What are some fun things to shoot?


New member
Right now I know melons, paint cans full of water, and apples. Anything else fun to shoot that won't break the bank?
We sometimes by a case of Clay/Skeet from WalMart. You get about 90 of them for 4 bucks. At 30+ yards with a pistol is kind of fun. You can make up little competitions with them and its cheap!

Charcoal briquettes works too, its just smaller.

I have also seen an older fellow teaching his grandkids to shoot a .22 using animal crackers at 25 yards.
If you bought any of that horrible Holiday Spice Pepsi (I think thats what it was called), shake it up real good and give it what it deserves.
Really dumb question.....

Those that shoot clay pidgeons how long before they disappear? Do they just dissolve if it rains? They sound like a nice cheap reactive rifle target for 100yds. Even i can see orange :) but i don't wanna have a large mess to pick up. Biodegradable targets rock!
If you've got the coin and a far out place to do it, Tannerite is the ticket. $100 gets you a case of 20 charges.

Don't do it anywhere near people or homes though. You should have at least a 100yard distance between the target and any people or structures. Its dangerous stuff, but very impressive. Like a stick of dynamite. As with any explosive device, be very careful and follow the direction on the package.
Clay pigeon targets--Problem!

Re. Clay Pigeon targets, NO THEY DO NOT DISAPPEAR!! A trip to any trap range and a glance downrange will convince you of that. The broken pieces can cut bare feet if they are left in an area where (for example) little kids might be playing. And it says on the clay pigeon boxes not to use them where hogs feed, as the pitch used in making the clay birds is toxic to hogs.

Having said all that, in a place where the broken pieces will endager no hogs or kids, and where they will not be regarded as unsightly, I agree they sure are fun to bash!
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If your range allows it and you like medium or long distance shooting, make a gong. Mine is 9" around 2 inches thick, weighs about 50 lbs though. I take it to the 400 and 500 yard makers which is the limit at my range. What I like is knowing right then if you hit it. You hear the bong a second or two after you shoot. At the end of my shoot I re-paint the gong so I can judge my pattern the next trip.
Re. Clay Pigeon targets, NO THEY DO NOT DISAPPEAR!!

I talked to the guy at my local trap/skeet range, he says they do disappear. They have been there for 40 years and have never picked up the clays.
Don't disappear, hmmmm...

Far be it from me to argue with 40 yrs. experience. However, at every trap/skeet range I've ever visited, there are thousands of bashed clay birds to be seen, lying downrange.

If they do disappear, it can't be all that quickly.

How/where do they go? Are clay birds water-soluble, or what? I admit I've never examined them more than superficially as I put them onto the target thrower. They seem to be some sort of formed, heated substance, sort of glassy-looking on the bottom. And it says on the box that they contain pitch, which I'm certain isn't water-soluble--it used to be used to seal the seams of wooden boats and ships, during the 1700's and 1800's.

I'm not arguing, just curious.
If you have a large, safe area to shoot, fill some plastic milk jugs with water or water and food coloring. We used to shoot them from 75 - 100 yards with .308's and larger calibers. They will literally jump up in the air about 4 feet and pretty much explode as the bullet exits :) . I suspect they will also do this at closer range with handguns, or at least spray the water everywhere.
Bowling pins are lots of fun, Pumpkins are fun, and like listed about You cant beat tannerite The exploding targets :D super nice
Fire extinguishers. We had a bunch of old ABC's at work that were no longer serviceable but still charged. Set them up at 100 yards and aim a little low of center. Talk about great visual effects.
Will someone soak a clay pigeon over night?

And let us know what happens :D .....Or is there already a definitive answer? Whatever they seal/color them with migth be water proof... :confused: