What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??

...too strong... can't... resist...

I tried as hard as I could, but got sucked into this thread's strong gravitational pull....

Thanks clintpup, that's the interpretation I was going on, too. Although, I really did like the Teletubbies version, too!

I can't imagine anyone rioting here in Delaware. The only thing that would get us all bent out of shape was if they started charging state sales tax. Man, talk about a reason to burn the city to the ground: "You did away with tax-free shopping!? :eek: Now you will be destroyed!" :mad:

For me, I'd pack a few things and head out to my parents' house in Lancaster County. Why wait for someone to try and break in to take your stuff, or worse? Better to let them have it, call the insurance company, and live to tell about it.
"u" ?

"po po" ?

"hizzle" ?

I normally don't even open posts like this, assuming it to be written by a 13-year old, but stumbled upon it doing a search on a particular user name...

When I see "wording" and language "skills" such as this on various forums, I don't even open them. There is almost a 100% chance there is nothing worthwhile nor even intelligent in the original post.

Here's a tip "powderedsugardonutman" or whatever, if you want to be taken seriously or intelligently (in anything in life), don't speak/write/type in ghetto language. Don't post questions positing questions as to how to go about illegal acts (as in some of your other posts). I'm being serious. It will hold you back in life. Be productive.

If it's too much to communicate above a rap-style communication, might I suggest some other webforums, such as, probably: game forums, linux forums, music forums, etc.? I'm sure they would understand every grunt and hand gesture. And their definitition of "cool", is certainly the currency they value. It's not valued here, nor in the adult world.
Personally speaking, I think one should already have a plan in place. I would lay low as well and hope for the best while being prepared for the worst. Keep more than a box of ammo around if you know what I mean.

Thank you SteveW for your input.

You have totally changed my life. I can now see the light! I will be a better person and strive to do all I can do to fit your view on what others should be!

I think we have to hug. ;)
Hey SteveW13,

Here's someting even scarier, powderedonuts is allowed to have guns! Now that's worse then ANY SHTF scenario. :D
Pythonguy. Allowed to have a gun? Well, I dont remember the 2nd saying anything like that. :barf:

BTW Where can I find a case of Hizzle ronf
Just to continue the edumication here, and yes I did spell it like that! The whole izzzling of words was made public by Snoop Dogg. If you don't know who he is just ask your son or daughter as they run by. I'll put $20 bucks on them knowing! :rolleyes:

He and another artist had songs that used such catchy phrases.

Ahhh.... the joys of living in the concrete jungle.
Dela Where?

I'd have to agree with Dave. Lived in DE my whole life, not much worth looting. 'Course that might be because I live in the boonies. By the time I got there, all the good stuff would be gone :D

Hmmm... everything else was taken, what the heck am I gonna do with an 8-track player and a Betamax VCR??? :confused:

Anyway, I'm far enough off the beaten path that I'll just sit here and listen to the news on my radio and move out when it heads my way.
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Unread Today, 03:32 PM #70
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Join Date: 08-25-2005
Location: Philly
Posts: 11

Just to continue the edumication here, and yes I did spell it like that! The whole izzzling of words was made public by Snoop Dogg. If you don't know who he is just ask your son or daughter as they run by. I'll put $20 bucks on them knowing!

He and another artist had songs that used such catchy phrases.


So its the 'music' thats poisoning the minds of your youth?
Yo. I be strapped like a pair a pants, an be cribbin hard wit my shorty. Some bustahs come up in heah, I gat em hard, be bussin much caps fo shizzle. Lay dem bustahs out. Aint no dissin mah crib, homeboy. We out. Peace.


Lock and load, and stay home with the family, with the provisions I have. Anyone that wants to press their luck will be met with deadly force. Period.

(Yes, stewardess, I DO speak jive!) :D :D

Stevew13 wrote, ""u" ? "po po" ? "hizzle" ?

I normally don't even open posts like this, assuming it to be written by a 13-year old, but stumbled upon it doing a search on a particular user name...

When I see "wording" and language "skills" such as this on various forums, I don't even open them. There is almost a 100% chance there is nothing worthwhile nor even intelligent in the original post.

Here's a tip "powderedsugardonutman" or whatever, if you want to be taken seriously or intelligently (in anything in life), don't speak/write/type in ghetto language. Don't post questions positing questions as to how to go about illegal acts (as in some of your other posts). I'm being serious. It will hold you back in life. Be productive.

If it's too much to communicate above a rap-style communication, might I suggest some other webforums, such as, probably: game forums, linux forums, music forums, etc.? I'm sure they would understand every grunt and hand gesture. And their definitition of "cool", is certainly the currency they value. It's not valued here, nor in the adult world."

Man I bet you couldn't pull a needle out of this guys A** with a tractor!