What did you carry this Thanksgiving? (2013)

Carried at home? I hear such things and gag. I hate wearing a gun. Can't imagine packing in my own home. Are guns handy in the house? Yup. On my person? No way. I am never more than 5 seconds from a gun in the house and with 3 dogs roaming around, nobody is coming in undetected.
Kahr CW380 with CT laser iwb and Ruger LCP with CT laser in front pocket of a hoodie. My nephew carried his 3 inch SP101 iwb.
Ruger lcp through 5 states. Most of the time in the console because my regular 4 o'clock IWB gets uncomfortable on 13 hour car trips.
Didn't carry on my person inside my aunt's house for dinner, although I did carry the P7 when I had to go with my friend to tow his broken car that night. Never know what kinds of shady people you can meet on the side of the road...
My daughter and her husband hosted Thanksgiving dinner for the first time. We had 23 people. I had my usual, a Glock 26 IWB, and my wife had her Sig P238 in a Remora IWB. Turned out we didn't need them - the turkey put up no resistance. But you just never know, do you?
Pocket carried the 642 to Grandmas Thursday afternoon.

Morning and evening it was the Ruger BH FT .44 Special in pursuit of deer. It was nearby at night too.
We entertained family in our own home and didn't travel anywhere, so I didn't feel any need to carry. With all the adult males and two large dogs in the home, all I carried was platters and wine bottles to the table.
Went to my mom's house wearing my CZ75B

Since my warm coat has a nice cross draw position inner pocket.
Glenn E. Meyer, could you show that, or where you got it. Great idea that I have never seen offered.
Don’t see many clothing stores in my aria advertising coats with holsters.
Thank you.
Glock 26 with many mods and a 17 magazine.
Had to stay in the truck since my sister in-law would pass out, become a screaming anti gunner, call the police and notify President Obama, Bidden, the ATF and the Braddy bunch if she found out I was carrying in her house.
I stayed at home with the family and ate but had a S&W 1006 near by just incase a unwelcome visitor stopped by or the turkey got out of line.
Me and my dad started cooking when we were done hunting. Might not have been as concealed as the rest of you, but the 760 3006 and his Savage weren't to far out of reach.