What did you carry this Thanksgiving? (2013)

I carried a WW I vintage Colt 1911 in a OWB to both Thanksgiving dinners I went to, they are the best bring a pie eat and no clean up or leftovers to deal with.
Went to my mom's house wearing my CZ75B


So... I'm usually a poly/striker guy, but the first firearm I ever became smitten with was the CZ 75B, and that flame hasn't burned low. I'm tempted to offer you something for a night alone with that beauty...

Taurus 25-PLY,,,

I carried the smallest handgun I own,,,
Because my brother, who is a liberal musician,,,
Said his girlfriend (an otherwise sweetheart) was nervous.

So I promised them that they wouldn't even know I was carrying.

My Taurus 25-PLY stayed in my pocket the entire time.
(Even when another guest started playing his banjo.)


To their credit they didn't say "Do not carry a gun in my house.",,,
She simply stated her nervousness about "live" guns,,,
So my brother asked me to keep it hidden.

I respected their wishes.


I carried the smallest handgun I own,,,
Because my brother, who is a liberal musician,,,
Said his girlfriend (an otherwise sweetheart) was nervous.

So I promised them that they wouldn't even know I was carrying.

My Taurus 25-PLY stayed in my pocket the entire time.
(Even when another guest started playing his banjo.)

To their credit they didn't say "Do not carry a gun in my house.",,,
She simply stated her nervousness about "live" guns,,,
So my brother asked me to keep it hidden.

I respected their wishes.


I love this answer, lol. Seriously though, with a nervous girl friend and a liberal musician brother, I would say they handled it very well. Many others would have faced banishment. I have a suggestion aaroundghraham. Offer to take your brother and his sister target shooting! Worked for my wife and sister in law!
Hello kiethdog,,,

Offer to take your brother and his sister target shooting! Worked for my wife and sister in law!

Actually my brother grew up around guns just like I did,,,
Of the three brothers my Momma raised,,,
He was the best shot.

In his youth he was an avid small game hunter,,,
Now he says, "I've shot everything I ever wanted to."

His attitudes aren't truly anti-gun,,,
So much as they are anti-violence in nature.

His girlfriend (whose house hosted Turkey Day dinner) is a retired school teacher,,,
Her attitudes on firearms are definitely live and let live,,,
Just not in her house please.

It's all good,,,
He's my little brother,,,
I love him dearly and respect his lady. :)


I knew that I would be drinking a bit too much, so I carried a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife (the Scientist model) instead of my pistol. :D
We just stayed at home; had family dinner there; I carried S&W 360 in Alessi Deep Cover holster; after a few hours, carried Pepto Bismol......... :)
A turkey, it had my colt LW commander inside the cavity in case someone got out of hand while I was carving it up.... lol

In all reality, we all have shotguns inside the house loaded up and ready to ock. A handgun just dont do it for me. If you read the thread awhile ago about my cousin getting shot 5 times with a 357 and living today, well a handgun just dont cut it IMHO.

They look cool and all, but the shotgun will take the bad guys out. Couldnt get it into the turkey tho so I went with the colt this tme...
Went to my brothers house just across town. Carried my Kahr P9 in a Crosbreed Supertuck like always. Why, because I choose to be armed at all times.
taurus 605 poly protector, favorite pistol i have owned to date!! lightweight and shoots like a dream , i havent put any 357 through it yet, but the +p 38 is very easy to manage despite its lightweight package
I felt like going a little classy. Walther PPK in .32ACP. And, yes, I made myself a proper Bombay Sapphire Martini.

I felt like going a little classy. Walther PPK in .32ACP. And, yes, I made myself a proper Bombay Sapphire Martini.

For the love of Pete, please tell us it was indeed "shaken, not stirred" ;).