Western States TFL Round Up - Part Deux

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Regarding ammo, I'm bringing:

500 12-gauge (#8);
2000 9mm;
4000 .22LR;
200 .357 Magnum.

Good thing I don't drive a Pinto, eh? :)

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
It sounds like the range is close enough to town that we can come and go, and do some sight-seeing in between. I was thinking that it would be fun to re-convene at the range Saturday night after dark, to shoot some tracer, er, I mean, illuminated trajectory, ammo....
Just bringing it back to the top. I guess I'll be staying in Carson City, afterall; the SO decided not to attend. I finally got around to ordering a Mossberg 590A1 from VangComp, so I'll bring that as well.
Guys, don't forget to bring a fly or a tarp y'all can put up to get out of the sun with! We've taken to putting up a fast-deployable one on the range here at TX, and it makes ALL the diference on those long days on the bench, or on the pistol line.

Plenty of water, but have even more than you'll need, and stay off the caffiene and beer, friends! Remember that dehydration can make people be just as unsafe as drunkenness, and that alcohol is up to 3X as potent in the hot sun. Just a tip from a man who's seen it happen more than once.
no need for an extension cord, just borrow a power inverter from frys and hook the blender up to a car batterey. uses a solar panel to recharge the batterey, cuz a blender don't draw that much current i don't think

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
I may be mistaken, but the range near Carson City has covered firing positions for their benches. Patrick, can you confirm this?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Hey to All!

Gary is right (must be part elephant - remembers stuff I forgot from 2 weeks ago!)

Both ranges were covered last time I saw them! Please remember it is undergoing some sort of "project". It's supposed to be open in less than 2 weeks. I think that I will take a trip out there this weekend and see what they are up to out there all by themselves - Can't always trust the State (grin)...

Ewok - Last I checked, illuminated projectile experiments were not hampered. Lots of bottle rocket and roman candle evidence from July 4th...

Long Path - It's Carson City - the state capitol! We have no less than 2 convieninece stores on any approach to the range! (grin) You are right, one must stop and purchase fluids to take to the range...

Gee, VangComp shot gun??? I feel an urge to keep up with the Jones'!

JackWabbits are "varmints" out here I am told. Not certain about needing a hunting license though... Workin on it. I do know that if it has a cotton tail, it better be in season!!!

I'll report back Saturday after I reconoiter the place.

[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited July 28, 1999).]
Doh! I'd have a hard enough time just hitting the screwy rabbit; you're telling me I have to ascertain characteristics of its hind-quarters? :)

The 590A1, breathed upon by Hans Vang himself, will be my first (and probably only, for awhile) shotgun. So don't feel like you have to run out and get one. On the other hand, Mr. Vang loves to talk, so if you're bored some afternoon, call him up and order a shotgun. ;)

Oh yeah, any gun stores in the area you'd recommend?
This almost fell off the first page so I thought Id bump it back to the top.

Is anyone up for a range barbeque? I could bring a BBQ and then have everyone bring their own meat or whatever else they want. Just an idea.
Sounds good to me. Shoot, soot, and scoot. I'll bring my own steak.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
shoot.....and lots of it......i am turning green here, and its way to far for me to go...but for those of you wanting to store firearms...........a trick I use to use was to go to a pawn shop and pawn all of my firearms for $20.00, the only problem with that now adays is that you have to pay the durn pick up fee and the numbers are registered......there is another thing I use to do,,,,,I take them all to a local gun store and put them in for a cleaning, and we'd generally settle on a fixed amount and it worked fairly well.....with just a few firearms.......fubsy.
Well, I had an overcommited weekend... All caused by this *cute* little Colt SP1 that I found in a pawn shop on Friday... STOLE it from them!

I am hearing that Carson range may be down for a while. I heard this from the folks at the Washoe range outside Reno... Couldn't be they want to keep the extra business they have been seeing...(grin) but I will be sure to get to Carson on a special run this week. Thinking Wed would do.

Gun Stores - Just about any pawn shop can be a major cost. I was just out looking for a little self protection pistol for a friend when I happened on Colt SP1 - Made an offer, took it home that night! Story was that it just came in a couple of days previous. In Carson, you want to go see Pete Van Alstyne at Wester States Police Supply. Nice variety of ammo and firearms. Tell him I sent ya!

That's all for now...
Just got an web address for a UNR class Peter Van Alstyne did for HTML. Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of his home page!!! (grin)

Check it out... This is not their official web page, but will give you some idea and a picture of his shop...

I quized him about the Carson Range and he believes it will be open any day now. I guess the official word is that it was closed for repairs!


[This message has been edited by Patrick Seeber (edited August 02, 1999).]
Just got my auto-poppers from MGM Targets. I'll be bringing them to the "Round Up".
Range Report!

Carson City Parks and Recreation dept. has changed the opening date of the Carson City Range. Originally, it was set to August 5th - It's now August 15th! I will take a drive shortly after I CALL the Parks and Rec. Dept! (grin)

So... Had to reroute to Washoe's Range for today's shooting. Did really nice! I am getting to where I can cover 4 shots with a quarter at 100 yrds! Sorry, it's big news for me... (grin)

My 9 year old daughter had a good day. I didn't tell her that she was shooting at the farthest distance yet for her. She does great on bottles, but not so great on paper targets... Funny, I do better on bottles too! Wonder where they get this stuff... (grin)

I assume we are on for the 28th & 29th. If the range is still closed, I have alternate plans to introduce the week before Y'all come up.

One other note... Based on the MEGGA fires that Nevada is experiencing, I would ask that you not bring tracers!!! We have enough probs with lightning! Then of course, we may be burned out by end of August. I would also say that a BBQ, which I would love to attend, would have to take place at a reasonable site... and I have thoughts on that too which I will give out after I call the Parks and Rec Dept.

Keep smiling! And bring an extinguisher! (LOL)
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