What and how do you carry at funerals?

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Most people are never going to need to use their gun, and for those that do it will probably be only once. So if you're actually serious about armed self-defense and you're trying to be prepared for that one time you might need your gun, why in the world would you only carry it some of the time? That makes no sense to me at all.


Carry when and where you can.
I carry at funerals because I carry everywhere that is legal. The reasons have been discussed adequately. I carry the same at church, funeral homes, and so on as I do in other situations - G26 IWB.
I dont go ANYWHERE without my pistola. I dont care where it is. Even schools and banks and places I'm not supposed to. The banks we've talked to are more than happy anyway.
Its better to take the extreme slim chance and get caught with it, than to need that gun because some POS just shot my wife and daughters and they are screaming in pain. It is on my belt at all times, unless its hidden in a pocket somewhere. If its concealed, then nobody knows its there and there is no one thats going to tell me when I can and cant defend myself.

I live 40 miles from town and had 3 neighbors shot in cold blood in their own house about 3/4 mile behind me. It can happen ANYTIME and ANYWHERE so be ready.

Biff, I use a pocket holster, but ankle carry sounds pretty good for that.
What and how do you carry at funerals?

Why do you ask?

Either a funeral is just like any other occasion, or it's not. If it's like any other occasion, carry what you carry anywhere else, depending on circumstances.

I maintain that a funeral is a special occasion, in that it is the one place and time where you cannot avoid dealing with mortality. So much of our culture in these days seems dedicated to metaphorically plugging our ears and humming real loud and not facing death and eternity. Even, sadly and strangely, churches and funerals. See Funerals from Hell Where Have All the Graveyards Gone?.

It's almost hard to ask because it's such a personal subject, but I'm very curious....
What do you carry and how do you carry it at funerals, and what is your reasoning in your decisions?

See Post #10 above. Which is all, here and now, I will say about the matter.
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I've never carried at a funeral and for the last 5 minutes I've been thinking that this is the weirdest post on this forum... But then I came up with a great reason for carrying. Westboro baptist church might show up to Pickett a funeral. That's a good reason to carry.
Same thing and method I carry everywhere else.

My 642 in my pocket.

As to the Westboro Baptist Church, I'm a member of the Patriot Riders,

I carry a HD Sporster with straight pipes.
I've got three modes of carry. In uniform, in a suit and 'everything else' which is basically farm/chore duds or shorts and a t-shirt in the summer.

I've also got a 1911, G23 and a LCP. I can always make at least one of them work for whatever I'm doing.
Merry Christmas, reloader28,

More often than not, bank patrons inside of a bank while it's being robbed never know it is. But let's suppose you do know a bank is being robbed and you're inside of it during the robbery. What would you do?
SansSouci said:
Merry Christmas, reloader28,

More often than not, bank patrons inside of a bank while it's being robbed never know it is. But let's suppose you do know a bank is being robbed and you're inside of it during the robbery. What would you do?
He'd probably do absolutely nothing, just like the rest of us who carry a gun for self-defense. But I don't think that's what he's referring to; he was just saying he carries everywhere, including banks.

In my state, it's perfectly legal to carry in banks, so I carry in banks. Would I intervene in a robbery? Almost certainly not; almost all bank robberies are non-violent and I don't carry to be a vigilante, I carry to protect myself and my family. But I carry in banks because I carry EVERYWHERE I can legally carry, because if I didn't it would defeat the whole purpose of carrying a gun in the first place.
As a guy who rarely wears one, seems like wearing a suit and somewhat loose clothes would give more options rather than limit them. In any case, in those situations where carry isn't practical, and yet I don't want to be totally naked, I can forget I'm wearing a tiny .25 on my ankle.

With emotions running high, funerals can be a site for violence more than you might think, if the deceased passed from an unnatural, untimely, and controversial death.
One thing to consider is that wakes and funerals can be places where emotions run very high, old family disputes can flare up and things can generally get 'unusual' very quickly.

As an LEO, I once had to break up a WEDDING, with the bride's family and groom's family literally trying to kill each other (running to the cars for their guns, using the cutlery, etc.) so I guess I view it differently, but I'd say a funeral is a great place to be defensively armed.

Yes I carry at funerals and weddings. Usually in a pocket holster due to the hugging/kissing going on at these events. YMMV. tom. :cool:
Westboro was there for the service of a very good friend of mine a few years ago. I watched one of those losers wave a horrible sign in his widow's face as she walked towards the church. I have never been more tempted to break the law. But I'm glad I didn't, they record everything they do. They support themselves through lawsuits.
I carry when I have concerns about my safety. I think the odds of criminal attack during a funeral would be so low as to not warrant any concern. But if you are that paranoid, why would a funeral require a different carry gun than any other time?
Since I typically wear suit or sportcoat to a funeral, that pretty much opens up just about any carry option, but I would probably just stick to regular IWB carry.
Wooden stake - might be a vampire.

Seriously, if I am wearing a jacket and tie then a belt gun works. A Glock of some kind is my choice.

I've had some hellacious trips across country to make a funeral. It was solved with whisky after the ceremony.
Many GREAT posts in this thread!

642 ILB (Inside Left Boot) just in case I can't out run the huggers.
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