What do you YELL!

Going with the "BG has a knife" theory.....

First thing I'm gonna go is check to make sure I can take the shot, if necessary, and not hit an innocent bystander (depending on my distance from BG).

Question to self: Is he within 7 yards of myself or any other innocent person? If so, I don't have time to yell commands. I only have time to draw and make the shot.

If there's enough time/distance, the things I'd yell would be:




I'll continue to repeat command #1 until he complies. If he advances towards me or any other innocent person and breaks their 21' margin, I take the shot (if he's not already within 21 feet, to which the shot will already be made).

I will also be on the cell phone with 911 ASAP!

However, like other posters have stated, there's a lot of things to take into consideration. No scenario is "One-Size-Fits-All" and things can vary and change VERY QUICKLY! There's the matter of striking innocent bystanders, as well as what your local/state laws state about intervening in this scenario.

As far as the "Impersonation Of A Police Officer/LEO" thing goes, I'll give this advice: NEVER, EVER, AND I MEAN N-E-V-E-R, even utter the word "police" during the event. If you're looking for someone to summon police assistance for you, then yell "Someone call 911, NOW!" This should keep you cleared of ANYBODY (BG, victims, witnesses, etc.) assuming you as impersonating an LEO, because you never spoke the word "police".

Just my $.02 here, after reading all the replies thus far. I'm sure someone else here has a more intelligent, thought-out approach, which may reinforce, better suggest, or even negate my input. I welcome such replies, and hope to learn something on this "What If".

Always ready and willing to learn,
Whaddaya Yell?

I am ashamed to tell this but about 45 years ago I cornered a teen aged kid in a stolen car, I blocked him off and ordered him out of the vehicle and told him, "Get your hands on the top of the car or I'll shoot your hooter off".
That wasn't the best choice of words and definitely not Hollywood. Hooter wasn'y exactly the word I used. Well, I never was much for words.
I am no longer LEO. I am retired, so I am speaking to how I would act as a happy private citizen.

"STOP! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO SHOOT YOU!" or something to similar effect.

Hell, yell for the police... but make sure you are clearly remembered as the one who tried to avoid trouble.

Trying to show how hairy your chest may be in a situation such as this is not important. I don't want to be "macho" in prison, when I can be home living my life. I want responding officers to note that I was calm, courteous, polite, and cooperative at all times. This will go a LONG way in determining if you will be prosecuted.

If there are witnesses, make damned sure you don't try to be cute, clever, witty, or whatever, a prosecutor or civil lawyer will eat that like a good BBQ sammich!

Make sure the witnesses heard you say, in a loud clear voice, that you DO NOT want to shoot!

Similarly...if you have to lay a good old fashioned butt whuppin' on someone...make sure any witnesses hear YOU say..."I don't want trouble". Or something like that. Make yourself inhabit the role of peacemaker.

The look in your eyes, and the willingness to go to immediate violent action will be recognized by your adversary. A sheep knows a wolf when it sees one, and keeping your head up high, and your eyes always moving and NOT looking like prey will make you a much less attractive target.

Like Eastwood said in a movie...."A good glare has stopped trouble more than once."
I had gone over in my head 1k times what I would say and do if someone came into my house. Well the other night the dog woke me n the wife up in the middle of the night I think it was around 2am so I got up and checked the house (doors windows and so on with the pistol still in the drawer)...didn't find anything out of the ordinary so we lay back down as were falling back to sleep the doorknob turns to our bedroom I was out of the bed had the slide pulled back and loaded in a matter of seconds, so its all quiet....I'm standing their pointing my gun at my bedroom door and I say HELLO? hahahah turns out my wife didn't close the door all the way and the handle popped back into place a few minutes after we laid down....long story short I had it all planned out what I was gonna do if it ever happened and all I said was hello...
"Who sells underwear 'cause I just crapped mine!" :eek:
Probably after the shooting stopped though along with
"Hello?.... operator?.....Hello?...." because of the dialtone ringing in my ears after the gunshots. :D
Well, the other night when there was a loud crashing noise in the house, my husband yelled "DOGS! ATTACK!!" to our happily snoring Ridgebacks, who were not even disturbed by the crash--but who DID get up to defend ME as I went down the hall to check/secure the kidlets rooms. Hubby checked the main part of the house.

Turns out it was nothing more than the shower curtain bar crashing down from too much cycling gear hanging up to dry...

(*Yes, we were armed, but I don't recall what my husband carried--I had a 1911.)
Nothing before....


"Dear, I'm so sorry about the rug. I'm sure they can get the bloodstains out."

I know my priorities, and one of 'em ain't talking to dirtbags...
Utterances I've heard folks say;

"Tell god I said hello."

"This is going to be fun!"

"Are you a blanking idiot?"(guy reaching for gun with lots of good guy guns pointed at him.")

Re another of the above, gun on nightstand,
"Do you think you'll make it?"

Re one more of the above;
"Go ahead, it's a slow night."

To homeowner answering door with gun in hand, wrong warrant address.

"Can we talk?"

Most statements are best said and are well received if spoken while looking over or through your sights.
Hello all, this is my first post here, great forum. I've thought about this issue before as I've been CCW for the last 5 years after my family's life was threatened by a heroin addicted homicidal maniac. If I'm in a situation where I have to draw (have only had one such instance in 5 years, didn't draw, came close though) I have no qualms with falsely identifying myself as LEO. It's my opinion that if the criminal thinks I'm LEO, he will think I have no issue whatsoever with shooting him. Even dumb criminals know who their natural enemy is, and what they bring to the table. This kind of response would best be done in a situation where there were not a lot of witnesses.

I've spoken to CCW instructors in my area, some of whom privately agree with my argument, however would not say so in the course of teaching their classes. Frankly, if I've drawn my weapon, I'm concerned with making it home that night, not a weak impersonation charge that will be easily toppled with a letter to my local chief and prosecutor.