Weird. I didn't order a pizza

Some of you guys are way harsh, paranoid, and need to remember that there are still millions more incidents of bonafide lost delivery or service personnel than there ever were criminal impersonations and lighten up on reality a little.

I'll remember that there are uh over zealous respondents and stand to the side of your door in case you want to put a half mag through the door because your Wife didn't tell you a repairman is coming.:D

I gotta ask...just how scarey looking was this young pizzaman?

I would have had no problem with the pizza guy, up until he attempted a forced entry.

In the OP's case, the pizza guy backed off when the OP got physically and verbally emphatic. Problem solved.

Still, better safe than sorry when unknown and unexpected folk show up at the door.

BTW, a "lost floral delivery guy," complete with flowers and van, raped several women in the outskirts of Worcester, MA back in the 80's, when they let him in to call the "customer's phone" so he could update his directions.

My dad's cousin actually let this guy into her house... Luckily for her, the family's normally friendly German Shepherd took an immediate and unmistakeable dislike to the guy. He left in a hurry.

The cousin called her husband, who called the cops, who turned out in large numbers. They told her they suspected it was the same guy who had raped four or five women in the surrounding area.

The cops also recommended that she should get a gun. Yep, in Massachusetts.
Safety yiur gun for a moment and consider the pizza man. He knows someone ordered a pizza so wanted through the door to try and lose the pizza, maybe knock on some doors. I bet you could smell pizza too, huh?

Now consider criminals, if yiu were going to do a random home invasion, would you pick a multi story apartment building where neighbors are feet away, or a single famly home where theres more privacy and better loot?

Sure, keep your gun in your back pocket and stay ready and all that but damn, don't go condition red on the pizzaman in an apartment building! Let him in and maybe it was 6E instead of 6B (whatever)...if he steps out of line you can kill him without hate and quickly. ;-)

You didn't have your gun and would have drawn? Bad show three times. The third being, strive to help your fellow man in the face of your fears.

Wow, are you really that naive? You have got to be kidding! Let him in to knock on some doors? Cut him some slack? Really?

Security doors are there for a reason. You're supposed to assume that there is nothing of value in the complex because it isn't in the burbs on an acre of land? Wow, I am amazed! A pizza guy shows an aggressive move and it's all ok because he's on a delivery? Pass! He has a phone! Did he walk the pizza there? He can go to the car if it's cold to make a call. He forcibly made an attempt to enter a private residence, apt or not. A locked door is there for a reason. To keep the bad guys out.

Crack or heroin addicts live for the moment. They need $20 for a quick fix. They don't run out to the closest subdivision to rob a nice, big house. They go where it's close and easy. A delivery man is one of the easiest ways to get into a locked building.

You then ask "what did he look like". Wow, you are really out there. Tell me, what does a typical criminal look like? I'd say he could have just as easily pulled a knife or pistol from his pocket as you can. He could smell the pizza? So? That makes it ok? A bad guy looks like a man or woman who intends harm who probably has a weapon and will use it on you. I don't know, I'd guess that 5'8" 145# crack head looks pretty menacing with a .357 in your face.

You want to know who the scariest criminals are? They are the 14 and 15 year old kids who want to join the local gang. They have to "prove" themselves to get in. It often involves a crime against someone in the 'hood that makes the news. The kids have no fear of the law or their life. They do as they are told to be accepted. They are the ones you watch out for. Yeah, that 13 year old kid looks so tough and mean, huh? Geez.

I'd be willing to bet that the innocent pizza guy had other intentions because he did not wish to leave. The OP did the right thing in shutting the door in his face which may have surprised the guy. Aggressive delivery personnel are not the norm. I'd bet he saved someone from being robbed. The guy may have wanted to knock on doors looking for no one to be home or a frail, old lady answering. If he forced his way into the building I'm sure he'd have no problem robbing a little old lady. How would the OP feel if he read the next day that the nice old lady on the 2nd floor was robbed by a pizza delivery guy who he let in "because he was helping a fellow man". Wow, some people just don't get it.
When the doorbell rings, the first thing I do is grasp the .38 in my pocket. Then I check through the peep hole. What I do or don't see determines whether or not I open the main door. If it is not someone I know or am expecting (such as a pizza man), I will talk through the locked storm door with the pistol in my hand in my pocket. If it is someone I know or I am convinced there is a reason to let them in, I will open the storm door. If not, the storm door stays locked and the main door gets shut and locked. If they try to force their way in, well, there is the .38 and a .45 strategically placed nearby.
He could smell the pizza? So? That makes it ok?

LOL the well trained Hinkymeter registers downwards if it detects the aroma of pizza, since criminals are not highly likely to get a fresh piping hot one to complete their disguise :D

Unless they go to the criminal store to buy Pizza Aroma scent to disguise themselves:p

WildheywaitidontsmellpepperoniyouareanimposterblamblamblamdieyouhomeinvadinggoblinomygodhoneywhatareyoudoingIchangedtheordertovegetarianooopsnevermindsorryaboutdoingarhodesiandrillonyapizzaguyilcallanambulanceAlaska ™©2002-2010
I would have been freaked out too. My hand would have been on my gun in my pocket but it wouldn't have come out unless I saw a weapon or he kept coming
Unless they go to the criminal store to buy Pizza Aroma scent to disguise themselves

I dunno, I'd probably ask the real pizza guy with the severe headache who is sitting in his car wondering what happened. Someone who is planning to rob another isn't too concerned with clobbering a pizza guy. Pizza delivery guys probably get robbed as much as anybody including taxi drivers. If the delivery guy did not know who the pizza was supposed to go to I highly doubt he was the real delivery guy. I guess you'd be surprised at how the real criminal element goes about their business. It's not like you see on tv where you can tell the good guys from the bad guys by the way they dress or act.
If a rapist will buy some flowers to make his van look credible for a floral delivery, I don't see why a robber couldn't come up with a 'za and a bag.
Someone who is planning to rob another isn't too concerned with clobbering a pizza guy.

I recognize the dumbness of your average criminal, but I cant see one robbing a pizza guy of a pizza so as to use that pizza for a home invasion......:p

If a rapist will buy some flowers to make his van look credible for a floral delivery, I don't see why a robber couldn't come up with a 'za and a bag.

Well we should have a rule then, if the pizza doesnt smell hot and yummy, just start blasting:D

I wonder if Japanese home invaders use those plastic food replicas:p

WildroomserviceAlaska ™©2002-2010
I recognize the dumbness of your average criminal, but I cant see one robbing a pizza guy of a pizza so as to use that pizza for a home invasion......

I hope you never get to look into the eyes of a crack or heroin addict who is jonesing for a fix. Soulless eyes. If the pizza guy had no cash then the pizza could get him his rock. They are very resourcefull and desperate. They are usually smart enough to not be armed but it only takes one time. It may not happen in the wilds of Alaska but it is very real in the every day lives of the inner city dwellers.

When an addict needs their fix they become focused on that one and only thing... getting their fix. Nothing else matters to them at that time. Nothing. The later it gets, the more desperate they get and the risks they take are greater. If you don't believe me then just go to a drug rehab center and watch addicts as they dry out. It will make your hair curl.
Around these parts...

... crystal meth seems to be the drug of choice. One county over, it's a major epidemic, and that county is mostly rural.

Also note there was a thread last week involving a forum member's neighbor, in the outskirts of Bangor, ME who foiled an attempted robbery set up by a "damsel in distress." Way, way out in the sticks, where such things just about never happen.... except when they do.
Well we should have a rule then, if the pizza doesnt smell hot and yummy, just start blasting

Pizza place is literally 1/2 mile from my place. If it ain't hot, he's gettin' shot!

This same kind of scenario happened to a coworker of mine less than two weeks ago. The would be robber was stopped by an XDm 9mm and a determined defender.
I hope you never get to look into the eyes of a crack or heroin addict who is jonesing for a fix. Soulless eyes. If the pizza guy had no cash then the pizza could get him his rock. They are very resourcefull and desperate. They are usually smart enough to not be armed but it only takes one time. It may not happen in the wilds of Alaska but it is very real in the every day lives of the inner city dwellers.

When an addict needs their fix they become focused on that one and only thing... getting their fix. Nothing else matters to them at that time. Nothing. The later it gets, the more desperate they get and the risks they take are greater. If you don't believe me then just go to a drug rehab center and watch addicts as they dry out. It will make your hair curl.

Dude no offense but I grew up in and around and lived in NYC, Buffalo NY and Toronto and have forgotten more about junkies that most folks here will ever know if they live to be 110.

Plus I've defended them in Court. I have had junkie girlfriends. I've worked in jails and drug rehab centers. Your description of enraged berserk addicts ready to home invade for the fix and be smart enough to buy a piping hot pizza first is the minor exception, rather than the rule.

Lets not get tabloid OK.:p Souless eyes indeed:rolleyes:

WildirememberchinawhiteAlaska ™©2002-2010
I suppose if I lived in Chicago, or the east coast that I may learn to view everyone in condition orange also. Here in Colorado we still hve some semblance of a life as human beings.

Sure everyone is armed, and everyone is suspect on some level. Don't let that stop you from living life, or (gasp) helping someone out.

If you pay attention to people and thier body language, they will tell you exactly who they are. Then you will be able to tell the difference between the soulless eyes of the punk, and the innocent impetiousness of youth.
Check your local laws on this:

But I have answered many delivery calls while Open Carrying.

All the delivery people were very courteous (not to say that they would have been less courteous when I was not OC'ing).

I would think draw time would be much faster without a cover garment. And when the BG sees that you are armed - they have a tendency to make a quick exit and never to return.

Of course this works when Move On pollsters come knocking at your door and you answer it heavily armed.
But I have answered many delivery calls while Open Carrying.
I answer all deliveries open carrying. If I even answer the door, it is open carrying. I've had very few comments.

I had one where a woman said, "Sir, do you really feel the need for that gun?" I rolled my eyes and said "GET TO THE POINT!" Then I changed my mind and said, "As a matter of fact I really don't care what you want at this point, LEAVE!" And I closed the door. Found out she was looking to slam anybody for gas distribution. Had I known that, I would have been far nastier.
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Wow to be honest if I was a delivery driver and someone answered the door with a gun exposed I'd be out of there like a shot

WildseeingagunmakesmyhinkymetergoupAlaska ™©2002-2010
In An Apartment... isn't just about you and what threats you have in your life, it's about neighbors who could have any background.

An old girlfriend was in charge of the San Jacquin women's shelters, they have safehouses, halfway houses, and provide secure new digs for women who have guys in their lives who will kill them, not may kill, will kill.

The guy who is ringing other buzzers besides the one he is supposedly there for to gain access to the entry door has a much higher liklihood of being up to no good. A neighbor making it hard to get in to someone else's door is a good thing.

That said you personally never know what or who you are getting in the middle of in an apartment. I'd have a problem with the fact that the pizza guy wasn't ringing his customer's door, if they won't answer there's no point in his even being there.

I've had many situations where someone is standing at a security door and wants to walk in with me when I open it. I politely tell them that if they are supposed to be there they won't have any trouble getting let in from the person they are seeing. A couple have gotten pushy and it escalated to them having a change of attitude and leaving at the time I told them I was calling the police. That tells me the person wants to get in unannounced but is afraid of telling the police who they are visiting? They are up to no good.

Security doors can be a great thing if everyone does their part to allow only those they want to visit to come in. Women trying to leave a guy and make a break from them can have a difficult time with certain types of guys, and it ain't no joke.

I'd have found that to be a weird situation.
I answer all deliveries open carrying. If I even answer the door, it is open carrying. I've had very few comments.

So you're letting any complete stranger who answers the door know you have at least one firearm in the home. Why give yourself that kind of exposure? If a thief saw that they'd probably think "better break in when nobody is home" not "ohhh they are armed better not break in."
So you're letting any complete stranger who answers the door know you have at least one firearm in the home. Why give yourself that kind of exposure? If a thief saw that they'd probably think "better break in when nobody is home" not "ohhh they are armed better not break in."
Uh huh, riiight.:rolleyes: First, I never let complete strangers answer my door as they are never generally in my house with very few exceptions. As far as complete strangers finding out I carry a firearm around the house all the time? Well, since me and a few other neighbors started OCing, crime has virtually stopped on the block, go figure. Neighborhood watches work, if you work at them.