Urban Survival?


I'm just curious? All you gung ho cowboys seem to live in the "burbs" and are ready to declare war, if need be?

Whom on this forum lives with the MS-13, Bloods, Crips, etc.in their neighborhood like I do? Would you brave souls bet your hand gun against a gang hundreds strong and well armed, with your family, at a fixed address you live at? Charles Bronson in Hollywood movies would not go against odds like that!

MOVE OUT you say? Great, you have the money and resources to relocate to another area? Hell NO! It's difficult to even pay the utility bills, much less finding safety...

Shall we discuss the preceeding?
Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to discuss this with a whiney homeboy from the "HOOD". Not everyone is made of money on this board, but I'd venture to say that the vast majority would do what ever it took to get their family and themselves to a safe location.. Take the chip off your shoulder !

Board moderator, if you concider this a personal attack, or somehow in TFL violation, feel free to block my access as you see fit.
I understand what you're saying...don't have any answers. I live in Nash., Tn. and the MS-13 has showed its ugly face here. Not good on many levels. The cops don't know what to do or say. ACLU is against "open season" and we know even with best of circumstances self defense is an expensive proposition. Still, even considering gangs, you/we've got to be ready to defend. Its like the "rock and a hard place"...not good.
Id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
i dont care who it is if they attack me they WILL die. if they have friends that just puts me in a "target rich enviorment". my general theory is kill a few and the others will be scared of you, because almost no one really wants to die. Put thier heads on pikes in your front yard and that will scare them away (metaphoricaly). I bet ive got more ammo then they do people. and have you ever seen one of thoses "Gangstas" shoot? holding a gun sideways dosent work to well.
Just thinking of this from an economic standpoint...

If you're in an urban area, your costs for rent, utils, etc. are probably higher than they would be if you were in a suburban or rural area. The question is, can you get a job in a rural area? If you can, costs are probably lower.
urban survival

I would get my bootie to school, learn a trade, get a degree and start earning enough money to move up.
dennis, . . . it may not work for you, . . . but just short of 30 years ago, . . . I made the "urban" move. No, . . . the bloods and crips weren't there, . . . but there were enough unorganized bg's there to make one careful.

Anyway, . . . my basic tactic was to more or less let everyone around know that I was a gun nut, . . . I cleaned em on the front porch for everyone to see.

I invited my neighbors to go to the shooting club with me.

Long and short, . . . they burgled the neighborhood, . . . but left me alone. Was it divine intervention, . . . or a conscious decision on their part to leave that goofy hillbilly gun happy sailor alone? Who knows!

May God bless,
MS-13 has a solid foothold in at least 33 states, and I wouldn't sell their street tactics short as gangsta wannabes. Their roots stem from military rebels in El Salvador.

Also, don't think that because you live in Smallville, USA, you're safe. MS-13, along with Crips, Bloods, and a host of others are moving their activities to smaller cities that don't have the personnel or resources to deal with them.

MS-13 and the Crips (along with most other gangs) are deadly enemies, and we can only hope that they kill each other off.
Its hard to say, the mighty USA is become infested with urban gangs and the Govt. dosent seem too interesed in putting a stop to it. City streets arent safe anymore and there really arent a whole lot of places left to go.

WTSHTF youll be left defending yourself against mutiple armed enemys in an urban enviroment, this means your'll likely die. IMO your best bet it to bug out. When it all goes down arm up, get in your car and leave. Have a BOB, supplies and ammo in the car and be ready to leave with your family. When worst comes to worst the last place you want to be is in a gang infested urban inviroment. Anywhere is better than that.
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Where do I start?

OK, there's lots tpo say about the posts on this thread. Capt. Charlie: Well said. Anyone who believes "The Shield" version of MS-13 is way off base. They are a lot more sophisticated than you think. I work with all immigrants. The guys who are the kithcen staff at the restaurant three doors down are all MS-13. Behind my buisness they tag the walls of the alley with gang signs and live all around our shoopping center. They work menial jobs by day and work gang business at night. Soime of the things they do are as simple as walk up to you and ask for a couple of bucks. When you see one or two, there are seven or eight you don't. They never do anytjhing in small groups. Always large groups. One I worked with told me anyone who kills someone in Honduras, Guatamala, or El Salvador comes here with the help of coyotes (paid for). they have a very high rosensity for violence. Move you say? Rural America not necessarily known for great job opportunities. And Dwight--you polish guns on your porch in my area and your house will be the first to get robbed. As soon as your not home for a while your house is a target because you have guns! So be careful. Everyone wants guns. Dogs you say? Pit Bulls? Rottweilers? Easy. Nice peice of meat marinated with rat poison thrown through the window about 10 minutes after you leavbe for work. Got all the time in the world to wait for that dog to die, then eight guys are working on your safe, while the rest load a landscaping truck with your stuff.
Oh, one more thing...

As far as gang banger shooting skills, a guy I work with form El Salvador learned to shoot in the army down in Salvador. Most gang banger higher ups served in the army or in the paramilitaries, and probably have more experence than most guys on this site. I've worked for 10 years with a guy from Honduras who tells how in his town if you have a nice watch they will chop off your hand to get the watch. They take your hand and put in under their hat. the blood runs down and stains their shirt. That way other people know who the most dangerous guys are.
Dennis, Move. You cannot fight a gang of people who want you dead. They will get you while you sleep. in your home (driveby), at the grocery store, ect. You cannot stop someone from killing you if they really want you dead. So the very smartest thing to do, if you love your family, is move. When your tax return check comes in move. Otherwise save some money and move.

Bender711, I saw a story about a watch repair business owner who shot and killed a wouldbe robber that was a gang member. The word got out that this gang was out to get him. They tried again with 4 gang members and the shop owner killed 2 or 3 of them. The shop owner knew that the next attack would be bigger and moved. Bully defense (fight back and they will stop) simply doesn't work with gangs. Post their friends head on a stake in your yard and they won't rest until you and your family are dead.

I know you guys think that your skills are greater, your weapons better, ect. That won't help you when a gang banger shoots you from the grassy knoll across the street. Get out while you and yours are healthy, that is you duty as a man and father.
BTW I saw a news reort on MS-13 and they employ swat like tactics with overwhelming force. Groups armed with high powered semi auto rifles (ak-47's usually) using covering type tactics sweep homes of robbery victims just as a swat team would. Very difficult to deal with multiple men armed with weapons capable of penetrating several walls who are using tactics which keep a muzzel covering the movement of other members. MOVE
please run away! pack up and move to a little moutain town with a population of 153. they will be there soon enough, but now your kids have to live with it. stand your ground - you pay the rent. if you don't like it, change it. the problem will on grow with the run away method!
Fireball, With advice like that you should include getting large life insurance policies for any family that survives and graveyard plots. You are giving fatal advice. Study gangs a bit and you will see that they will get you. Unless you have eyes in the back of your head and secret service members to search the grassy knoll everyday for that sniper LOL. The smart thing to do is run. It doesn't make you a coward but smart.
Easier said than done

It is easier to say move than to do it. It takes money to move, get a new job, etc. Sometimes the problems you know are better than the unknown problems you will have. Threegun is right. You will not win against a gang. They live for that s**t. You challenge them and a whole slew of dudes will step up to make a name fo themselves in the gang culture. Armed defense against a gang is only a last resort, ie: your walking to your car and they accost you, you have no choice but to shoot to try to save your life. In my area a working man was coming home from work walked up to his front door and was surprised and shot to death by a group whose initiation right was to tke an unsuspecting life to prove how hard they were. It took about two years to funally catch a couple of them, but if i'm not mistaken, they didn't catch all. Does it matter though? the guy they shot is still dead. Acting like two to the chest is going to solve all your poblems with gangs is just silly.