Utah TFL Gathering!

It's on my calendar. Whether I can actually make it or not depends on some factors beyond my control, but I would be willing to help plan, provide props, etc, if my help is wanted. Sorry to miss the one last year.
Two buds from ak47-net might also be interested. I will pass the info on to them.
My impression on the PMAA range is that we couldn't do anything fancy there because it is a public rifle range. They have some shorter-distance ranges, but they are generally reserved for LEO's. I vote for a west-desert spot. George, if you want to get together & scout it out with me, let me know when it's convenient.
Cold Hearted Ninny actually lives out there... I bet he already has a spot that will suit us just fine. I'll talk to him Wednesday when I am returned to Zion from Virginia.

I am planning on doing a BBQ and grilling lots of meat to death... I wont forget the chicken this time either!
During an email exchange with Larry (about the shirts), he told me about this get together. Wish I could go, but other commitments were already in place.

My wife already has a commitment to be in Boise that day and I aready commited to being at a gun show in Pocatello. Kind of hard to get out of everything...besides, if my wife found out I went to a shoot-em-up without her...ummm...she has this dinky little .357...Lorraine Bobbit could get lessons!!!

So while this new guy would like to mosey on down to Utah, I'll have to take a rain check.

Ummm, you guys ever do anything like this during the spring or summer?
In my opinion I think we should go out to some boonie areas to shoot rather than an organized range. I figure that the desert just offers us more options. Just an opinion to throw out while you guys are scouting for a good location. :D

By the way, thanks to you guys here that offered to help us find a place to live in the SLC area. You know who you are. ;) We found a place about 2 miles from my new job that is great, and are moving down in a couple of weeks. Look forward to doing some shooting with ya'll. :)

Antipitas, sorry to hear that you can't make it. I'll put you on the mailing list for the next one.
It would be great to meet up with you guys/gals one of these days. Really helps to be able to put faces and personalities with teh screen names!

Back in the late '80's, early '90's, before the internet came to rural Idaho, I used to travel from Rupert to Portland to meet with a bunch of computers hobbiests to put faces to the names on a BBS we were subscribed to. Lots of fun. Friendships are made. Even if ya decide ya don't like a particular person (in the flesh as opposed to this medium), a certain respect insues. 'Course, the reverse happens also.

The only bad thing about going to a different state is that my CCW is not recognized...Idaho being a "shall issue" state and all. From what I've read of Utah gun laws, all my stuff would have to be cased and seperated from the ammo. :(

It's only been a couple of weeks since I got my new P11, but I've grown fond of carrying it everywhere! Guess I'll have to see about getting a Nevada and Utah license, since I travel to both a couple of times a year.

And yes, Larry, my check went out yesterday.

Back from Virginia...

Yeah the desert would be fine again.
It gives us the space and the range and the freedom that TFL groups in other states (poor souls) just dont have.
For what we spend at the D&P Range in VA, we could have had our own Knob Creek out here!
I like the idea of putting up the tent again like we had before... but this time, lets check the weather reports for chances of tornados! That thing came outta nowhere... Just a few seconds prior to hitting us, I saw it 1500 meters away and moving slowly... then all the sudden it was on top of us - Just like Sir Lancelot in Monty Python's Holy Grail.
After spitting out grit and small desert animals, we went on and had a great time.
I'll remember the sunblock too. I had a great burn the next day after the last one! :D

I'll talk with CHN (Cold Hearted Ninny) about the specific location... He's from those parts.

You guys remember the B-17 Grasshopper? This time, we'll bag one of them if we bring enough firepower...
I remember the tornado, skyder about lost his tent, and unfortunately his truck was still connected to it. I thought both were going to end up in Oz. :D

And we will be ready for those Mega-Grasshoppers this time... Utah TFL doesn't get pushed around by any mutant insects.
I'm in for the one in Feb, plus we also have another one set for the 27, 28, & 28th of April. It will be a desert shoot by Utah lake. Please bring the wives/husbands/SO's as this sould be alot of fun for all.

The 27th we will have a potluck BBQ at my house (to get to know everyone) so bring a side and drinks.

The 28th off to the desert. The ranges there in this box canyon go out to almost 1400 yards. For any out of towners that may come we can do weapons cleaning in my garage shop, it's close by. The activities for that evening are still open to suggestions.

Sunday the 29th we will either head back out to the desert or to the local range for the day. We will probably wrap up early so the out of towners can get on the road and home at a decent hour.

Anyone needing help in making hotel reservations let me know and I'll get you some numbers. You will need meals for the desert shoot, it's a bit far to run to Micky D's and I'll have plenty of coolers.

If you are interested in coming please let me know so I can plan the BBQ.
for those of us who are new to TFL shoots, where is the desert location? I may have to come a little late because my class at SLCC doesn't get out until 12:30. Lets make sure and come up with directions for us "not so crusty" TFL guys.
This group is really starting to rock!
The April get together sounds like an event not to miss. Looking forward to the details (where & all that) later. Count me in.
As for the desert location, it's west of Lehi in Tooele county. Go west from Lehi on State Rt. 73 through Cedar Fort and Fairfield. Just after crossing the county line, bear left where the sign indicates the historic Pony Express trail. After that it depends on where we decide to be. There is a prominent monument about 5-7 or so miles after the turn off (on the north side of the road with a little parking). (GPS N 40 deg 12 min 23.4 sec W 112 deg 17 min 35.5 sec) It would make a great rallying point. The last two times I have been out there to shoot I have gone south on the road that is directly across from that monument. Pretty good terrain down that way.
By the way, my sunshade/UFO has fallen on hard times and is not what you could call fully serviceable nowadays. Suggestions appreciated.
The gas grill liked the last trip so well that it wants to go again.
I think a neighbor of mine will want to come on this one. The more the merrier!
Since the previous TFL Gathering point has been locked up to shooters - the new location will have to be further west... We are still working on specific details.
Good Morning all!
I just found the site(thanks PvtPyle)! Are you up to having a "newbie" tag along?
(References and general background info available upon request)!
Wow. :eek: Lots of folks.

Utah TFL is growing rapidly. I believe I speak for all when I say that everybody who is a safe and responsible gun user/owner is welcome. We have some very knowledgable folks here, and personally I look forward to doing some heavy duty plinking.

This get-together should be awesome.
Too late, Caeca.
That president is out of office now.
I suspect that a couple of weeks ago some kind of political "contribution" might have gotten us some serious privileges out there!
I'll be bringing at least one shooter with me on this trip.
Starting to get fired up about the 24th!

Debating on going or not. As much as I'd like to--I'd rather save ammo money for a house. Maybe I'll just come and watch the fireworks.


Question for skyder

Didn't you say you have a chronograph?
I got a 1991 Compact I would love to get some Data out of.
That and my NAA Mini. If I could find the equation we could do the math on peoples guns.
Shoot 3, Average, work the math.

My friend is bringing some cardboard targets. We do timed shoots where you have to run a course of about 7 targets, from 2 meters to 25. And move from 1 to 2 positions. From the draw. FUN FUN FUN.