Western States TFL Round Up - Part Deux

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Saving money for Ammo... :)

Some have a grill?
Maybe DC can do up Some Fish Tacos...
I could do some Enchilladas...

Any one with a really big cooler? :)

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

I'm gonna talk to the wife and see if she can switch shifts to allow us to attend if ya'll would accept a AR15.com'er

Just a thought...is there any campgrounds around there? Seems like a camping/shooting trip would be even more fun.
SameShot, Different day
Hey SameShot Im looking for a campground too but really just to save money and not have to pay for a motel room :) I might be a little warm for camping though

I hope you can make it.
Camping? I have seen folks camping by the river that is near the range. Don't know if it is legal - Good question to ask Parks and Rec Dept when I call today... If you would like to try this spot, just be sure you have a STUDLY 4X4. Tried it once in my Aerostar (grin) and ended up backing up all the way out to avoid a hi-center.

Just remember, we are wigging out about fires here in Nv... got half the state on fire last I heard.

AR15.com - I live there too! Also GlockTalk.com. I wonder what other Forumites we will meet! Last I checked, you just had to be a FiringLine member. Who is bringing the Cell Linked Notebook??? (grin)
I do have a "Studly" 4X, but I sure don't want to do any illegal campimg when the thing has CA plates and is loaded with guns :)

SameShot, Different day
Here is the latest update from the Carson City Parks and Rec Dept - Range opening date is now August 16th... Monday. Still plenty of time. I will call and see what they say Monday.

Checked on camping. Davis Creek/Bower's Mansion is on the Reno side of the Washoe Valley (Washoe Valley is located between Reno/Carson - closest to Carson City) and is available for camping... but you must have a reservation!?!? And, of course, I left the phone number at the office (sheepish grin). Took about 8 calls to find the Davis Creek camping grounds phone number. I will post it asap.

The area the Carson City range is located in is definitly BLM land. No Fires, Camping, or shooting Horse (Heroin)(LOL) Sorry...

More updates coming. Calling CCW/Sherrif's dept Monday (again). They didn't think it was very funny when they asked my my name and I said it was Ewok... (grin) to ask about transport laws. No sense of humor.

Well, I am obviously punchy. Time to sign off.
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