Weapons at ballot counting..

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If they were just armed on their way to/from work, or the hardware store, it would be no issue. The problem is that they are a semi-organized group carrying military-style arms with the intent to intimidate voters or vote-counters.

There is a long history of that kind of act suppressing democracy, and I strongly urge you to do your own research. As a hint, some of them wore brown shirts. But some also wore black shirts. Nowadays Hawaiian shirts are sometimes favored. I suppose that means we don't have to take them quite so seriously, but I still don't like them.
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roscoe said:
The problem is that they are a semi-organized group gathering with military-style arms with the intent to intimidate voters or vote-counters.
How do you know their intent is to intimidate vote counters?
Parsimony - the lack of reasonable alternative explanations. Why else at that time and place? Are they guarding that patch of concrete? From whom?

Plus, my knowledge of the history of that kind of behavior. It has a long tradition.
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They scream their intent at the top of their lungs. If you cant figure that out, it might be that your bubble is too thick. Anti gunners love this stuff because it gives them good reason to ban guns. Responsible gun owners should loudly condemn this sort of action because it will cause more gun control movements. It probably wont be long before there are a rash of laws proposed to ban firearms within (some random number) of feet from poling/counting places. Anything that cuts into the free and fair elections in our country, plays right into the long term Russian plan to de-stabilize our country. Lies and conspiracy theories seem to be working well enough to have 1/2 of our country against the other half. It is bad for gun ownership and even worse for our democracy. Grant.
roscoe said:
Parsimony - the lack of reasonable alternative explanations. Why else at that time and place? Are they guarding that patch of concrete? From whom?
They could think they're guarding the vote counters from outside influence.

They could think they are guarding against van loads of unacceptably late ballots arriving in the middle of the night.

They might think they are ensuring that the ballots aren't stolen (before or after counting).

Bottom line: you don't know.

Grant 14 said:
They scream their intent at the top of their lungs.
They do? Do you have a link to the video?

Grant 14 said:
It probably wont be long before there are a rash of laws proposed to ban firearms within (some random number) of feet from poling/counting places.
I'm pretty certain that my state already has such a law. It has had it for years.

I'm not trying to say that I think this is (or was) a good idea. All I'm saying is that proclaiming it as an attempt to intimidate the vote counters is unsupported speculation.
Do “they” scream a chant or does the crowd scream a chant and some in the crowd are armed ? Also if I recall those crowds are “mostly” peaceful correct so there is clearly not a problem as long as it’s “mostly” peaceful. Heck even if they start some fires it’s ok as long as during the day they are “mostly” peaceful. Remember the report saying how the protest were mostly peaceful while in the background of his live feed multiple buildings were on fire . Oh I know all about those bubbles you speak of .

It’s interesting you mentioned my bubble . I recently switched over to duckduckgo as my internet search engine . I then went onto youtube and clicked on kibs videos , CNN and MSNBC videos . My new bubble was all about kids and Trump hate . Very interesting bubble it created and quite scary on how websites like youtube and Facebook have quite a bit of control on what you see . Couple that with the lame steam media with there heads in the sand all of a sudden and I can see the bubble many are likely in . You really need to go look for the truth nowadays it ain’t going to looking for you .

The other interesting thing using duckduckgo is that it shows who the blocked each time you go to a new page . Not just searches but every page . Like I come here to the main page and it shows Google and Amazon were blocked from knowing I’m here . I then click on the law and civil rights sub forom and again Google and amazon get blocked , every click other websites are being blocked from seeing what I’m doing . I had no idea that Google , Amazon and Facebook werecwatching what I clicking on even when I’m not directly on there site . I don’t even have a Facebook account . Firearms forums are the only social media I am a part of , no Facebook, twitter , insta what ever - nothing and never have been and yet some how they are all tracking me . This leads me to believe the other websites like this one allows google to track it’s members
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Guess I am a bit different, having carried all kinds of guns almost everywhere for decades I have no fear of other armed individuals. But you are free to feel any way you wish.
Interesting you chose those sites to prove some kind of debunking. You do know all three of them are in the left's pocket for Biden and can be considered fake news right?
This is ALL ABOUT GUNS AT POLING/COUNTING PLACES! Any time in history that armed angry mobs are at poling places, Democracy is the loser. This was done in the old South to keep blacks from voting. It was done in the county I live in, in the 1890s when armed supporters of a candidate would not let people into town to vote. Not too much different than armed men screaming STOP THE VOTE/COUNT. If we as responsible gun owners dont protest against armed thugs harming our democracy, we will give the anti gunners more obvious reasons to make more laws.
Our country is too close to the hatred that started the civil war, and as I get reminded at times "The civil war started long before the first shots were fired".
Chairman Mao said "Power comes from the barrel of a gun". You can see how well that turned out for the Chinese people. Grant.
Grant you seem a little off about what is happening, and why we have the second amendment. Yes I feel violence is coming and how do you expect us to counter it?
The second amendment starts out with "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA" which almost every state has in the form of NATIONAL GUARD. To imply that an armed mob that wants to overturn an election or a mask mandate is a well regulated militia, is ABSURD. I believe that most states have laws against vigilantes. If we as a country allow any pissed off group with guns to intimidate other people, we will soon descend into tyranny. Democracy is a fragile, sometimes messy way to run a country but guns to gain political power will kill our democracy. Bringing a gun to an argument (political or religious) is not an expression of a right, it is a threat. When our leaders (or our forum members) condone such action, we are moving much closer to tyranny. Grant
Grant you also appear to know very little about the 2nd amendment. You should study the Federalist papers. All of the amendments to the constitution were put in there to satisfy states that they would be protected from a central government and that they could protect themselves from a central government.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Back in the 18th century, a “regular” army meant an army that had standard military equipment. So a “well regulated” army was simply one that was “well equipped” and organized. It does not refer to a professional army. The 17th century folks used the term “standing army” or “regulars” to describe a professional army. Therefore, “a well regulated militia” only means a well equipped militia that was organized and maintained internal discipline. It does not imply the modern meaning of “regulated,” which means controlled or administered by some superior entity. Federal control over the militia comes from other parts of the Constitution, but not from the Second Amendment.
The focus on gun ownership? The focus right now is the election fraud. We have every right to revolt if our elections are compromised.
How do you know their intent is to intimidate vote counters?
Plausible deniability. Probably can't prove it in a court of law so it is essentially
not prosecutable. Never the less, it still an attempt to influence the out come of an election through selective intimidation, no matter what color of shirt they wear and even if they smile and talk nice.
How does anyone not know this?
If you can't see this, it might be that you and your vote is probably expected to be their preferred vote.
It's brandishing weapons. It's voter intimidation hiding behind and abusing the 2nd Amendment. behind the facade , it's a crime that can't be proven.
Plausible deniability. Probably can't prove it in a court of law so it is essentially
not prosecutable. Never the less, it still an attempt to influence the out come of an election through selective intimidation, no matter what color of shirt they wear and even if they smile and talk nice.
How does anyone not know this?
If you can't see this, it might be that you and your vote is probably expected to be their preferred vote.
It's brandishing weapons. It's voter intimidation hiding behind and abusing the 2nd Amendment. behind the facade , it's a crime that can't be proven.
Is it my imagination or do we have a number of leftists here on the board? You do know if the election is not above board there will be far more than brandishing going on right? So in effect those guys are trying to make sure that does not happen.
Is it my imagination or do we have a number of leftists here on the board? You do know if the election is not above board there will be far more than brandishing going on right? So in effect those guys are trying to make sure that does not happen.
And how, exactly, does standing outside the polling/counting locations with AR-15s assist in any way with ensuring legitimacy of the election? Is there some threat with which they need to deal in an armed fashion?

The answer is no. There is no real question as to the legitimacy of the election in the first place, but even if there were, loitering armed outside the polling place certainly is no way to address an issue with voting software or counting. We are a nation of laws, and have laws on voter fraud.

Leftists? Please, we are better than name-calling here at TFL.
If there were no doubt, there wouldn't be recounts being done. I read just today that one recount discovered several thousand votes that were not counted the time around

Yeah they found them on a memory card if I heard right . Seriously a memory card , these machines use memory cards ? Could tampering get any easier lol . They should have an internal hard drive that logs any time it’s accessed and for what reason someone tried to access it and thats it . No memory cards , c-mon man the votes of thousands of people can be moved around in someones pocket ??? Wow

I mean how does a memory card go missing anyway . Is there not some sort of chain of custody for those types of things not to unlike evidence is handled for LEO's . There's a reason LEO's must use a chain of custody when handling evidence . I'd think our election is just as important to keep track off

. Each memory card should be numbered or have some sort of identifying marks which are logged with the election commission . Then a log of any and all person that ever had custody of each and every card . When they had it what reason they had it and when it was returned or placed in a machine .

This way they know they have 100 cards and card # 47 is missing . No problem who had it last , look in the log .... John Smith had it at 3pm and never turned it in . Great lets go talk with John and find out why he's had it for several hours for no real reason to do so ;)

Seems like simple math to me . I'm tiered of hearing how there has been no problems when nobody has actually investigated anything ..... Wait for it .........
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
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Seems like simple math to me . I'm tiered of hearing how there has been no problems when nobody has actually investigated anything ..... Wait for it .........
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

The President is vigorously disputing the results in several states with what I assume he believes to be solid legal representation. By my count their challenges have a 1-27 record so far. And this includes cases in states with GOP legislatures that set the election rules, and in courtrooms presided over by GOP appointed judges.

I'll listen to any rational argument, but it seems to me as if the arguments against the outcome of this election are as porous as the arguments I hear against gun rights.
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I heard there are uncounted votes (all for Trump) that are hidden in a cave somewhere on Mars. WHAT ABOUT THAT--HUH? That's all the evidence I need to be convinced that the best thing for the country is to eradicate our democracy and declare Trump dictator for life... by gum! MAGA MAGA MAGA! (has anyone seen my crack pipe?)
"Is it my imagination or do we have a number of leftists here on the board? You do know if the election is not above board there will be far more than brandishing going on right?"
"We have every right to revolt if our elections are compromised".

So anyone who doesn't agree with you or Hawaii shirt wearing, conspiracy believing, AR15 touting, self proclaimed ballot counting observers is a "leftist?" Sounds a bit like Mccarthyism.
Tinfoil hat at a bit snug??? :rolleyes:
And the implied threats of revolting? Seriously? No place for that on here... or in our culture. Perhaps in South America, but not here.
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