Waco TWO?

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Here We Go ! Waco TWO?

The state took 4oo kids following a young girls phone call about abuse and forced marriage.

The state takes 400 kids and there mothers in custody following the allegations.

It seems the state can't find the girl that made the allegations!

They have been taken from a COMPOUND, not a Ranch, community, village or community home!

People have been rooted from there home. It seems the kids are at a loss being Isolated from the trash of the world.

Now this could be a Bad thing or a Good thing. I just see some peoples home invaded and the women and children stolen away by the state based on a phone call by a young girl.

Last I remember , that is not in line with the CONSTITUTION!

These people are being accused of things I do not believe in! But the constitutions provides for freedom of Religion.

I ask, Were do you draw the line of FREEDOM OF RELIGON???????????

If they like to Choke Chickens on the third Sunday of the month, is it your business?

I just need to see that the CONSTITUTION is still sort of in tack!

So far they only have a phone call from a alleged young girl. They have not even interviewed her . This at this point is only alleged! By the SOCIAL PEOPLE!:eek:
just more gov intervention into the lives of free citizens

I guess that is how some of you see this. One documented case of a teen marring a guy in his 50's is enough for me to question the values of this religious based group. But I know it will get turned into another government oppression case by some of our posters. So I'll just wait for the postings.

To bad the case is based on single issue like the one phone call by a girl who is lying right Homefires. I guess all the pregnant teens are just an imagination of the anti-religious state authorities who stole these children from the arms of thier religious leaders.
I don't defend the man in jail. I just ask why they can take kids from there homes base on a Alleged phone call?
I don't know if she is lying? I just see the System taking 401 kids and there mother from there home based on a phone call!
They have been taken from a COMPOUND, not a Ranch, community, village or community home!

In case you forgot what you posted...you said they took them from A COMPOUND...doesn't sound like

the System taking 401 kids and there mother from there home

I will wait for further details before I make any comments on what happened, etc. Its still too early.

In the meantime I will be getting the foil out so they can't hear me think. :rolleyes:

anyplace in the country where a juvenile makes a claim against an adult and the state has the responsibility to remove the child. It might not be fair in all cases but it is policy. Seems to be better than waiting for a body to wash up on the lake shores or a teenagers girl in the hospital.

Unfortionatly there will be some cases that are proven wrong. However in most cases the protection of the child is more important than waiting for tragic results.

Homefires I'll side with protecting the kid. But down deep inside I know there is far more than a single phone call involved with this entire issue. For example one of the leaders is Jeffs. "Jeffs was sentenced to two consecutive sentences of five years to life in prison in Utah. That was after he was found guilty of being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old girl who wed her cousin in an arranged marriage in 2001." http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/04/04/ap/national/main3993768.shtml?source=search_story The history of Jeffs is adequate for me to question the other values this congregation might practice. That might be quilt by association but the members chose to associate with Jeffs and his practices.

Freedom of religion does not protect pedophiles.
Again I don't defend anyone on this one.

Some people eat Cockroaches as a snack.

I don't much see my self doing it.

In there society it is the norm.

In India it is excepted to sell your daughter into servitude for a pig.

I do not defend this. This is the way the world is.

Some people are so NIEVE to believe that slavery is no longer happening in the world. I can tell you 5 countries that it still happens.

My point is this is all based on a phone call.

If I made a phone call about some of you out there to the Child and Welfare folks, HOW would you defend your self?

If I made a phone call about some of you out there to the Child and Welfare folks, HOW would you defend your self?

That's fine, I will be guaranteed my day in court...might be inconvenient until that time, but we will see our day in court.

Toybox, couldnt agree with you more on this one.

Freedom of religion does not protect those who are unable to protect themselves.

I agree with you except, I know people that it only took the one phone call. Kid placed in foster homes, no recourse. Your not even able to face your accuser!

The accuser has ammunity in some states.
Been there done that

While I was teaching there was no option for me to do anything but call if there was any indication of an issue at home or elsewhere. I called more than once over the 24 years. After my call I was never contacted about the results of the case by child welfare. I only knew when kids we no longer living in the home as a result of what the kids told me. Kids realy don't hide the issues very well in these cases.
Where is the information that confirms all this took place on account of only a single phone call from an unidentified child? I used to work for family services in Ohio while I was in college and it takes way more than that to get the required warrants to even remove one child.
If you watch carefully, this event shows how fluid 'news' and 'facts' have become for the major media.

This was the title and lead-in to CNN's coverage on 4/6:

Google search:

Police storm temple at polygamist ranch
CNN - Apr 6, 2008

ELDORADO, Texas (CNN) -- Authorities stormed the temple of a Texas ranch that's home to a rogue Mormon sect Saturday, as part of a search for victims of ...

The article the Google search links to looks different today:

CNN - updated 9:27 a.m. EDT, Mon April 7, 2008

219 children, women taken from sect's ranch

ELDORADO, Texas (CNN) -- More than 200 women and children have been removed from a Texas ranch that's home to members of a polygamist sect, but authorities have not identified the girl who called them with allegations of abuse.

It nearly appears that CNN had scripted a Waco-style disaster when the story was first published and subsequently toned down the rhetoric when everything went peacefully.

At any rate, this type of revisionism further reduces what little confidence I have in 'the news.'
Where is the information that confirms all this took place on account of a single phone call from an unidentified child?


The 16-year-old girl, who called authorities last week with allegations of physical and sexual abuse at the compound, may be in the group and using a different name, Marleigh Meisner, a spokeswoman for Texas Child Protective Services, said at a news conference Sunday.

"I am confident that this girl does indeed exist," Meisner said. "I am confident that the allegations that she brought forth are accurate."


The dayslong raid on the sprawling compound built by now-jailed polygamist leader Warren Jeffs was sparked by a 16-year-old girl's call to authorities that she was being abused and that girls as young as 14 and 15 were being forced into marriages with much older men.

Still uncertain is the location of the girl whose call initiated the raid. She allegedly had a child at 15, and authorities were looking for documents, family photos or even a family Bible with lists of marriages and children to demonstrate the girl was married to Dale Barlow, 50.

Under Texas law, girls younger than 16 cannot marry, even with parental approval.

The church members were being held at Fort Concho, a 150-year-old fort built to protect frontier settlements, to be interviewed about the 16-year-old girl and whether, in fact, the teenager was among them.

And, if the first cause of action is not successful:

State investigators on Sunday got a second, wider search warrant for records related to the birth of any child to a mother aged 17 and under. The initial warrant was only for the records related to the girl who called to report abuse last week.
I seem to be making the mistake on understanding that just because they are mentioning the phone call does not mean that is the entirety of the evidence.
I don't agree with what is "said" about thier beliefs.Guilt by assocation because of W. Jeffs, question "why is he convicted of Acessary to Rape, but the husband, and the girls parents not arrested and tried also? The "girl" who reportedy made the call hasn't come forward as part of the 400+ taken out, strange? The preacher who was accused of marring the couple in Texas has been in Az. for the last 3 years and has a Parole Officer he has talked to almost every day of those 3 years. I don't have any answers as to right or wrong actions, but way to many inconsistencies and questions on what has been reported.
MAAAAAAUUUW? I need my Copper hat!

Not really, I just find it sick that they can take your kids at will!

We will see what happens.

I know someone that was messing with his kid and DROPPED him on his head producing a good size bruise on his fore head. Not thinking there was a problem, sent his kid to school. The school police coerced him into saying his father through him at at wall.

This guy went through a bunch of crap because some overzellus puck need to make a name for them selves.

As it tuned out all was well. Was it Right? Hell No!

401 kid and there mothers? If there was a problem, wouldn't the mothers have something to do with it?

Thank You My Maker for allowing me to live in the Boonies!:D
how obvious does it need to be

If you drove through an area and found a number of teenage girls with a child and found they were living with men in thier 50's along with othe teenaged girls with children would you make a connection or just think it was an odd observation on your part?
It's one thing for a 18yr old girl to be involved with a 50yr old man (or even two girls and a man) or vice versa. To each his own...but when the younger person has been raised from infancy and forced into unwanted relationships, multiple partners, incestuous acts, and so on then it is a different matter.

Unfortunately these polygamous religious groups have a strong history of just such unsavory acts.
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