What Do You Think Of This?

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Over recent years we have been through a number of gun and ammo buying panics and shortages. We've also been through 2 now, toilet paper and hand sanitizer shortages. So we know they end after awhile.

There will be more I'm thinking. What will be a feature for some years to come is the up and down of panics. A pattern has grown before our eyes.

Small business will do what they need to do and I don't judge that. It's a temporary inconvenience to me and to us. Big business will sell their children to make a profit and that I do judge.

The range i go to you must shoot their ammo .It has been that way starting in 1989 .He is still open .If you buy a firearm he will sell you ammo .ONE BOX TO TAKE HOME .The rest to shoot at the range .You must bring all your spent brass to him .except 22 lr .
It makes sense considering that anyone looking to purchase a new firearm is going to want to purchase ammo for it, and firearms sales are more profitable than ammo sales alone, so they're saving the ammo for those who are buying firearms.

Also, it makes sense from a moral standpoint to reserve ammo for those who clearly don't have any and need it for the firearm they just purchased in order to protect themselves.
Last time around (2013/2014) I was at Sportsmans Warehouse and a customer was unloading on the clerk for selling him a 9mm when no ammo was available. The guy was yelling and had to be asked to leave.

It makes sense for the LGS to limit ammo purchases. If they’ve got 25 9mm’s for sale and 25 boxes of ammo, what should they do? No one will be buying guns from them if they can’t find ammo.
I'm pleased to learn that someone here reads my posts! My error is corrected!

Thinking more about it maybe the thing to do is put up a sign that says "Sorry! Out of Ammo!" and another that says "COVID SPECIAL!- New Gun Packages with AMMO! Ask for prices not listed!" There. No one is offended. Isn't that silly?

It's too bad that we have to put up signs that say "Please don't hoard, think of your friends and neighbors"
Understand what they are trying to do; however, even in small town ID, it's only a few hours to about a half dozen other LGSs and large box like Sportsman's, Cabellas' etc.
Frankly, it would be a better business decision to reduce hours. Then they are reducing costs. Some states will pay employees for reduced hours, or they can apply their skills to DoorDash, Uber, Amazon, etc. Keeping the doors open all day long with sales limiting policies does not get a handle on operating costs or allow your employees to use their time wisely. It also seems to be upsetting customers.

Another option is to do something like sell gift cards to the store as a requirement to by ammo. $20 gift card to buy $40 worth of ammo. Then they have a will to come back as supplies restock.
Did you ask the gun store their reason for the sign?

I saw that sign posted at the firearms counter of a sporting goods store when the .22LR ammo crisis was in full swing. Being there idly looking for some .22LR (of a specific brand), I asked the guy behind the counter about it.

He said that they were so limited on available .22LR ammo, they were reserving what little stock they had for anyone buying a .22 so they would be able to have a box of ammo to go along with it. They weren't interested in feeding the "panicked hoarder" crowd. Seemed pretty considerate of their new gun customers, all things considered.
My favorite LGS and range will only sell ammo with a gun rental for the range. I am a good customer and friendly with the owner. The owner's sister works the counter and I always ask for ammo an she always tells me NO with a smile. I understand their reasoning I just give them a hard time about it. This shortage should end one day and when it does
I will "buy it cheap and stack it deep". just like I have done between some of the other shortages.
RETG said:
Understand what they are trying to do; however, even in small town ID, it's only a few hours to about a half dozen other LGSs and large box like Sportsman's, Cabellas' etc.
Who also can't get ammunition, and who may have the same or very similar policies.
Gotta side with the LGS on this one. Like some others have said, it is not just possible, but likely that they only have one box of ammo in stock for each gun in inventory.

Personally, I have dropped off of buying anything for the time being. I have more guns than I need (not nearly as many as I want, though!) and enough ammo to support all the guns I have for a while. As such, I have made the decision not to buy anything that may be needed by someone else who isn't as well set up as I am - especially considering the pretty much unprecedented number of first time buyers out there right now.
The range i go to you must shoot their ammo .It has been that way starting in 1989 .He is still open .If you buy a firearm he will sell you ammo .ONE BOX TO TAKE HOME .The rest to shoot at the range .You must bring all your spent brass to him .except 22 lr .

I would object to that.

tipoc said:
The range i go to you must shoot their ammo .It has been that way starting in 1989 .He is still open .If you buy a firearm he will sell you ammo .ONE BOX TO TAKE HOME .The rest to shoot at the range .You must bring all your spent brass to him .except 22 lr .
I would object to that.
At the range where I shoot, customers can shoot any ammo they want in their own guns. Customers who rent guns from the range have to buy ammo from the range for the rental guns.

That makes sense to me. Why should the range risk having their gun blown up by some dude who reloaded a box of grenades?
I have a few pistols which no range, anywhere, has ammo for. So, obviously I'm not going to be shooting any of them on a range that requires me to use their ammo.

And, I will not patronize any range who has a policy of "if it hits the ground, its theirs..." NO Barking way! If I LEAVE it for them, its theirs but not if it just lands on their ground.

They might as well claim my shoes,, or my car, because I "left" it in their parking lot...no, thank you!
And on the other hand, what if you've already bought 50+ firearms from this LGS, and they won't sell you any ammo unless you buy another firearm?

If you were smart enough to buy 50 guns but weren't smart enough to have a big stack of ammo set back thats on you. Maybe you should have bought 25 guns and 25,000 rounds of ammo instead.

And anyone who has owned guns since 2008 should have figured out by now that panics and shortages happen. 2008 obama was elected and there was a run on guns and ammo. 2012 after Sandy Hook a run on guns and ammo. When it looked like Hillery would be elected in 2016 another run took off.

Trump won and nobody had to worry about a ban or new gun laws. Ammo and components were everywhere and cheap. If you were a gun owner in the last few years you should have been buying the cheap ammo as much as you could afford and building a reloading set up to go with it while the times were good.

And now long time shooters are once again caught with their pants down and belly aching about the new ammo shortage and cussing a gunstore owner trying to provide for the people who buy his guns. If you are short of ammo its your own fault. Some people never learn. They didn't learn this time and they won't learn the next time.:mad:

A couple of years ago when we were facing hard-core ammo shortages people were screaming red-faced murder that stores should be limiting sales because hoarders were coming in and buying everything that they could, often FAR in excess of what they could ever expect to us, and the rest of us couldn't find what we needed.

Now that stores are actually doing this to make certain that the HUGE numbers of first-time gun owners actually have, you know, ammo for their first gun....

Stores are evil, unprincipled bastards intent only on driving away repeat customers.

Talk about not being able to please everyone all of the time... or at any time...
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