does car duty when I go somewhere that carry is forbidden -- it's the gun I leave for people to STEAL from me. It's sole job is to get me there & back home.

I don't care for single action revolvers. I am not in a hurry, but find the single load/unload really tedious and annoying and I can't get the comfortable grip on the handgun I enjoy with a hogleg's style. I only own one and I like it, but it's enough. Double action S&W is what works for me in a revolver.

I don't care for short barreled handguns. Snub revolvers look awful to me and I don't enjoy shooting them. Any mousegun is, IMO, just not for me. If I'm going to carry, it's going to be something substantial. And I don't need to "sneak" when I carry, I like concealed to be concealed but if it's not legal, I don't go there or don't carry, so slipping a teeny gun in my pocket - yuck.

I don't like the idea of a bunch of carry guns and I have zero desire to carry different guns. I love handguns for fun shooting so when I chase them, it's not because I want to introduce yet another carry gun. I have the one I carry, not interested in others.
No, actually, I wasn't done!

I don't care for Sig pistols. Their own designs (P226 and the like) are highly respected and I certainly trust the judgement of those in the know, but I don't care for the way they look and I don't like where the controls are located. Great guns? I'll bet they truly are, but I doubt I'm ever going to own one. And if a fine deal presented itself, I'd only buy it to flip.

I don't like the Browning Hi-Power. I think these are extremely fine looking handguns but I don't like the way they shoot at all. I'm not prone to "hammer bite" but these bite me. :mad: And I loathe the trigger, and not just the lousy trigger pull, but I really do NOT like the irrational amount of trigger over travel. They are gorgeous pistols and the history & their resume in service duty to the Earth impress me for certain, but these pistols are not for me.

I have a white-hot seething hate for the Ruger Mark III platform. And I'll admit that I would be a big fan of the Mark III if only the Mark II had never existed. But the changes that were made just offend me on many levels and the pistol disgusts me. In my eyes, they took the absolute pinnacle of the design (which dates back to 1949!) and they attacked it from all angles. :mad:

HK handguns are lost on me. I could probably really fall for one of the P7 variants, but even those annoy me because this company finally comes up with something I really want to like... and they end them. So now they go for nutty money. I do believe, like Sig, these are quality handguns, but I have zero desire to chase one. And while just about any/every handgun manufacturer makes some ugly guns, HK is one of the few handgun makers I can think of they simply don't make any attractive looking guns. Heh, Glock is right there with 'em.

Kel-Tec is an easy target for my angst. Their QC and attention to detail is seriously lacking. And they come up with the PMR-30 that is truly a whole heap of fun in every way, and they can't come up with even a FRACTION of the supply to meet the demand. A pistol that debuted at $399 MSRP (up to what, $429 now?) can't be found anywhere for less than 135% of retail in a world where nobody pays retail for new handguns. As if that wasn't frustrating enough, they continue to advertise the ever-loving HELL out of this pistol while they make about 8% of what the market actually wants of them.
I dislike any new offering from Kimber. I have 2 that are about 10 years old and they're great, but I will never give them another dime after my horrible experience with their customer service or lack thereof. Let's just say that the pistol went in with 1 problem and cAme back with many more. 3 trips back and forth and then i sold it

I don't like the beretta 92fs either. I had one and it was very reliable but too big for my hands and I can't stand that the front sight can't be changed. Now if I happened upon a Brigadier with a dovetailed front sight, I might give it another try.
S&W autos. I owned a SW9VE that was horrible. Still like their wheel guns. Not a fan of H&K, Sig, FN, or Kimber either. I just feel they are overrated.
If it's not a glock or a glock copy, it's crap.

Anybody who condones the carry of SA/DA pistols, revolvers, or SAO pistols with hammers and such is really trying to carry a purse. He's not thinking that it's a practical defensive weapon, but more as something that is part of his outfit. A statement piece.
I am not sure if this counts, but... I don't like muzzle loaders. I will move my stuff to another bench if somebody sets up next to me with one. I notice the range officers seem uneasy with them as well. It always looks like they are new to the weapon and all of them will have some kind of problem that they need help with. Freaks me out!
I don't like the DAO only small pistols, like the SCCY and the kel-tec pf9. they are both actually pretty accurate guns, but they are very difficult for me to shoot. DOA revolvers are easier, but I still prefer to have an exposed hammer on those too, just in case I need to take a long shot.
Chiappa Rhino. Beyond butt ugly, just plane stupid looking! Plus an overly complicated lock work with a hammer that isn't a hammer, and a lot of other stuff going on inside.
I agree with all of that and the build quality is suspect for sure, however...

it's a heckuva idea and I long for the day when Smith & Wesson or Ruger pays Chiappa whatever dough it takes to build a revolver that shoots from the BOTTOM chamber at 6 o'clock. Because it's a fantastic idea. Just need a far better gun builder to put it in to production.
I don't know how long the Rhino has been out, but a patent can only last 14yrs, we will see other makers soon enough. should be interesting too
Sigs are lost on me. Probably great guns, and I've shot a couple but I've always been "meh" on them.

Taurus bugs me. Taking great designs and just copying them does not a great gun builder make. Rossi too.

If the Chiappa Rhino was my dog, I'd shave it's butt and teach it to walk backwards.
I don't care for Glocks. While I don't dispute that Glock makes a good quality gun that is reliable and accurate, I've tried a few and never liked the way the grip feels in my hand (too wide and square) or the feel of the trigger (feels like an overly long, spongy, slightly gritty SA trigger to me). Also, I must admit, the attitude of some of the Glock fanboys is also a turn-off.

I also don't care for subcompact or "micro" semi-autos. Everything has a limit to how much it can be miniaturized without making serious compromises and I simply cannot believe that you can shoehorn a 9mm or .40 S&W into a .32 or .380 sized gun without detrimentally affecting reliability, recoil control, or both.

Finally, I'm rather soured on HK products due to their customer service. My dad contacted them about buying a gas port cleaning tool and brush for the P7 PSP that he owned at the time. They charged his credit card but never bothered to inform him that the items were on a several month back order. When he contacted them inquiring as to the whereabouts of his items, their reply email was downright rude. For as much as their guns cost, I can find someone else who won't look down their nose at me.
They tell me they sell.....but

I don't care for the whole .410 pistol/Judge, or any of the copies so chambered.
To me, they do not have pleasing lines and the dimensions seem distorted. All I have handled seem heavy and the balance is out of wack. And they are all just plain big guns.

Can't really grasp what the use is for them, or the fascination, but the gun shops tell me they sell like hotcakes.
While I'm at it.

I thought the Win 94 in .410 was a silly idea too. NIckel/stainless lever guns, and nickel/stainless side by sides leave me cold too. Any of the gold finished, disco finished, skull finished etc firearms are a turnoff as well. I'll tolerate a pink gun for the girls. The whole zombie thing seems stupid.

All for now.
The only reasons I don't like guns are subjective. I don't have a real reason to not like any of them.

So it's not so much a matter of what I don't "like." It's more what I just don't want.

So, I don't care much for polymer pistols and Glocks in particular. No real reason, I just find them boring. You see one, you've seen them all.

But then I'm an old coot, and I like Smith & Wesson revolvers made before about 1980.
A early S&W Sigma......40VE...impossible trigger, went back to Smith twice.
No improvement. I was not a rookie to pistols. Finally traded it off. I realize opinions are like arm pits.....every one has a couple! If I was shooting a 12 oclock....rounds would hit about 3........way off at 3......2-3 feet.
I simply vowed never again.
Anything in the CZ 75 family. I bought into the internet hype and have owned a couple. I find the tiny, narrow slide hard to use and the beavertail curves down and digs into the web between my thumb and trigger finger during firing. The triggers are stiff and gritty. While I found the accuracy to be above average, reliability was unacceptable for serious uses. A good range toy, not a serious fighting weapon.

I like the looks and appreciate the history behind single action revolvers. I just don't shoot them well. I just prefer the DA grip