video from Orlando area shootout

That new video clears up a lot. I'm surprised the guard already reholstered while they were still shooting.

Good thing they didn't decide to come back in.
Florida; the Sunshine & Pro-gun state....

Another good 2A/pro gun owner law Florida has is a wounded or deceased criminal's estate CAN NOT sue or file a civil action(wrongful death, emotional duress, etc) against a armed citizen who acted lawfully. :)

Now that's real criminal justice! ;)

As for the gaming parlor event, I haven't really followed the case. All the nitpicking & armchair QBing isn't really going to change the events now.

I think this video should serve as a reminder as to just how fast things like this actually go down. I think the guard fared well because his first instinct was to get away from the threats. If he had stood his ground and went for his weapon…this might have ended a lot differently.
I think the guard fared well because his first instinct was to get away from the threats. - output

SG had a gun to his head and he decided to brush it off with his right arm. I have no idea why BG#1 didn't shoot the SG right then, maybe a malfuctioning firarm, maybe a bad decision, maybe BG#1 didn't take the pistol off safe - I don't know.

I don't think the decision to struggle with an armed assailant when the assailant has a gun to your head is going to turn out well. In this situation, the gaurd didn't get shot, but I just don't see it as a good decision in most cases.
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C0untZer0, surrender might have been the more prudent option, but it's nice that in this case the consequences ended up primarily being suffered by the BG's. Yes, the SG may have some remorse issues and PTSD, and the patrons were probably all scared and my have some PTSD as well, but the injured, dead, and incarcerated are all from the other team.

As far as the gun to the head goes, the fact that the SG could brush away the gun shows why putting a gun literally to somebody's head is not a good idea. If the BG had maintained a just-outside-arm's reach distance, the SG would have had a harder time.

In fact, I'd be more likely to act if the guy got inside arm's reach, than if he did not. Easier to deflect the weapon, while also moving offline.

(Note: doesn't matter what the weapon is, or even if it's a fist - your hands may not achieve what you wanted them to achieve, so getting your body off the line is always a good idea.)
Re the gun to the head: You are already a fraction of a second from death, at the whim of a person who has already shown a propensity for violence. What do you have to lose in fighting back at that point?

Re shooting someone fleeing: There is a huge difference between shooting a fleeing burglar in the back out of anger or revenge and shooting back at someone who is running towards their criminal partners while shooting over their shoulders and/or having their cohorts cover their escape with gunfire. One has to look at the totality of the situation rather than trying to making up rules imagining that one would always or never be prosecuted for shooting at someone moving away from you.
The thing that always amazes me about videos like this is that NOBODY dives for cover. They just sit there while a shootout goes on around them.

Protip: don't be that person.
3000 Miles To Graceland...

The last few posts reminds me of the big Casino shoot out in the Kurt Russell action film; 3000 Miles To Graceland.
The film is kinda eh, but the big Las Vegas robbery is worth viewing.

I'd say the security guard's actions were based partly on his location. The armed thugs rushed in and it became a CQB type incident.

I'd add that the "remorse" or "PTSD" issues are not really something you can honestly assess w/o fully knowing all the details or backgrounds of the patrons/victims/etc.
As I posted here before, G/armed security officers are NOT considered sworn law enforcement officers by the Florida Div of Licensing or the FDLE(Florida Dept of Law Enforcement). They have NO sworn duty to chase bad guys or make arrests.
I don't believe that is true. To shoot at anyone in retreat proves there's no imminent threat to you anymore. Thin line there!

Oh STOP IT. The man had fired shots and tried to commit murder. He was still a threat while running with a gun in his hand, since he could, at any second, turn and fire (again)--especially when he reached a barrier like the door.

And, as has been pointed out, he could also run to seek cover from which he'd have a tactical advantage to commit murder of innocent people minding their own business.

Lastly: shouldn't be so quick to judge a security guard fighting for his life and the lives of others during or immediately after an attemp on his life with adrenaline still flowing. The guard performed very well.

OK, I've taken my chill pill. :)

Oh, and lastley, Proof that 'ol geezers can still shoot--that's the part I like.:D
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Hot wash & wax...

Another point I'd like to make to all the keyboard commandos here too is a "lesson learned" from this critical incident is to fire a few rounds at a CQB distance or be able to safely operate your weapon at extremely close ranges.
My security instructor; , made those points & when I can I shoot a few handgun rounds at a paper target or 2 at arm's length or 3-5'. It's not pretty but it may keep you alive.
