Western States TFL Round Up - Part Deux

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I've been corresponding with Patrick Seeber in Reno, who says that the Carson City range is definitely the way to go. The fact that it's free is nice, but, more importantly, there's no range master. If we went to the other range, there'd be all sorts of rules, and it would close at 5pm.

What are the nice places to stay in Carson City? I see that there are a few casino/hotels; what are they like?

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited July 23, 1999).]
I've been considering the Super 8 in Carson City. It ain't the Ritz, but I'll only be there for a few hours anyway, and unconscious for most of that time. Cheap, too.

My only problem is lack of plastic; I can't, AFAIK, make a reservation without it. Anyone have info on walk-ins?

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
exact what are the dates of this thing. i wanna go, but I don't nkow somes got something about the 22, but the last weekend in 28-29

I think we did to have the exact dates so nobody is confused

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Ewok: Post the address of the range in Carson City.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Gary will correct me if I'm wrong, but the address of the range is 4000 Flint Dr. Only directions I have at the moment are "U.S. Highway 50 East to Rifle Range Road."

And the date is 8/28, 8/29.

If there are no objections, I'll modify the main post to say Carson City instead of Reno.

BTW, I've heard reports of (legal)full-auto firearms at this range, so I guess we don't have to worry too much about what we bring ;)
OK, we've got the dates and the range address. Now, is lodging gonna be a do-it-yerself thing, or should we try to get a group rate someplace?

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Do I need to be invited or can I just show up?

And if for whatever reason I cannot get off of Mt Whitney or White Mt. in time for the range, do I have to promise to quit this board?

Duncan, everyone on The Firing Line is invited! The range is free and unsupervised, so there are no guarantees of how much room we'll have. If necessary, we'll just head out into the foothills....

I think those are the right directions. It's in a nowhere place (good) and you drive for a couple of miles in from Hwy50. I'm trying to dig out the phone # to a contact in Carson City Sheriff/PD for confirmation.

BTW, I'm bringing my beer can mortar. My range won't let me shoot it down here. Boys, fill a beer can with plaster and let's lob it out. We're forming the Mortar Detachment (Western Divison) of TFL up there.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Hello, It's me - Someone! (grin)

Ewok, hope you don't mind if I jump in... It is your show after all - don't want to steal your thunder...

More range details - This place is my weekend hangout twice a month.

Full Auto is fine. See it all the time. Veggies - No prob. There is a dump right in the neighborhood that will take a small donation to dump. I shoot computer and laser printer there on occasion.

From Reno:
Take Hwy 395 or Virginia Street south out of Reno to Carson City. Stay on it even after you hit Carson City. You will see a McDonalds on your right near KMart, then one on the left... You will want to make a left turn on Hwy 50 soon, so don't snooze. Once you are on Hwy 50, stay on it... you will begin going up a hill - that is a clue to watch the right hand side. You should see a sign that says city dump or something that denotes a dump... take the next right hand turn. It's a paved road.. but not for long. You should see a sign on the right side talking about radio controlled flying area... shortly after you will see on the right side a sign for the range. Take the right turn... Now you are on dirt washboard road (last time I was out there it was) Follow this road for less than a mile and you should end up doing a couple of switchbacks down to the range.

Best time at the range is early morning. Very little wind, probably not too many people. Wind will kickup around 10:30 to 11:00 am. Oh, forgot - You do have a choice of ranges - the rifle range previously described or the pistol range which is max 50 yrds. Rifle range is set to hold targets at 50, 100, 150, and 200 yards (pretty sure - it's not marked so I am guessing)

On Hwy 50 there are numerous Arco/quick stop places for snacks and h2o. A Longs is also on the way with middle of the road pricing on ammo and targets (don't forget film and batteries)

This range is presently CLOSED. Some sort of project - I suspect a good thing - perhaps upgrades. It's due to be open on August 4th, so I will report back faithfully should anything change. (this will give me a chance to revisit my directions - I take a short cut which might lose someone...)

We will see you there!
Nevada Laws on tranport of arms are loose as I recall. I just transport unloaded so that if some idiot and I collide nothing will discharge. We are firearm friendly, but frown on stupid people. So use your turn signals if you are from Kalifornia (our other source of revanue here in Nevada!) (grin)

Concealed is a no-no unless you are NV resident CCW holder. Just be courteous and polite. (As you always are)

Last time I was at this range, any firearm was cool as long as it has it's necessary papers (assuming it needs proper papers) LEO have been seen checking us out, but it is really rare.

Hours of operation - when you show up, when you leave. Great for flash suppresor testing.

If I missed something, please ask.

Thanks Ewok for organizing this. Should be alot of fun.
Thanks, Patrick! Now it won't feel quite so much like trying to land the rover on mars :)

I guess the big question now is whether we should try to get a group rate at a motel. I sent a message to the Super 8, but haven't received a reply.

Re. night-stuff, I'm planning to bring some 9mm Vector. If anybody has any other tracer-type ammo, that would be cool.

BTW, I started this thread because the original one was getting too long to load....
Howdy - If you can come up with some sort of body count, that would really help. They like groups... You want Carson or Reno?

Lemme know - Patrick
Is open carry allowed in NV?

Any cities where it is not?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
Thanks Patrick. Wasn't there some huge water tower nearby right before the turnoff? I remember the dump, and the radio control signs. The washboard road brings back memories. I was under the impression that that range went out to 300 yards, but that was two years ago when I visited that range.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Hey to All,
I am pretty sure that we are similar to Az where you can open carry, but I would not run around chambered. No bars or any place a sign says you cannot carry. Federal, Schools, Govenmental Bldgs are off limits for sure... But you won't need to go there on the weekend!!!

I will check with a LEO down here and see what he says. Try and nail down the open carry and transportation issues for Y'all...

Pack yer stuff... After ya clean it that is...
Hey Gary,

Didn't mean to ignore you earlier - Skull Cramp (due to Y2K remediation)

YES! You are exactly right! There is a water tower that can be seen on the right as you are going up Hwy 50. I will use that as a reference from now on. Good Call...

This range goes to 300 yards?!?! Well - I hear that if you can hit the black tree on the left side of the range... that is 300 yards! (grin) Range finder? What rangefinder... Lemme get my new scope online and we can work it out... I'll bring my notebook and we can put it on a spread sheet! (LOL)


[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited July 23, 1999).]
I 'bout forgot to ask if anybody had a serious hankerin' to hunt some jacks? If so, I'm sure Mr. Seeber could find out about the permits.
Not to be too far off topic but is the radio control airplane area a open flat area or is it a mountain area? It would be great if I could go shoot and fly my R/C plane all in the same vacation trip.

Do you guys have any idea how hot it will be at the end of august. I might need to fix the A/C in my van if its still going to be really hot.

Oh by the way how much ammo is enough ammo? Is this going to be 2 full days of constant shooting (nothing wrong with that) or are there going to be other activities planned?

Is that what you call, "Interactive skeet shooting"? :) :) ;) :) :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
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