What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??


Lets pretend that there is a riot going on in your town. Looting, pillaging, people are breaking and entering places, stealing, shooting, etc.. etc... about as bad as it can get.

There is chaos evrywhere.

what would you do yo?
Head for the riot area and try to get a flat screen TV!

Possibly use it as an excuse to burn down the house of the butthead neighbor across the street who keep complaining about the VERY FEW vehicles up on blocks in my front yard.

Either that, or just lay low and try to keep myself and family safe.
Only time I'd be worried about civil unrest around here is if one of the mountains blew and people started freakin, or a nasty earthquake happens..

and if so, theres a perk to living in the boonies :D
Hey jonathon, they have an alert out right now for giant waves (can't spell the term) for the coasts of Oregon and Washington right now, seems that the earth is getting restless and another earthquake happened off the coast of California, alert in effect until around 7am tomorrow.

So, this may not be that far off the mark.

Me, in the valley, would protect the home, watch the news, and worry that the local gas station down the road closed. If need be, I could always just go the the indoor range, plenty of guns and ammo (including fully auto) and just camp out there :). (I can walk to the indoor range, it's that close).

Just now heard about that Wayne..

The "big one" that everyone's predicting will come from the Puget Sound area, we had one about 4 years back that messed up some old buildings and caused Boeings runway up there to rupture. They say we have the potential to break any recorded record, which is NOT a pleasant thought. A 12 in the middle of a rainy day would pretty much make the northwest grind to a halt...

Plenty of food here.. just need to kill it :p
I devote all my energy to the only real thing worth fighting for, my family. Everything else can rot.
I'd probably get on the roof of my family's housewith my SKS. "Take the high ground" so to speak. Have other family members in the egress window "foxholes" :p with whatever suits them best. I can fire warning shots into the dirt of the front yard if need be. In the LA riots that was basicly all it took to convince the crowds to more elsewhere to easier targets. Stockpiling water would be a must and we have enough canned food to last awhile. (I need to loose a few pounds anyway. :rolleyes: )
Depends on where you live

I live 35 miles west of Mt. St. Helens, so, like Jonathan, I'm more worried about the mountain than civil unrest. In the event of civil unrest, I'd just hunker down and kill elk to eat and watch all the dudes in the city kill each other on the boob tube.....

Of course, if any unsuitable types wonder my way, I'd defend the homestead.
Depending why there rioting I'd join in, get my self and the misses some new things, try to get back home safely to hide it and go back for more. I'm a civilian, so I stick to my kind. The cops can worry about themselves.
Wont happen, but if it does its pretty simple: Load all my guns and have em standby. Btw... has anyone in this forum ever thought about having extra food, ammo fuel at home in case ever needed? Lets say a riot brakes out or some other **** happens..
Living in earthquake country I'd be okay just hunkering down and defending the neighborhood area with my neighbors.

We live in a townhome complex in the southern part of the silicon valley. After the '89 quake we saw almost zero in the way of crime -- seems even the BG's are worried about their families -- but a riot or civil unrest is another matter. If it seems to be headed our way, several neighbors blocking the 2 entrances with trucks keeps down the riff-raff and a couple of people walking the perimeter would deter the BGs.
What do u do if there is a riot and po po is out of hizzle??

For those of you who need a translation ... as a hip and happening "street" dude I think I can convert this to english from the pedestrian vernacular in which it was originally written.

PO PO = one of the teletubbies (the purple one, I believe)
HIZZLE = a high energy soft drink

It is clearly referring to a riot caused by Po Po being out of his favorite soft drink. I would assume it is therefor a riot of small children.

Rather than responding with gunfire, perhaps a ring of plates of milk and cookies around the homestead would be better.

To those I've helped become more cool, you're welcome.
I would defend the home, of course.

Actually, the dog would do a pretty decent job of defending the home by herself.

But I would back her up as needed. Hmmmm. Which gun for riot control? I think the AK. The shotty hits hard, but does not have the mag capacity for "riot control".

And I think nothing else says 'leave me alone' more profoundly than an AK.