What Do You Think Of This?

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I wonder how big a part semantics plays in this. Suppose instead of saying “No ammo sales unless you purchase a firearm," the sign said something like "We only have enough stock to sell ammunition to customers who buy a firearm. Thank you for your understanding."

Would that language have raised the same objections? Now it's not saying you are "required" to buy a gun.
what is the cheapest gun they sell??? Lets say its $200, just to have a number...

Now, suppose the sign said "Minimum $200 purchase required before ammunition may be purchased"

would that make you feel differently??
Not requiring you to buy a gun, but requiring you to spend the amount of money needed to buy a gun on something from their shop before they will sell you (probably a very limited quantity) of ammunition.

would that make a difference to you??
The policy is designed to benefit the store's revenue. It's just that simple.
That's true of most store policies. I suspect that once in awhile an owner/manager will make a policy purely because they believe it's the right thing to do, but even then it could be argued that a store that does "the right thing" will benefit its revenues in the long run. As long as enough people agree that it is the right thing, that is!

Anyway, regardless of the motive of the owner/manager in making this particular policy, it's easy to see that it does benefit new owners. That's true even if that's not the motive behind enacting the policy.

The nature of businesses tends to be that both the business and the customer benefits as a result of their interactions. Even though they both are primarily interested in meeting their own needs, they also benefit each other.
What good is a gun without ammo? The decision was made in order to be able to provide ammo for the buyer of a gun. It's as simple as that. Nothing evil about it.
" No, I don't think you do. That's not what I said at all."

No, you didn't come out and say it.

But it's clear that that is the prevailing attitude that is at the basis of your arguments.
" The policy is designed to benefit the store's revenue. It's just that simple."

Holy crap! Those heartless capitalistic bastards! Imagine that, a BUSINESS being worried about revenue. I've never heard of anything so self-serving and selfish in all of my life...

Jesus, really?
"No, you didn't come out and say it.

But it's clear that that is the prevailing attitude that is at the basis of your arguments."

My arguments? You're the one who keeps misinterpreting what I wrote, and then wants to give me a hard time about it. You make a bunch of unfounded assumptions, and then follow up with finger-pointing nonsense.
"Holy crap! Those heartless capitalistic bastards! Imagine that, a BUSINESS being worried about revenue. I've never heard of anything so self-serving and selfish in all of my life...

Jesus, really?"

See post #67. After you grasp that, go back to the beginning of the thread and re-read the posts before mine.

My point was the purpose of the store's new policy was to increase income, and was NOT PUT IN PLACE SO FIRST TIME FIREARM OWNERS WOULD HAVE AMMO.

Yes, I said I thought it was lame of the store to do that, and I stand by that opinion, and I also stand by the store owner's right to run his business as he wants.
Ok, EVERYBODY take a breath and cool your jets...

" The policy is designed to benefit the store's revenue. It's just that simple."

That's your assumption, and it may just be that simple, but WE DON'T KNOW!

As I pointed out in post #10, no one has talked to anyone at the store to find out anything.

The Original poster has not been back to this thread. He didn't identify what store it was. ALL he gave us was "I saw this sign at my LGS" and NOTHING else.

Everything we have been discussing for the last 3 pages is nothing but assumption and speculation. So, since things are going downhill and in circles I'm calling this one done.

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