Warning shots where into, how do bullets behave

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ufo's quote of the day:
My background has exactly zero bearing on the issue on the table right now.

That says it all son. Something that we can agree on is that you have no experience or knowledge of the subject. Sonny, as far as somebody in the
Industry backing me up, unless there going to be holding my hand in front of the Grand Jury I'll trust my own experiences and judgement before I trust some of the mall ninja's books you have read.

It never easy to take a life, more so in civilian LE. Every thing you did or did not do is going to be examined by several goups and as you say, even when you know your 100% right, there will still be those who have no knowledge of policy and procedure who will try to second guess you.

Jungle Work
We're still waiting.

The reason we're still waiting is there's not a swinging d... out there who agrees with you.

Are you implying that I should look in some of the Mall Ninja books you read to justify my opinion? Besides you having no knowledge or experience on the subject, you must be out of your frickin' mind. Sonny, you need to grow up and see some of the world and have some life experiences. Living at home with mom and dad does not broaden ones experiences and views of what really happens in this old world. You want to do some research, have at it.

A word of advice, while your waiting, don't hold your breath. This is not a debating club for the dweebs at high school. Sweet Jesus, save us from the Wanna be's.

Jugnel Work
Dear Jugnel :p (aka Mr. Warning Shot)

You're a scream and it's been fun. I'll do the research and if I ever find anyone with an IQ higher than toe jam who encourages warning shots I'll report it back to the board. A word of advice to you.....don't hold your breath on this one either. U.F.O. signing out.

there might be that one in a million situation
Hard to say that's not true.

However, saying that "there might be that one in a million situation that justifies firing a warning shot" is very different from advocating warning shots.

I think it is virtually never prudent to fire a warning shot. Even under circumstances where it is safe (perfect backstop handy), one is wasting valuable resources at a time when they may become critical.

I'll stop just short of saying that one should NEVER fire a warning shot since, as you point out it's impossible to evaluate every possible situation ahead of time, but I do think that it's never necessary and probably always a bad idea.
Check the laws in you’re state.
In more states than not, you will got to jail for a warring shot even if you are cleared in the shooting.

A warning shot kills an innocent person or in most cases the gun owner himself.

The gun is not a toy and you don’t pull it to show, you pull it to defend you’re life. You don’t pull you’re gun and give a warning shot because at that time you’re attacker can shot you, the only time you pull a gun on anyone or pull the trigger is to cancel Christmas.
Wow, this thread got hot. The funny thing is I think most everyone involved pretty much agrees. :eek: Sometimes you've to play devils advocate and look at all sides of the question. I would never reccommend a warning shot in civilian law enforcement or CCW, it's not legal in many locales anyway. However, I can't say there would NEVER be a time when I would'nt do it. That's a pretty strong statement, NEVER.

I also think it's interesting to read some of our Austrian attorneys questions and posts. It's obviously a different environment over there when an attorney is advocating warning shots. If he were here I'd say he was trying to increase his business :D .
back to where it all began

allow me to summarize, since I started this thread:

1. My question has not been answered yet, because nobody had any ballistic data on Hydra-shok or EMFJ 9x19mm bullets fired into a street or sidewalk.

2. Some gave thoughtful and wise posts and

3. Some here apparently carry a gun and can't even read

Jungle Work,
You and Para Bellum go ahead and break most of the laws of the land and ignore advice from the best minds in self-defense training.
I have no idea what this extra terrestrian ("UFO"?) is talking about.
By the way. Nobody who has a brain of his own need to rely on other "authorities". If something is smart and works, so it is and does. The fact that you have a "Jeff Cooper"-stamp on anything doesn't make it wise or useful. The content, not the source or cover counts.

Also, while the bullet may not STOP in a small human, that doesn't mean that a significant amount of it's energy hasn't been absorbed. So even if it goes through, its wounding power has been significantly reduced.
same applies to a bullet after it has been deformed and changed direction by something like a street ect, I asume. In Germany there have been of innocent bystanders getting killed because (well placed) 9x19mm police bullets overpenetrated.

Sweet heart, I spent 23 months in ground combat in the Airborne Infantry in the Republic of South Vietnam (68-70). I spent 33 years in LE working at every thing from a National Park Ranger, Police Patrolman, Detective, and a Chief of Police. That don't make me smarter than anybody else, but just for the record,
I turly enjoyed this one :-))

The incident I described happened to an officer who went into a home on a domestic call on a disorderly juvenile and upon entering the bedroom was confronted by a 12 year old girl who had a butcher knife in her hand. Her mother was in the bed room and the girl was a nut case and advanced on the officer. He fired a round into a water bed to stop her. Maybe I would have shot her, maybe I wouldn't. He controlled the situation. She stopped and put down the knife.
very useful information. When I fired my warning shot, it would have been justified to kill the dogs. But I was not neccessary. The situation could be controlled otherwise. The place I fired into was totally safe in my judgment. And that is all you have in a fire-or-not situation: your own judgment.

UFO said: if you're encouraging people to fire warning shots, you're just.....plain.....wrong.
Please read what you talk about: Wo encouraging people to fire warning shots here and how exactly?!

Having trouble finding ANY reputable, civilian, self-defense professional, anywhere in the country, who'll back up your warning shots are wonderful mantra?
I assume you always have your cell-phone in a standing open line to "a reputable, civilian, self-defense professional, anywhere in the country," and if you feel the need of drawing you get their advice before. Maybe that's why all the secret-service people have these little earphones?

Clearly, there are cases when a warning shot can have the desired effect. You've given a good example. BUT, that is NOT the issue. The issue is whether or not it's PRUDENT to fire a warning shot.
I agree with the first sentence. But not with the rest. I am sorry if I didn't post the question the way I ment to ask it: I wanted to gather knowledge on bullet behavoir (9x19mm, EMFJ, Hydra-Shok) on different warning-shot targets. That has not been answered yet (really), but would be the basis, for the decision whether a warning shot can be prudent.

Never launch a bullet unless:
1. You are 100% sure of your backstop.
2. Your life is in immediate danger if you don't fire at your attacker.
I fully agree. And I still wonder, how an 9x19mm EMFJ or HydraShok would behave fired onto...

I also think it's interesting to read some of our Austrian attorneys questions and posts.
Thank you. :-)

It's obviously a different environment over there when an attorney is advocating warning shots.
I still am not aware of advocating warning shots :confused: neither did Jungle Work (a fine gentleman as I have learned here, by the way). What we did say, is that a warning shot might be a smart choice under certain cirumstances. The truth is rarely pure and never simple (Oscar Wilde). So the circumstances are the issue of this post. The 12year old mentally disordered kid with a butcher's knive and a water-bed in reach was a perfect example for a warning shot. As other scenarios would be against a warning shot.

If he were here I'd say he was trying to increase his business.
That one made me smile. :-) I am sorry, I do business, corporate and civil law only. No crime and no divorce.

Thanks everybody for the thoughts and time. Stay save and beware of the Mall-Nijas :-))))))))
Para Bellum,

Give it a break. Warning shots are against the law in most of the U.S. Maybe not in Europe, which could be why you're ignorant on that subtle point. Warning shots are neither wise nor useful. The reason no one has answered your original question about any ballistic data on Hydra-shok or EMFJ 9x19mm bullets fired into a street or sidewalk is probably because no one cares. Toodles.

Was it actully inside of the bar? If it was outside, then surely the use of his weapon to aid someone in danger would have been a wiser choice.

Someone had accosted him inside the bar but was in the process of leaving. The bartender (a former friend) ran outside with his handgun, saw a police car, and fired into the air to get their attention. He was promptly arrested. Given the circumstances, I cannot fault the arrest. My former friend is no rocket scientist.
Come to Texas son, if you can use deadly force, you can fire a warning shot.

Bottom line sonny, If you will never, never ever fire a warning shot, GREAT.
Just don't try to lay your lame reasoning off on the rest of us.

Jungle Work
ignorant, subtle

Give it a break. Warning shots are against the law in most of the U.S. Maybe not in Europe, which could be why you're ignorant on that subtle point.

OK. Since you are the law expert here (I only have a Master's of Laws fron NYU [and that is in the USA, right], another Master of Laws from Vienna and a Doctor's...) please educate us where and on what legal basis exactly a "warning shot" would be illegal?

I am curious.

You are looking for a higher authority to guide you. Simple answers to the complicated world your living in.

against the law in most of the U.S
by the way so is:
- bathing two babies in one tub in Los Angeles
- taking a bath on sunday in Boston/MA
- saving women form a burning house in Missouri unless they are fully dressed
- dancing in public in lancaster
- catching fish with a lasso in Tennessee
- spitting onto the sidewalk in Viginia
- to spit before sexual intercourse in Alabama
- owning more than two dildos in one houshold in Arizona
- having sex in any other than the "missonary-stance" in Florida or Washington D.C.
- Oral sex is illegal in 28 states of the USA
- etc, etc, etc

The shere fact that somethin "is the law" doesn't make is smart. Or did you think that the 10-round-magazine-limit was smart just because it was "the law". And by the way, if any such law existed: I'd rather break the law and kill a waterbed instead of killing a mentaly disorderd kid.
"Just don't try to lay your lame reasoning off on the rest of us"
US? Who is US? You got a mouse in your pocket or something? In case you ain't been keeping up with current events lately, pal, the only US around these parts who supports your opinion is the guy from Europe. You got you a nice little majority of two working here! :D Good job!


so you are right because those who agree with you are more than those who don't. I assume you eat excrement because 10.000 flies can't be wrong? :p
And the earth actually was a disc until more people believed it is a ball? :D
This starts getting fun. I'll hand the keyboard over to my 3year old kid...
Yes they do Para Bellum.....don't they.
syntax error?

who does what? :confused:

PS: I really wonder, how this discussion would have developed at an actual firing line at a gun range. (Mhmm: "Massacre at local gun range. 1000 flies were smashed by three homo sapiens. The homo sapiens are now facing charges for cruelty to animals, a class-action suit is being filed...")
I'm sorry you have trouble remembering the content of your previous posts. You said:
"so you are right because those who agree with you are more than those who don't."
I followed with:
"Yes they do Para Bellum.....don't they."
Glad to be of assistance to our NATO allies.

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