What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??

I would lock up, hunker down, have weapons ready, discuss some simple scenarios with family so we could at least mentally prepare/rehearse... and listen to tv/radio for info.
Oh stewardess? I speak Jive...

Yanno, back in my biker days I had a patch that said "speak English or get the $#@! out." :cool:
What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??

For those of you who need a translation ... as a hip and happening "street" dude I think I can convert this to english from the pedestrian vernacular in which it was originally written.

PO PO = one of the teletubbies (the purple one, I believe)
HIZZLE = a high energy soft drink

It is clearly referring to a riot caused by Po Po being out of his favorite soft drink. I would assume it is therefor a riot of small children.

Rather than responding with gunfire, perhaps a ring of plates of milk and cookies around the homestead would be better.

To those I've helped become more cool, you're welcome.

Garand, there are days I wonder why I come back here. That's the funniest thing I've read here in a long time. Thank you.

Of course, now people will hate you because I'm staying....
If they need their energy drinks so badly that they riot, won't they be really tired and drowsy? However, a mob of purple children's show characters would be quite unsettling.
Btw... has anyone in this forum ever thought about having extra food, ammo fuel at home in case ever needed?

Yup. 4 hurricanes last year. I have generator, water and canned food. I always stock up this time of year.

Never had a riot though. I can't imagine it ever happening in the town I live in.

po po out of hizzle, huh? I hate it when that happens. Perhaps I should store some hizzle away with the canned goods.
Riot and the Po Po........

I think I would emulate the Korean Store Owners during the riots that began when the Infamous rodney king asked for and got a good head cobbing by the LEOS.

That is go to the roof with an excellent firearm and mucho ammo for same, shoot first and not ask questions.
You do not have regular riots anyway. At university the city had 3 major riots with lots of destruction in just that year. Generally I kept out the way of such. Safe enough generally as long as you don't decide to do your grocery shopping in the middle of it. Also been through plenty of bomb threats back when the IRA were liking to blow up streets. Those were nastier. My cousin's road was one of those bombed, but luckly she was at work at the time.
I have a fridge full of food, and we'll just say enough ammo for quite a mob scene. So my actions would be to open a bottle of Cabernet, turn the HD big screen on and not worry about too much!


I think you mentioned that you are from Miami. you must not have lived here for that long. I have spent all 30 years of my life here. We have had a few incidences in our colorful incidences.

In 1989, when Colombian born Miami Police officer, William Lozano, was acquitted of the wrongful shooting of a black motorcyclist (the passenger died as well) Downtown and Overtown Miami erupted in a riot that lasted 3 days. Granted this wasn't a full blown L.A. Rodney King type riot but it was nerve racking none the less.

When Hurricane Andrew hit in August of 1992, it wiped out Florida City and severely damaged Homestead, Cutler Ridge, and the surrounding areas. The looting probably began at Cutler Ridge Mall before the winds even died down. Things were pretty crazy until the national guard showed up. Even then, there were curfews enforced and national guardsmen walking around with M-16s in hand. Open carry became the practice for almost every business owner down there, especially those selling generators and ice. It is amazing how tragedies such as these bring out the best in many people but the worst in others. Many home owners made signs saying "You Loot. We Shoot." I was still in high school yet and didn't have any firearms at the time. Fortunately, we lived in Miami Beach and were not severely affected.

When things get crazy in Miami, they usually raise the draw bridges to prevent the rioting from spreading from Downtown. Back then, I-395 had a draw bridge. The 79th St. Causeway still has a drawbridge. That allows the police to contrate on I-195 and blockade it if necessary.

If thing get ugly here, it will most likely be hurricane related. We Miamians are a pretty laid back bunch and don't want to mess up our little tropical paradise. If things do get ugly from a hurricane, most homes will already be shuttered up. That makes it easy to guard a single entrance. If someone is trying to pull off your shutters, you would have more than ample time to greet them with a shotgun barrel in their face. this is assuming that you still have a rood over your head and that there are still things worth protecting. if not, it is time to go out there and loot some for your own! :D :eek: :p
Nope not from Miami. I remember a riot in the 80's down there. And I thought the Elian Gonzales thing was going to get out of hand, but it didn't. and I can't imagine what the looting, etc. must have been like after Andrew. Saw it all on the news and didn't have to experience it first hand.

We had a little looting up here when Francis and Jeanne came through, but that was mostly where someone had left town and didn't have any neighbors close by. My neighbor found a looter on his friend's street. Looter was from Dade, incidentally. Seems like it wouldn't be worth it to drive 100 miles to steal stuff, but it happens more than people think.
I hate those f-ing SOB's. Your neighbor should have shot him. People are suffering and other people are making it worse rather than helping. :rolleyes: :( I probably would not have shot him with a real gun but I would have nailed him with a nice rock from a sling shot. I can't believe some people can be such scumbags.

Okay... Ranting is finished. Back to riot drills.

I would say keep the shotgun handy but make sure you wear those Rambo like Bandoliers loaded with shotshells and a red bandana. Image is a big part of the game and they may choose to go for an easier house... like one not guarded by a maniac! :eek: :D :p Just kidding!
That's when the M4 and the FN 5.7 see action. The first few looters that try to enter your house will probably also be the last.
Hmmmm...how about leave. My stuff is not worth my life or worth taking a life for. We are talking about looters, right? If they came to do me harm...then its an entirely different question and situation.
This is a good question here is what I'd do. I'd collect my family and get everyone home first. Then give every member a walkie talkie an M4 and handgun which we have ready. Two members would guard the front and back entrances while other family members would move valuables upstairs. After everything was secure and safe I'd go over to the neighbors house and give them a radio and see if they needed firearms. If possible then I'd go to the other neighbors house and do the same. After all that I'd have my wife take over and Id get some rest because I'll be up all night. Exterior flood lights really come into play here. We have enough food and water to outlast any riot. Oh and leave tresspassers where they lie to discourage other violaters.
Well first I would mount the M60 on the pickup. Then install the 40mm tube on the AR. I would then Charge the chainlink fence with 220 volts, and strategically place the claymores. Cook up a few moltov cocktails, and make some C4. Reinforce the doors, and walls in a safe room, and add pressuration tanks to keep out any outside contamination. Then sit it out. I would not go out to the trouble, but neither would the trouble want to come to me.