Weapons at ballot counting..

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I don't think this is a good idea. If violence breaks out and it gets crazy, the count will be stopped. Even worse the violence could lead to destruction of the ballots, fire being the biggest threat.
Bunch of pseudocommandos in Hawaiian shirts and ARs on tactical slings yelling outside a polling place. Then they don't get the vote count they want - what could possible go wrong?
weapons are not the problem, PEOPLE doing violence is the risk. Now, when its armed people doing the violence, that's a very bad thing.

Other side of the coin, if its armed people PREVENTING violence, just by their visible presence, tis not. That's what police do, and no one bitches about them doing it, do they...
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, so the saying goes... Openly armed white dudes showing up at poll centers looks, feels, sounds and smells like an attempt to change someone's mind. Let's not equate this to the presence of uniformed police.
The word PATRIOT has been so changed in the last few years. It now seems to stand for "THUG WITH GUN'. In America, we shoot ballots at each other, not bullets. We are better than Banana republics, so now we need to act better. Grant.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, so the saying goes...

Right, and witches are made of wood!! Unless, they're not....

there are bad actors in every group, and some groups seem to prefer that type, but that doesn't mean that, absent some actual criminal action that the group is there for that purpose alone.
It's hard to say what legitimate purpose they have, lurking in groups in tactical gear outside polling places. It's an ugly attempt at intimidation.

And since it didn't work, they might get uglier.
This is a good example of how to present a terrible image to the public about guns. Who’s kidding who....this is voter intimidation. We’ve been voting in this country for over two hundred years without this BS going on. There simply isn’t any legitimate reason to wear tactical equipment and bring a rifle or handgun to a voting place. This IS NOT a case of “there’s good people on both sides”
It's hard to say what legitimate purpose they have, lurking in groups in tactical gear outside polling places. It's an ugly attempt at intimidation.

Who’s kidding who....this is voter intimidation. We’ve been voting in this country for over two hundred years without this BS going on. There simply isn’t any legitimate reason to wear tactical equipment and bring a rifle or handgun to a voting place.

This thread is not about guns at polling places. This thread is about armed people outside of places where votes are being counted. The voting is over -- there are no voters to be intimidated.
Guns outside of counting areas is just another form of intimidation of the workers. There have been numerous threats to people that are doing their civic duty by counting ballots. Enough guns and threats and we wont have people willing to do the needed work to keep our democracy going, and then we become like Russia or China. Guns at polling places or counting places is almost certain to bring backlash to responsible gun owners. Grant.
Don't fix it if it isn't broke !!!

If violence breaks out and it gets crazy, the count will be stopped.
You are assuming that forearms are allowed in "all" voting locations. In our area, they are not, even during normal activity. I know this isn't always the case but I'm sure they have it covered. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
ANY group from any faction wearing combat gear and armed, standing outside a polling place or counting place is doing so to make a statement by their presence and appearance.

One can legally observe without needing to be armed, and one can also be legally armed where its legal to do so. What the law allows and what is a good idea are often vastly different things.

Doesn't matter to me if they wear antifa masks or Black Panther berets or swastika armbands they're there to provoke a reaction from their mere presence, and if they get one, you're giving them what they want.

This is a totally different matter than those same people actually DOING something, don't confuse the two, please.
Regardless of who wins in the end after all the legal battles are settled, there will be some who will except the results and many many more who will not in my opinion. I do believe civil unrest on a large scale is coming.

I think President Trump anticipates this as well by firing Mark Esper’s as secretary of defense. Espers did not agree with the president on using the insurrection act. As the old saying goes, fasten your seatbelt’s as this is going to get very interesting.
gbclarkson said:
This is a stupid and dangerous question and I hope a moderator deletes it.
I disagree that it's stupid or dangerous.

The mysterious arrival of van loads of boxes of ballots at counting places long after the polls had supposedly closed has been widely reported in numerous alternative media sources. If members here are free to hypothesize that armed people outside counting locations are there for the purpose of intimidating the counters, why should I not be allowed to suggest as a conjecture that they are there in the hope of preventing the delivery of more fraudulent votes? That conjecture offers a potential alternate motive for their presence.
Remember when trump lost Calif. by over a quarter million votes in 2016? Trump swore up and down that it was illegals voting and the "Alternative Media" repeated it over and over. After he took office he had a commission look into it, and they discovered such a tiny amount of incorrect or illegal votes that it made the accusations seem stupid (which they were). The commission quietly slipped away because there was no fraud. The alternative media has recently taken an even stupider trend with Q-anon.
The guns at poles or counting places, and spreading doubt about our election system plays right into Putins long dreamed of plan to destabilize the west, and America in particular. Grant.
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