video from Orlando area shootout

You must not have seen the whole video. BG2 fired multiple shots into the cafe after running outside.

From what I saw the security guard fought back and fired a shot while they were inside. Only after the gunfight did they shoot back.
(if a cafe has to have a security guard then I would find another cafe and/or neighborhood)

Me too, but I would also not go to one that I felt that I would be in danger without my carry gun on me.

Micro's post, Security Officer's tactics...

I agree with Micro's statements but I highly doubt the G/armed guard will get any real credit or a pay raise.
Most armed security officers in central Florida only earn around $9-11.00/hr. :(
Wages used to be higher, $12.00-15.00/hr depending on the post & contract. Many of the private contract companies pay low wages & have high turn over. See and read over some of the security ads.

I also agree with the remarks about the G officer being too close to the access point(door).
As I posted before, the business should have a screening area or post a officer out front to wand patrons or monitor the parking lot.
A lot of clubs/bars/cash heavy businesses do not want to spend $$$. Until they get sued by big law firms that air TV ads or have bus bench ads. ;)

Here's what I noticed. Look how the Security guard puts some distance between him and the BG before firing. I think this is very important. At first, the BG's were too close to draw and shoot. So, the Security Guard backed up, aimed and fired. I thought he did a fine job.
Lawyers, Guns & $$$....

Here's a quick update;
A few of the other businesses in the strip mall are now going to file a civil lawsuit against the property mgr/landlord.

if a cafe has to have a security guard then I would find another cafe and/or neighborhood.

Well then, if you feel you need to carry a gun and do so at home or work, then you need to move and/ change jobs, huh? When we engage in doing something to keep us safe, we call it being prudent. When others do it, we figure there must be something wrong and that they area should be avoided? Weird.

What is wrong with a cafe helping to ensure customer and employee safety? Maybe the guard is to keep people from walking out with the computers.
As I posted in the other thread, these "internet cafes" are actually computer-based casinos that take advantage of a loophole in Florida law. It is not surprising that they would be the target of a robbery attempt.
The nightly news report on that story told that these internet cafe's do a large cash buisness and that is what makes them attractive to the BG's. My hats off to the cafe for having someone there to defend the patrons.
I read the article at the beginning of this thread. Where is the quote from this BG's mother saying what a nice boy he was and was trying to turn his life around?

If the article is correct, the only one who got hurt was the BG. Overall, you have to call that a good day.
It gets better...

... as they've made an arrest, and are charging the surviving robber with felony murder since his partner was killed during the commission of their joint crime.,0,7471124.story

Meanwhile, on the absurdity level, the arrestee and his lady apparently decided to case the joint ahead of the crime. The problem with that? They had to provide ID's for entry. Police checked the surveillance video from the cafe, thought they recognized the person in an earlier section of the tape, and went through ID's given in that timeframe.

Voila, arrested.

Guess if you're going to case such a place, provide phony ID.

A C/O friend of mine once told me, "These people aren't locked up in here because they are smart, or have good impulse control."
First of all, it seems that the security guard was fired upon by one of the bad guys before he returned fire. Read the article that accompanies the video, it essentially says gun fire erupts, and the guard then fires. I would like to see a more detailed account but that sure makes it seem as if he was fired on first.

Secondly, the guard will most likely be found justified in the shooting of the bad guy who was fleeing because the bad guy still posed an imminent threat of harm because he was armed with a hand gun.

Third, didn't anyone else see the reaction of the other bad guy outside when shots rang out on the street. My guess is he was hit once if not twice judging by his movements which seemed to come right after the shots. He then seemed to have difficulty getting to the vehicle. Of course the article does not say he was shot but I figure that is because he has not yet been found. Of course, it could just be he fell down but I am thinking it was quite possible that the security officer nailed him too.
So... the guy limping died? he hit him in the leg, must have hit the femoral artery.

if a cafe has to have a security guard then I would find another cafe and/or neighborhood.


I am confused what happen with the BG and the SG, he had him at POINT BLANK. He was allowed to draw his weapon and start shooting, did the BG's even shoot at him?

Did the BG's get anything? It doesn't look like they got money.
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it's not a wi/fi internet's GAMBLING (casino) slots...all the people have cash on's a loophole they(orlando) are trying to close!!
According to the article, these locations typically have thousands of dollars in cash inside, hence the guard. His shooting the BG in the back is NOT going to go over too well from a legal standpoint - as mentioned, the lawsuits are just getting starting
Honor among thives...

To clear up a few points about the cafe/gaming parlor shooting;
The subject that was wounded on scene later died at a local motel near the event & was left by his thug pals. ;)
It's not openly known what type of weapon the cafe security officer used. My educated guess is a 9x19mm pistol but a few "old timers" still tote .38spl 6 guns. There are formal plans to allow G/armed security to carry .45acp, .357sig or .40S&W sidearms.
I'm not saying the 9x19mm isn't good enough for patrol use/defense but I'd rather pack a .357sig or .45acp. .40s, .45acp pistols are in use with most of the local PDs.
I am still confused, The BG's saw the guard and him drawing his gun, were there guns unloaded or jammed or something?:confused: They didn't try to fight with him, he just drew.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the "SG" may have been an off-duty LEO.

His actions seem to underline some sort of comprehensive training. I held both a D and a G license and we received NO training that would have caused us to respond in the way that he did.

If he is a LEO, I wonder if that will play out to his advantage in the ensuing legal actions?

Am I alone in this theory or does anyone else agree that it is a possibility?
Armed security guard's actions & background...

I have not watched the cafe shooting video(s) in depth but I'd say the armed guard's response seems more of a surprise or a rapid reaction rather than some LE or conditioned training.
I do not like to speculate or assume anything. More facts or details may be made public. It could be the security officer was a retired cop or had tactical training. The armed guard in the Daytona Beach FL area drug store event posted on was a retired police officer. ;)