What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??

Hmmmm...how about leave. My stuff is not worth my life or worth taking a life for. We are talking about looters, right? If they came to do me harm...then its an entirely different question and situation.

Firstly, I am not about to be tread upon by any thugs. I own a nice house with a lot of nice stuff in it and if people want to break in and try to steal it, I will gladly end their pathetic existence on this planet. Secondly, anyone trying to enter my house without authorization is a perceived threat.
Stay on your side of the tracks. Seems most of these riots take place in the very location that certain groups that are prone to rioting live. To date, they don't head over to areas where folks like me live.
Now, if that were to change, then I have a contingency plan..........
What do you do?

Many folks have already touched on what I am about to say/ share.

I grew up when the threat of communism was the hot topic. We had the JKF shooting in Dallas, Kruschev had banged his shoe and stated "...we will destroythe US from within..." , we had Civil Defense drills more than fire drills, and everyone knew what the CD symbols looked like - these designated bldgs where one went for safety...like while downtown shopping. JCPenny's basement was one place to go...

One knew their neighbors, many times families lived on the same properties, or neighborhoods.

"Bug out Bags and Serious Hit The Fan..." This is NOT a new concept. Folks have always planned ahead. Water, canned foods from the garden, tornado shelters, generators, first aid...you name it. Go ask a 80 yr how they survived during the Depression.

They survived before 911, before Internet, before 24/7/365 box stores existed.

Eldest of 4 kids, the Rioters decided to come to our neighborhood, brick batting the house. I put kids in a bedroom, they had been taught best can at there ages what to do. Hundkered down and using heavy furniture.

I pushed a kitchen chair under the knob of the back door, I pushed a chair in front of the front door - the one being brick batted.

When the wooden door gave way, and that chair was moved aside... - I used MY .22 revolver to stop an immediate threat.

You tell the sibs you are okay and for the eldest of the 3 in the bedroom to give the others some comfort. You reload the spent rds, then you wait. When the neighbor hollers out with the pre-arranged password - you have help.

You use some old boards another neighbor has to nail over the windows and front door. Neighbors checked on one another - toting lever actions, revolvers, shotguns...

...Nailing up boards and such as need with lights from lanterns, flashights and such. Any small grass fires you put out with garden hoses...you took action, you didn't have lights, and the phone was either dead, or the party line was overloaded.

The LEOs have enough to contend to as is in other areas, you deal with it yourself, that is why you pre planned everything from communications, to water and food, to guns and ammo.

The little sibs eat canned peaches, fight over the 'juice" in the jar, tear stained faces get sticky, and everything else too. Gonna be allright, we will deal with the peanut butter and crackers going everywhere too, later.

This would NOT be the last time I would face Rioters that chose to come to where I was. You do what you have practiced, trained, educated, prepared ahead for, the numbers of the years may change - the basics never do.

Not far off the mark, Miami rioted three times in the 1980s, L.A. went through three days of rioting after the first Rodney King trial,so the scenerio has merit. I'd just load all my weaponsm kep the family inside and shoot the first person tried to harm any of us.
Why do we resort to ebonics when we talk about the police?

Hunkering down with the family inside the riot zone sounds like a bad idea, assuming any of the family are children. Why expose them to a danger/risk you apparently know is coming?
What would I do? Exactly what I did during the "Rodney King Riots." I'd go about my usual business, but with a little more firepower in the vehicle --- there is already a 10mm handgun on my person in normal times. Pop a carbine and a few high-cap magazines in the car "just in case."
we don't often have riots in rural mississippi

but if we did my main concern would be the number of large windows i have in my hizzle.
cosmolinelover said:
you're apparently in california 10mm Bob, I bet Feinstein and Boxer wouldn't be too happy with your attitude
My US Senators and I rarely agree on much of anything, especially where firearms are concerned. I suppose Sen.Feinstein and I do agree on one firearm-related issue --- she had a CCW and I currently have one. :rolleyes:
If the riot was going on in our area and spreading, I would rush to my neighbor's houses (if one of them didn't do it to the rest of us first) and call them to barracade our neighborhood street arming ourselves with whatever guns we have among us. If the riot mob of whatever people that are upset or druggedup spread to our neighborhood we would be ready.

If on the other hand, I was on the other side of town or downtown and a riot broke out all across teh downtown area I would get to my car and get out a town. If a mob tried to attack my car I'd put the punch the accellerator and run through the mob (I've never understood why people don't do that...although I do remember seeing a car do that during the Rodney King riots :cool: ). If I wasn't anywhere near my car I would make my way to the nearest LEO facility with my gun handy ready for use. If I didn't know where to find a LEO facility I'd get into a building and barracade myself in.
drag the gillie out of storage...

barracade the family in the basement with orders to shoot anything that
didn't respond to our password challenge. Take up position on the roof,
(their is much to be said for an elevated position and a clear line of sight)
if anyone approachs with hositle intent, give them a warning shot
to the COM........ Run the perimeter with sucessive rings of trip wire and claymores....... :D
For those of you who need a translation ... as a hip and happening "street" dude I think I can convert this to english from the pedestrian vernacular in which it was originally written.

PO PO = one of the teletubbies (the purple one, I believe)
HIZZLE = a high energy soft drink

It is clearly referring to a riot caused by Po Po being out of his favorite soft drink. I would assume it is therefor a riot of small children.

Rather than responding with gunfire, perhaps a ring of plates of milk and cookies around the homestead would be better.

To those I've helped become more cool, you're welcome.

Garand Illusion-----That's a gaw-damned riot!! (no pun intended) Nice....Very nice.
Okay, I'll bite...what on earth is this thread about?

I figured out (I think) what "po po" means...my 7-year old told me, but he was not at all sure I would approve of referring to police officers by such a term.

Best I could tell, "po po" was scatalogical, in that the thread was directed toward figuring out what we would do if the SHTF.

But what on EARTH does "hizzle" mean?

Neither of the potential definitions I've run across here make a whole lot of sense. Example One: What would we do if there was a riot and the police no longer have any of a particular kind of soft drink? Couldn't figure out how law enforcement thirst-quenching is involved or relevant.

Example Two: What would we do if there was a riot and the police "is" ("are"?) "out of home" or "out of house"? Closest I can figure out here is, "what would I do if there was a riot and all the police were homeless?".


I don't think a police officer's problems with his landlord just really wouldn't have much of an effect on my conduct during a riot.

Help me out here, guys....

To the extent the question is directed toward determining my course of action if there was a riot and the police were nowhere to be seen, or overwhelmed, my answer follows.

Hunker down, armed to the teeth. Make sure everyone else in the house is, too.

I wouldn't attempt to flee...too much a chance on the roads being jammed or meeting up with bad apples on the road.
well we live in the boonies, so i would put on the camo and camp out in the woods and pick em off with the .22wmr as they came down the driveway cause i don't wanna get stuck in my house. and then pop em with my left over 20 gauge slugs and #2 buckshot out of the mossberg if they came too close.

Alright Nagant, I'll end your suffering... "What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle?" is roughly translatable to, What would you do if there was a riot and the police were nowhere to be found?
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Hizzle and All

I thank you Clintpup. That was sort of the impresssion I was getting, confirmed by my 15-year old...he tells me that in this instance "out of hizzle" is roughly equivalent to "not home" or "not there".

He also tells me that the original poster (Powderdonuts) committed an act of bad ghetto grammar, to wit: the proper question was "What do you do if there is a riot and the the po po is out 'da' hizzle...."

That makes it all so perfectly clear to me now...