well shucks

He conceded when he refused to organize his grassroots support into a real campaign. The video makes steam come out of my ears, his "revolution" is so fragmented and half-assed it's painful to watch, yet he is still refusing to even try to pull it together. Pure grassroots support means nothing in modern politics after the early primary season.
I hate to say that's always been Paul's M.O. throughout his career, all talk, no action, no leadership.
To all of those who will write in Ron Paul for president, or some other non-candidate, thank you for helping put Obama (or Hillary) into the White House.

Standing by one's convictions is fine, but it has a price. In this case the price is an extreme leftist president.

McCain may not be as conservative as we would like, but he is certainly to the right of Obama (and Hillary). In any case, he will assuredly be more accessible and receptive to conservative influences than Obama or Hillary.

The only way for Obama (or Hillary) to lose is for McCain to win.
Don't thank me. I'm not the one that made McCain the Republican nominee.
Besides, I'd rather have the Congressional Republicans fighting a non-Constitution supporting president than helping him carry out his abominations.

Maybe next presidential election season, we will have better fruit to harvest.
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I know, everyone has an excuse to salve his conscience. But the result will be the same. We'll have an extreme liberal in the White House. I have no idea why someone who may claim to be a conservative would want that result in preference to a Republican who would at least be open to conservative thought and approachable by conservative interests.

However you want to spin it, you are helping put Obama or Hillary in the White House. That is the bottom line. You have the right of course to choose Obama or Hillary, and that is exactly what you are doing.
Fiddletown, don't worry about it. Ron Paul supporters are statistically insignificant, and the Republican party does not think it needs their support in a general election against Obama or Hillary.
I'm tired of heading toward the cliff. With either McCain, Clinton, or OBama we are heading over the cliff, just at possibly different speeds. I say, if we can't (or won't) turn this thing around, then let's get it over with. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, and may the revolution begin!
Phui, more excuses, and more spin. The simple fact is that a vote for anyone but McCain is a vote for the Dems. It's your choice of course, but you should at least be clear about what you're choosing.
David, I don't think you are being clear. You seem to be proposing some sort of conservative oriented justification for your choice of having Obama or Hillary in the White House? Why don't you just come out and say, "I want to see Obama or Hillary as the Next President of the United States"?

What you seem incapable of understanding is that most true conservatives don't want Clinton, Obama or McCain as president. I am a Reagan conservative and make no apologies for that. McCain is a liberal as far as I am concerned.

I will not vote for J. Sidney McCain III and I certainly won't vote for any liberal democrat. You are positioning yourself so you can say, "I told you so" when Obama or Clinton is inaugurated. Fine. Have fun with that. Hope it makes you feel good.

The problem isn't so much people like me who won't choose the lesser of two evils ever again, the problem is that the message and the beliefs and the voting record of McCain repulses all true conservatives. If McCain's platform were right, he would win in a landslide.

My choices this November are between driving off a cliff at 90 mph if a Democrat is elected and driving off a cliff at 75 mph if McCain is elected.

What difference does it make?
I want a Constitutionalist in the White House. Failing that, I think there are some advantages to having a Democrat violator rather than a Republican violator. If you think that me not supporting McCain will put a Dem into the White House, you should have done something about making sure McCain wasn't the choice.

I want all federal drug laws gone.
I want all arms infringement laws gone.
I want all federal social programs gone
I want the fedgov limited to Article I, section 8.
I want Susette Kelo to have her house back.

In essence, I Want My Country Back! That's what I want!
Wow. You're hardcore.

I just want the government to stop expanding and spending so much.

Wouldn't that be a good start?

TBM and miboso,

I don't say this often, but here goes.


If the Republicans wanted the conservative vote, they would have nominated a conservative. As things stand, we have a choice between three different flavors of liberal.
Well, I think part of it is guilt over all the years that I spent supporting the lessor of 2 evils, or actually supporting the greatest evil, because of the right things being said, or just to have "Change".
Yes, Dave, that would be a good start. I don't expect it all immediately, or probably in my lifetime, but reversing course would be a great start.

And Marko, thank you.