Videos of Obama's Mentor

Obama gets scarier all the time

As if being the most liberal member of the Senate wasn't bad enough, we find out he is friends with ex Weather Underground members, there were Che Guevara posters and Cuban Flags in his Houston campaign headquarters, now this.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but if Obama is the Democrat nominee I might have to consider voting for McCain.
oh come on. the part about church bugs me for a number of reasons and the weathermen friendship is an eyebrow raiser at best but the che posters? it's not like he personally picked them out, for frak's sake
What's amazing is that Barack has attended this nutjob's church of spewing venom for twenty years! His kids were even baptized there. No wonder wifey made the remarks she did. There much more to Barack than has made the light of day, I'm just surprised that team Clinton hasn't made more of it.
I can't believe the racist preacher could even say Obama's not rich.
G** d*** America? What kind of a pastor preaches that?
20 years, say 50 weeks a year. Barack Hussein Obama has sat through 1000 hours of this guy.

Yeah sure, he grew up going to a 10k/year private school and the white man has been keeping him down.
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Well, I'm bothered more by the premise of the argument that Obama is going to turn into some radical leader for only the blacks when he gets to office. He hasn't done that as Senator. I don't like that preacher, but if that is all the dirt they have on Obama I will still vote for him. I'm more bothered by McCain. I have read about both of their beliefs and policy ideas and I prefer Obama. Besides, McCain has Bush's endorsement, is he going to answer for that?
I am more worried about both Obama's and Clinton's associations with Saul Alinsky's organizations. Saul Alinsky wrote a book "Rules for Radicals" that Hillary wrote her Wellesley Senior Thesis on. Obama went to work for one of his organizations as a "community organizer" AKA communist rebellion organizer. Saul Alinsky wrote the book on Marxist overthrow of this country by destroying it from within. Obama and Clinton are clearly followers to any who research their backgrounds. The Marxists have destroyed freedom and killed so many of their own citizens that I think it is important to recognize the next reincarnation of the past leaders of their ilk.
Tom, He's been a senator for 2 years and you are releived he hasn't done anything yet? What exactly are his "policy ideas" that you are fond of?
What is scary is Obama states that this man is his friend, mentor, and advisor. That is total outside of any religious matters and I agree religion should not be part of running for office. If I went to a church and the pastor said these things about white or black people it would be the last time I went there.

This unity stuff Obama talks about is a joke!
The scairy thing is that Obama is a deciple of the Saul Alinsky machine in Chicago. Alinsky was a marxist who tried to teach his followers to tone down their hate and to "look" middle class. The revenge toward the "haves" should wait until you have gained enough power to make it happen, until then act moderate.

His church teaches "Black Liberation Theology" and they got their system of belief from the churches that sided with the Marxist rebels in Nicaragua and helped teach Marxism which they called "liberation theology".
Watched these last night and they were sickening. Mentor, advisor, friend are words I don't want to hear in conjunction with this hateful, bigoted, foul mouth "man of the cloth".

If he means G**damn America as he said, he needs to get the hell out of this country and take his followers with him. My worst fears about Obama are slowly being validated as I think he's a radical hiding as a sheep...
I also would like to know what policies Obama holds that you prefer to McCain.

And what do you mean, "...if that's all the dirt they have on Obama..." ???
That's not enough for you? Let's be intellectually honest here. Would you call someone your mentor if they regularly said the things that this "preacher" says? I sure hope not. I would be worried enough if Obama just attended the church, but the fact that he looks up to this man quite logically means that he agrees with his statements and beliefs. When he drowns us with the "change" speeches, I don't doubt for a second that is exactly what he would actually give us once he's in office. I'm sure he'd attempt to change just about everything.
The next matter I see worth bringing up is who are the people who put Obama in his position who knew this stuff. Given that we don't want this kind of person and beliefs, who are the people who do? Clearly the people in the Donkey party who are above him who installed him in this position want someone like him in office. That is even more disturbing. We didn't get him as a candidate on his own.
Like the writer in part 1 states, If you were to insert "white" every where that this church has "black" you'd basically have a white supremest group of people.

Seems strange to take everything from the bible and make it about how america hates black people.

Last time I checked the reason for Jesus' existance was to love and save everyone regardless of race.

As a caucasion German, How could I ever feel welcome in this man's house of God?
does he actually call him his mentor?

Redworm, why don’t you google for the quotes from Obama on Rev. Jeremiah Wright? If you support him should you not know this?

I have seen plenty of them on TV and in the papers. I don’t I know if this includes you but I think many of his followers are afraid to find out the truth about him.
This is America , where you and I and KKK and Black Panthers and etc etc are free to think, say and have an opinion about pretty much anything we want so long as it doesn't physically harm others ... no matter how stupid it is.

Having said that , my question is:

Is this a church and associations for a President of the United States of America ? ... not in my opinion , same as I wouldn't vote knowingly for anyone that went to a Church that was exclusively white and full of people that blamed blacks for all the problems in America.

It's a total conflict of interest.

Some might say , these are not Obama's words or his beliefs ... from what I've seen and read about this church , this is typical fare for the sermons that fill the heads and feed the faith of it's members. Obama was married there , his children baptized in this faith.

This is not the church appropriate for a President of the United States of America ............ IMO. :barf:
Obama supporters on a gun forum? that's like KKK on a black issues forum.

If you prefer the tranquility of servitude to the animated contest for freedom, leave us in peace. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May posterity forget that ye were ever our countrymen. Or words to that effect.

Seriously, forget about the man's associations. He wants to ban nationwide ccw and supports further restrictions on who can own what. He supports the Nazi gun control law we imported in 1968.

McCain may not be much better, he is a C- compared to an F-. When faced with a situation where any act commits an offense, one is compelled to choose the lesser of the evils.

Bush's faith has been attacked from the left since the 2000 campaign. Now Obama's faith is off limits? I'll be darned!. Pastor Wright is fair game. So is the weatherman.

But neither of these concern me as much as the anti-gun stance of Obama. Relevant to this forum perhaps that is what we should focus on. The man is dangerous, if elected he will increase crime, murder, spree shootings and other evils by disarming the law abiding.