What Do You Think Of This?

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New member
So I stopped by a LGS today and they had signs posted that read, “No ammo sales unless you purchase a firearm. Period.”

So I stopped by a LGS today and they had signs posted that read, “No ammo sales unless you purchase a firearm. Period.”

There are a couple of ways that you can interpret this and more logical.

1) No ammunition sold separately as there are limited supplies and no hording?

2) If you buy a firearm, chances are that you will only get the caliber associated with the fire arm. Again, limited supplies and no hording.

Be Safe !!!
I can see the reasoning and even agree with it.

Just imagine you're a new first time firearms buyer, you buy the gun and then are told you can't get any ammo for it.
And on the other hand, what if you've already bought 50+ firearms from this LGS, and they won't sell you any ammo unless you buy another firearm?

I think it's a lame way for the LGS to try to make up for lost ammo sales (due to the shortage) by forcing people to buy guns if they want ammo.

I'd be looking for another store.

It's like a grocery store refusing to sell you mustard and ketchup unless you also buy hotdogs and/or burgers.
Yeah, it's pretty lame. They probably don't have much for ammo anyway.

I'd walk out that door and never go back in again.
i'd be looking for a new LGS.

i would say that at the very least, limit how much ammo one can buy.

have an amount of ammo stocked for gun purchases if possible.

otherwise, first come, first served.
At one gun shop/range I patronize current policy is they will only sell you pistol ammo if you are there to shoot.
This is a business decision, and a tough one emotionally and $-wise for many.
Many of these guys are in a bind not of their own making and don’t have the clout some of the larger retailers do to negotiate product much less price.
I have a lot of empathy for them.
wow, so little empathy for the guys who are really...us...

Do remember who you're talking about, the guys running your local gunshop. This isn't some corporate exec heading walmart or Dick's making a decision to signal their concern and virtue. This is guys trying to make a living today, and hopefully tomorrow using what they can get, and not knowing if they can get more in any kind of timely manner.

"its lame....find another shop...should be first come, first served....."

Do you think they adopted the policy out of petty spite to screw you???

Grow up a bit and realize the world does not revolve around you and your wants, there are other folks involved too, on both sides of the sales counter...

Anybody even talk to the shop to see what situation they are in??

Sure maybe its a cold profit at all costs thing, but ever consider finding out if its not??

Friend of mine worked part time at our local shop, for months now, no customers have been allowed in the shop. If you order something they bring it out to you...process transfers, etc. They have what they can get, and never know if they can get restocked when items get sold.

So, yeah, if there's only 3 bottles of catsup left and you want one and two guys who're spending $50+ in my store want one (and one is going home with me, anyway) who do you think I'm going to give preference to??
No, its not "fair" but it is the way the world works.

Now, I could ask $100 for the last bottle, but then I'd be accused of gouging...:rolleyes:
So you can't buy a few pairs of socks unless you also buy a pair of shoes?

Ammo prices have already risen a lot. 20-rd boxes of 9mm Sig 124gr V-Crown HP have jumped from $11.99 to $21.99, and people pay it. That's almost double, and now I'm supposed to buy another pistol for the privilege of buying the ammo at ridiculous prices? No thanks.

Most gun stores sell a bunch of non-firearm stuff as well. That should help hold them over. Other business are also hurting.
That's almost double, and now I'm supposed to buy another pistol for the privilege of buying the ammo at ridiculous prices? No thanks.

That's "grownup" talk that makes a lot of sense to me.
If they did not, someone would buy every box of ammo and they may as well close the doors and their loyal/local customers would be screwed.

It's a business that has to take care of all their customers, you're not entitled to their inventory.
They're not forcing anyone to buy a gun just to get ammo. What they are doing is insuring that a gun purchaser is able to shoot the gun they just bought. Probably a new to guns person.

Many of us who already have guns knew to stock up on ammo before the panic.
I think I get it but . . .

Maybe a better way to handle this would be to keep some ammo in the back just for those who buy a new gun.

Life is good.
Prof Young
Maybe a better way to handle this would be to keep some ammo in the back just for those who buy a new gun.

and, maybe the gun shop did just that, and is now all sold out of the rest of their ammo, and so, only selling ammo to the people who buy one of their guns... maybe all the ammo they have is one box per gun in stock...maybe something else...


Nothing but the op saying "I saw this sign at the LGS"...and nothing else. No one has talked to the guys at the shop, you're all just ASSUMING things with NOTHING to go on but a single sign being reported.

SO, lets all cool our jets and instead of denouncing the horrid restriction of our being able to buy what we want when we want it, lets consider how things got to this point, and perhaps, what we might choose to do were we in their position...

and how we can all do what we can to get through this tough time, together...
mk70ss said:
So I stopped by a LGS today and they had signs posted that read, “No ammo sales unless you purchase a firearm. Period.”
My LGS is part of a public range. They've been limiting ammo sales to gun buyers and people buying for use at the range for months. They have to -- they can't buy ammunition any more than we can, so they have to try to ration it so they have something to offer the people who need it -- like first-time gun buyers. I don't have a problem with it -- to me it's common sense.

If you think gun shops have some secret sources that we don't have -- you're wrong. My FFL is getting ammo anywhere he can. I see people who rent guns to shoot at the range being handed ammunition in brands I've never even heard of. The guy spends Sundays scouring estate sales, looking for old ammo he can bring into the shop so he'll have something to sell to the rental shooters and gun buyers.

That's how bad things are, and this is an FFL who has been in business for thirty or forty years.
For whatever reason some places are like that. I feel that most of them want to ensure that people that buy guns can get a box of ammo for it. Fortunately things aren't that dire here...yet. They're not in business to turn customers away and wouldn't do so without a damn good reason. Nobody is making you shop at those places. If you don't agree with their policy go somewhere else.
If I am looking at nearly bare shelves of inventory, I completely understand and would not think less of them (other than they don’t do a lot of volume.)

In 1896, NY passed the Raines Law, which was a sort of attempt at regulating bars. You could only get a drink if you were having it with a meal.

In response, the bars started serving up Raines Sandwiches- two rock hard slices of stale bread with some unidentifiable former protein in the middle. Some say it was cheese, some say it was meat, it didn’t matter. It was a sandwich people ordered with their drink, had no intention of eating, then sent it back so the next patron could have a turn with the sandwich.

Buy yourself a used single shot shotgun, buy your ammo, sell the shotgun back to them?

Lots of factors going on, demand is greater than suppy, manufacturing reduced because of the Covid, hunting season starting up, ammo hoarding because of an episode of The Walking Dead came out on the internetflix, fear uncertainty and doubt, all that stuff. Never a better time to start reloading, unless it was 18 months ago when skies were blue and components were cheap and plentiful!
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With handgun ammo approaching $1/round, my feelings aren't hurt one bit. I am not buying at all, even if I COULD find it. I'm certainly not buying a gun just so I can spend $40/50 9mm ammo.
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