video from Orlando area shootout

Double is correct...SG put it right in the middle of the back,his friends(so called) dumped him at a motel like clyde said.this is a normal evening in orlando...:(
I am confused what happen with the BG and the SG, he had him at POINT BLANK. He was allowed to draw his weapon and start shooting, did the BG's even shoot at him?

It's hard to say that the BGs aren't stupid, but even they may not be stupid enough to walk in and start off by murdering a security guard at point blank range. They seemed to know that he was sitting just to the left of the door. I think they expected him to drop his hands and surrender rather than resisting.

It's not openly known what type of weapon the cafe security officer used. My educated guess is a 9x19mm pistol but a few "old timers" still tote .38spl 6 guns. There are formal plans to allow G/armed security to carry .45acp, .357sig or .40S&W sidearms.

I ran the tape quite a few times and couldn't quite make it out other than to say that it looks stainless. I heard a total of 6 shots, all I believe from the guard, so that doesn't prove much either other than the last three were right at the end and he may have been emptying his gun (a revolver)? The picture would seem to indicate otherwise. I looked for other clues like holster type or the presence of magazines on his belt but can't say for sure one way or the other.

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I am confused what happen with the BG and the SG, he had him at POINT BLANK. He was allowed to draw his weapon and start shooting, did the BG's even shoot at him?

Aside from the stupid angle being mentioned and maybe expecting compliance, the gun may have been unloaded, not had a round chambered, on safe, magazine not fully seated (if a mag safety present), the perp may not have been pulling the trigger (pulling grip or guard), or afraid to pull the trigger.
i did not watch the video online...but when they got into there car,they fired at least 2/3 rounds into the large front window,it shattered completely...
Orlando FL area LE-off duty details...

I'd add on this forum topic that if the security guard WAS a sworn LEO or working a off duty PD approved job, he'd be in his duty uniform.

Orlando area sworn LE make anywhere from $25-45.00/per shift hour min by union mandate. ;)
I also wouldn't think a "gaming cafe" would be allowed for off duty employment by most ethical LE agencies but in central Florida you never know. ;)

I'm shot yo!

Gary Bryant was on parole for robbery. That means that it was illegal for him to be carrying a gun, yet - there he was on camera carrying a gun.

I just don't understand it. :eek:
After watching this video a few times, I think these three only had 1 functioning firarm. BG#2 had a pistol trained on SG while BG#1 (Gary Bryant)tussled with him (why BG#1 didn't shoot is still a mystery), but as soon as the SG gets his firearm out of the holster BG#2 runs for it - exiting the shop. After BG#1 / Gary Bryant is shot in the doorway I think I hear BG#2 saying:

"Gimmie the pipe, gimmie the pipe!" Could that mean Gary Bryant's handgun? Gary Bryant hands something off to BG#2

You can see where the getaway driver fires the last three shots over the top of the car. When I first saw this video and I saw BG#2 jumping around as the last three shots were fired I thought that he was hit. I think BG2 was jumping around because he thought he was taking fire. It leads me to beleive that Gary Bryant (BG#1) had the only functioning firearm going into that shop.
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There's also a woman in the back who says:

"Mmmmmmm... Uh huh..."

It's almost she's talking to the perps saying - "Ahhh see - this is what happens when you mess around - I told ya so - you see what happens?"
Florida law allows self defense against retreating criminals so no problem there.

I don't believe that is true. To shoot at anyone in retreat proves there's no imminent threat to you anymore. Thin line there!
I don't believe that is true. To shoot at anyone in retreat proves there's no imminent threat to you anymore. Thin line there!

A person who is moving away from you may or may not be in retreat. They may simply be going for a better vantage position. You can't know their intent until they are gone.

Here is a great example, and from Florida...

Robbers approached CCW holders and tried to rob them. This was a neat fight in a bunch of ways. Not only did the good guys draw on a drawn gun and exchange shots and not only did the bad guy retreat only to start firing anew, but the shot average was way above normal as well. This isn't your typical 3 round gunfight.

Bad guys do sometimes stop firing, "retreat" to better vantage, then re-engage. They never stop being a threat until they are gone.

BTW, no problem with the CCW holders in this shooting either.
I live in the Orlando area and its scary to hear these things on the news. +1 to the guard who was able to fire back at the BG's.

In FL we have lax and favorable gun laws like the Castle Doctrine/Stand your ground, and also the law that allows you to shoot a retreating BG. Imagine if a thief broke into your house who seems to be retreating as you confront him but was actually running to another room to barricade himself or steal something else. I have no problem shooting the fooker as he is retreating..
To shoot at anyone in retreat proves there's no imminent threat to you anymore.
I think that statement shows a poor understanding of when someone could be an imminent threat. Do you really think you understand the term? I ask that seriously not deridingly because understanding what is an imminent threat could someday save your life and not understanding could get you killed. Had the offender dropped the gun and said something to the effect - I give up, I am leaving and then ran for the door, well it might have been a bad shoot. This guy was apparently still armed with a hand gun. Tell me, was there anything to prevent him from turning and shooting or from shooting over his shoulder or from taking cover at the door way and shooting? If there was not anything to prevent that, or to indicate that he had other intentions such as him surrendering, then why was the threat of harm not imminent since he was still armed with a firearm? Think really hard before you answer, your life may depend on the answer you give.
I heard a total of 6 shots, all I believe from the guard, so that doesn't prove much either other than the last three were right at the end and he may have been emptying his gun (a revolver)?
It seems some blasts come through the window and blinds and the piece of blind lands in the parlor on the floor. The original article also seemed to make it sound as if a shot was fired then the guard shot back.
The last 3 rounds were fired from BG#3 - the getaway driver. He lays his pistol almost on top of the vehicle above the driver's side door and fires 3 shots. The flash from one of the shots is seen in the video.

Also - while the getaway driver was shooting, BG#2 was jumping around and pointing his handgun in the direction of the store.

I don't think BG#2 had a functioning firearm. As soon as the gaurd pulled his weapon, BG#2 ran from the store. Both BG#1 and BG#2 pointed their weapons at the SG and back into the store as they exited (I won't say retreated).

It brings up a point for me. Given that as a group - this group of 3 criminals continued the attack after BG#1 was shot, I'm not sure if you even get into considering any 1 particular guy as being in the process of retreating.

SG was under attack from a group. Given that he was either under fire or had one BG or another pointing their weapons at him, they never really retreated until the car started moving, and SG had long since stopped firing.