What do you YELL!

Rangefinder - who were you talking to?? There doesn't appear to be anyone there.

Mal----What? You don't talk to yourselves? How odd! LOL Actually it was a troll, whom it would appear did not take my advice seriously, and was removed. Hence, I have a lovely post directed at.... NO ONE! :D Sorry for the confusion... LOL

If given the time the BG would be told to lay face down and stay very still.
If I did not have the time I would just shoot to kill.
When it reaches the point of pulling the gun an explanation just gives the BG more time to hurt someone.

:) :) :) :)
I hope the day never comes and if god forbid it does I hope any type of training I have ever had kicks in and I can do what needs to be done.And any of you who think it would be any differant for yourself your fooling yourself.Most of us will never know hopefully how we will react.I'm no wannabe I am and with all my years of training until the day comes I will never know if it will pay off or not.I don't want to insult anyone but if you wannabes (if the shoe fits)better realize once you pull that trigger what ever happens no matter where you live its on your rear end and you better be able to justify what you did

"And thats all I have to say about that"(Forest Gump)
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Ok -- so the situation has already deterriorated enough to warrant deadly force due to (impending) attack on another person, right? What am I going to yell?

Quite frankly, I'm not going to waste brain cycles on that -- my focus is going to be on drawing and shooting. If a yell comes out of me while doing that, at some instinctive level, well, that's all fine and good, but I'm not going out of my way to do that. Really, why waste the time and brain power on yellin' when an attack is underway and split seconds are critical? All you are doing is giving the BG more time to attack the 3rd party. If I did let out a yell at that instinctive level, it would be something more like a "Hey" or a "Rebel Yell" during the draw, maybe it would serve to distract the BG for a split second and thus give me that much more of a tactical advantage.
"Your GP, or your HP".

Sorry too much video games.

"Your money, or your life".

oops that'll probably get you in trouble.

"The question you gotta ask your self is, "Do I feel lucky?" Well do ya punk"?

Ok that's just silly.

It doesn't matter, ideally your the one with the gun, you could tell him he's a pink bunny rabbit and he'd have to believe ya.

Bottom line, whatever it takes to end the situation as peacefully and quickly as possible.

Try, "Stop or i'll shoot". It seems to be the tried and true method in most cases.:cool: :D
My would say the following;

1) If the guy has a knife or some other non-gun dangerous weapon and I was a good distance away; "DROP IT"

2) If someone was assaulting a stranger I would yell; " Get off of (him/Her)"

3) If someone was threatening me or my family with a weapon, nothing would be said, until after I shot the guy.

4) If they are threatening without a weapon I'll go with the "Don't make me shot you" or "Stop or I'll shoot"

5) For all others, since it is getting close to the holidays I would use the lines from the movie "Christmas Story" like; "Fudge" , "You'll shoot your eye out kid" and "Butafinga"
Come get some. Thats if they don't land on the boards of nails I got sitting below the windows. I really can care less if thats against the law, after all if someone breaks into my home they're asking for it. Further more anyone who breaks into my home won't be leaving unless they're in a body bag.
It doesn't matter what you YELL. It is how loud you YELL. All you have to do when being attacked is make a commotion. Then someone will at least be a witness. After there are witness the BG is very less apt to continue attacking.
Duxman said:
IF you were in a situation where you had to draw your weapon and point at a BG (Because said BG was about to assualt, rob, rape etc. your wife, SO, friend etc.) AND you felt compelled to warn before you fire (perhaps because the mall is full of folks milling about or some other reason)

What do you YELL?

I doubt a BG would try anything in a place like the mall. Too many people around. Now, if it's in the parking garage or something like that, I wouldn't yell anything. I'd just draw and shoot him if I had to.

But, to play along, IF the BG was that close to my SO (and I'm assuming I'm right next to her), I would just draw my weapon on him. He's close enough to see me do it. So, I'd let my XD do the talking. I wouldn't say/yell anything.

Now, if he doesn't see my weapon, and he's about to do my SO harm, I'd just shoot him. The BG who is about to harm your SO don't deserve any warnings. Nor should you waste time talking to the BG giving him a chance to change his mind. If he's moving on your SO, he's already made his decision. And I've already made mine. BANG. BANG BANG. (However many I need). In a mall or not.

We carry our weapons for the protection of ourselves and our loved ones. We should be ready to shoot a BG who is about to do harm to us in some way. No warnings. No talking. If your weapon is drawn, then the threat was serious enough to warrant deadly force. No warnings or chances for the BGs!

My 2¢
Verbalization is the key to securing good 'ear-witnesses' in a defensive scenario. I encourage you to verbalize when you train. I usually end up yelling : "Drop the gun ! Please drop the gun!" This creates a wonderful double edged bonus. The BG will hear : "Police drop the gun" and the bystanders will hear "Please drop the gun" (My, what a nice gentleman, he was asking the badguy to drop the gun soo nicely)

Ear witnesses are key. What people see can and will be influenced by other factors. It is fairly hard to influence what is heard.

Besides, if you are acting in a reasonable manner during this, who cares what everyone thinks you are as long as they stop what they are doing and start wondering what is going on.
IF you were in a situation where you had to draw your weapon and point at a BG (Because said BG was about to assualt, rob, rape etc. your wife, SO, friend etc.) AND you felt compelled to warn before you fire (perhaps because the mall is full of folks milling about or some other reason

So the theat is real and you perceive bad things are about to happen to you, your family, or friends...

RochPersDef said...
Verbalization is the key to securing good 'ear-witnesses' in a defensive scenario. I encourage you to verbalize when you train. I usually end up yelling : "Drop the gun ! Please drop the gun!" This creates a wonderful double edged bonus. The BG will hear : "Police drop the gun" and the bystanders will hear "Please drop the gun" (My, what a nice gentleman, he was asking the badguy to drop the gun soo nicely)

Ear witnesses are key. What people see can and will be influenced by other factors. It is fairly hard to influence what is heard.

Besides, if you are acting in a reasonable manner during this, who cares what everyone thinks you are as long as they stop what they are doing and start wondering what is going on.

So you, your family, or friends are about to suffer at the hands of a bad guy and you are concerned about having good 'ear-witnesses'???????? Don't you think securing your safety (or that of family and loved ones) is more important than having good 'ear-witnesses'??

The self contradiction noted is amazing. Do you really believe that saying "Please drop the gun" will be heard as "Police! Drop the gun" by the bad guy and heard as "Please drop the gun" by the witnesses? You claim the what people see can be influenced by other factors but that it is hard to influence what is heard. If it is so hard to influence what is heard, then why the hell do you believe the bad guy will only hear "Police" instead of "Please" and the witnesses vice versa?

What is your basis to justify that it is hard to influence what people hear?

Having your priorities in the wrong order and putting faith into incorrect assumptions about human behavior, visual skills, and hearing skills are the types of things that will get you killed.

If you are with family or loved ones, don't you think it would be more prudent to issue verbal commands to guide those folks to safety, away from the danger, than to waste precious time chatting up the bad guy?
The priorites will fall into place as they must. Of course I will make sure my loved ones are safe before taking any action as described above. I also did not say you should warn 'before' you shoot. His actions justified your reaction. No warning needed. I would be shouting as I drew, as I placed my front sight on my target, as I pulled the trigger, as I reloaded (if neccessary), as I created distance, as I made sure that the badguy was no longer a threat....get the picture? I don't care what any one hears, as long as what they hear makes them realize that I am the good guy, that's all.
Well, assuming there are no witnesses too close . . . you first yell "HALT" at least three times. Then you must read him his Miranda rights. Then, of course, you must engage in meaningful discourse with him, taking well into account his unfair and tragically deprived upbringing. Next, you offer the poor deprived soul the opportunity to cease his aggression peacefully.

Oh, and one other thing . . . you do the above only AFTER you've blown him into the next world with at least four slugs to the heart-lung area from your trusty .45. :D
I've been thinking about this

This thread's been going on for awhile, and has given me much food for thought. Ultimately, I realized I *would* yell because I would need, for myself, to know that I had tried (even in a split second) to give the guy a chance to live. And what I would yell is:

Drop it or die.
