Utah TFL Gathering!

By the way, where is this place and how the heck do you get there? What are the plans or is George stilll working on that? What sort of guns to bring, sorry I am a new guy and just found you all. I have alot of ideas and maybe we all need to meet before and see what is going on or what we can do.
As for your wife...invite her to a Ladies ONLY assualt rifle competion.
I have never been to a Gathering so I don't know how many show up or what disaplines you shoot....HELP!!!!

Porter Glockwell: Welcome and we are glad to have a new face at the gathering! In case you don't know, I'm George's wife and I occasionally show up here with a word or two. You asked for advice and I noticed you are not getting much from the men!
I have a couple of suggestions you might use to convince your wife to come. I'm guessing that she is thinking "Oh great! I get to go to a 'guy' thing and watch a bunch of guys shoot and think they are cool." (No offense guys you know I love ya!)With this attitude I wouldn't be enthused to go either. You need to change her perspective.
Approach #1: It's a social gathering - if Correia's wife comes, there will be at least three of us girls there, four if your wife comes- it is fun to meet other people who have so much in common with you. You can actually have a conversation with a stranger and leave friends! Tell her she doesn't have to shoot if she doesn't want to, but remind her how much fun she had the last time she did.
Approach #2: If your wife is not the social type, perhaps the homemaking type, you could use the line "Honey, you really make a great chocolate cake, it would be perfect to bring to the TFL gathering (we brought food last time)I'd love it if you would come and help us out."
Approach #3: This is most important... ALL GUYS TAKE NOTES...Women love to be cherished. We feel cherished when you want to include us in something that is most important to you. When you would rather have your woman by your side at a supposedly 'guy' gathering showing her off more than your guns, proudly introducing her, and making her apart of your interests...what can I say? It's a wonderful feeling! Get rid of the "dragging" her there attitude. Tell her how important it is to you to go, how much you would love to share your interests with her, to find something that you could enjoy doing together. That you would like to introduce her to some of the great people you have talked to on TFL-meet some other couples who have the same interests to talk about.I think she will go for the sake of your relationship rather than the guns. Then of course when she gets there we will get her addicted to shooting and you will genuinely have another thing in common to do together.
Good Luck! We will see you there!

OH...I haven't really talked to George about the plans, we will get something organized and let you know soon!
Thanks so much Mrs. Kodiak. It's good to have a woman's advice. I will use your suggestions when I talk to her. Besides, I think I found a way to convince her. Every few months she starts bugging me to shave off my goatee. I hate being clean shaven as I look all of 12 years old without a beard. In the past I have just shaved it and then grown it back a few months later. This time I made her a deal. I told her I would shave it off and keep it off for 6 whole months if she would come with me. I think it worked :)

How much ammo should I bring?
What else?
Come on - I fly by the seat of my pants... I dont make plans so far in advance! :D
What we need is another good location first... depending upon that - we can make the best plans. The Desert location is no longer available. We need a new one.
Any ideas?
Oh no!!

A bunch of Utahn's with guns, including Porter-Glockwell!! Sounds like a resurrection of the Danites! :D
Oh, February 24th. I guess I could make it there, though I'm not sure yet. I'll let you know when I know.

I hope to make it, though.
TaxPhd, and some of use are even accountants! :eek: The terror! :)

Guys, I am definately going to attend. My wife wants to come, and my usual lurker shooting buddy is planning on coming. In addition I may bring along a friend who is new to the world of defensive handguns, but is very interested in learning. What better way to break somebody in right than around a bunch of TFLers.

I'm afraid that I'm not much help as far as picking a location, I'm too far north. I don't think any of you guys would be interested in coming all the way up to my part of the state.

As far as what to bring, bring every gun that you think will be fun to shoot or share, and all of the ammo that you can afford! :D

Meiji, can you get that digital camera again? Those photos last time were awesome.
OK, I'm one of the Colorado TFLers. I think we can get a group together...but PLEASE try to set this up in Eastern Utah...We're all in Eastern Colorado. Thanks!

Glad the reference wasn't lost on you!

I miss my days in Utah, and sometimes want to go back, but relatives keep telling me it has become overrun with Kalifornians and that housing prices have gone through the roof. If that's the case, I'll stay in the South.
Tax, it depends on where you are living at. The greater SLC area has jacked up housing prices, but I don't think that they are to bad compared to most other states. I was just in California, and their housing prices are insane.

I lived in the South (Alabama) for a couple of years, I can see why you would like to stay. The South is a great place.

And other news not at all related to this thread, I just got a new accounting job and I'm moving down to that over priced SLC area in about two weeks. :)

I figure that George is in VA right about now, but when he gets back we need to finalize on a shooting location.

I know of two or three decent places. One is near Delta Utah out in the desert. Another is in the desert near Toole, or we could go to Cedar Fort or out by the west side of Utah Lake.

Danite reunion here I come!
Porter, my parents live in Delta Utah. But thats probably a bit far for most of the folks on here, especially if we get some guys from Colorado.

Cacea, I am always up for shooting. Especially since this job will mean that I have more than a college student poverty level income for the first time ever, I plan on doing plenty of shooting. :)
For the first time, I'll be able to show up. Might even get the wife to come too.

I thought you were going to have it at the PMAA Range, East Canyon Exit off I80 East, near Park City. Did that change? Hope not, that's probably the closets range in all of Utah to me.

I'll bring lots of guns and bullets. Gotta try out my new FAL fo the first time. :D

And Correria, I'll bring a really good digital camera. Digital video as well as still photos; all in easy, internet friendly formats... Hopefully we can have a couple there so you are assured of some good pics.
I'll be bringing my camera and laptop again, More ammo this time and hopefully another lurker.
We doing the grill thing again?
When are we going to make this a camping trip?