Unusual Targets

had saved up a bunch of cans of ether(sp?)! Either full and not working, or empty ( which they never are!) Started a bonfire, and set the cans on a log in front of the fire! At about dark thirty, they make a great flash when you hit one with a 22!!!
I have been looking at many different postings, from this site and other forums, to find home-made shoot and see self-healing targets, for me to use while shooting my SR22. You know…the ones that once hit, reveals a bright color for you to see where the bullet hit and on the backside, the exit hole seals up and is not noticeable, so that later, you can use that side also. I saw one, in which a kneeling pad, usually smaller than 8”X15”, and costing around $6, was used. But, I found a much larger pad, for just a couple dollars more. I found a 12”X24”X1” closed cell foam pad at austinkayak.com, for $7.99, and currently with free shipping. I have ordered 2 pieces. They also sell the 12”X24” in ½” and 2” thicknesses. I wasn’t sure if the ½” thick would self-heal, as well as the 1”, so that is why I chose the 1”.

I have purchased a 20 yard roll of yellow duct tape, for $3.71 and a flat black, can of spray paint for under a $1, from Walmart. I can have 2- 12”X24”targets, 4- 12”X12” targets or adhere them together, making 1-24”X24” large target. You can always cut them to any size you want, making many more targets. Then, take the yellow (or any bright color) duct tape and completely cover one side of the foam. Take the black paint and spray it over the duct tape. Then, you can use a paper plate, with cut out circles, squares, etc. to use as a stencil and use another color of spray paint, to put those designs on top of the black paint. Instead of using the stencil and paint, you can tear off pieces of the duct tape and stick it on wax paper and paint it a different color. Then peel off and stick it on top of the black paint, in any pattern you want. You can always paint any design you want, on top of the black paint, instead of using the stencil. When you shoot the target, the black paint will chip off, revealing the colored duct tape, where your bullet hit. The back of the foam will almost look untouched, as it self-heals, by sealing back up, as the bullet passes through. You can use the front of the target, as long as you like, or until it is just too shot up. Then, remove the duct tape and repeat the procedure on the backside, where you can have a brand-new shoot and see target! You can experiment and see how often you can repeat the process, until the target is non-useable. Depending on how many targets you make out of the pieces that you have and how many times you can re-do the target, you can save a lot of money.

I am looking forward to getting my foam and making my targets. I know that I am probably not telling you anything that you don’t already know, but you will be hard-pressed to find that closed cell foam at a better price. I am not sure how long the free shipping is going to last. I hope that this may have been helpful to you. Happy shooting!
Some of the various things I have shot over the years

Potatoes, tomatoes, ears of corn, pumpkins (the day after Halloween) cans of tomato sauce, oranges, apples, cans of pop, cans of Pam cooking spray, cans of expanding foam, shaving cream, bags of flour, milk jugs filled with water...both liquid and frozen, phone books, mini propane tanks, a 4 lb roast that was on clearance at the grocery store, eggs, a kids big wheel bike, an inflated car tire still on the rim, and a Ford Fiesta.

Some of the more fun/interesting ones out of all that were the expanding foam...hit it with a 12ga slug and all of a sudden there was just a huge cloud of that crap in the air and almost like slow motion it fell to the ground. Shaving cream was kind of the same way. The Pam was probably the coolest and messiest though. Hit it towards the bottom of the can with a rifle and like some crazy trick shot cowboy thing, the can flies like 20 feet in the air spinning and spraying out. Can hits the ground and theres this cloud in the air that won't dissipate, just slowly falling. The walk over to pick up the garbage was a nightmare, the grass was slippery as hell from all the nonstick spray.

While not a really unusual target, it is very cost effective. Paper plates and a can of spraypaint. I just use a piece of plexiglass with a 4 inch circle cut out of it, lay that over the paper plate and give the paint a spray...instant target center.
Go to your local food pantry/bank whatever you want to call it and shoot all the expired canned food then when a 12 ga slug hits one of those cans you won't belive how far the food flies its also fun to shoot cans of spray paint

EDIT: Shoot the cans AFTER you take them home I didn't want any miscommunication lol
i also bring paper plates and a big crayon every time i go out shootingg, usually its saved for when we run out of more interesting stuff to shoot
One of my old favs is the big 5gal water jugs full of dyed water or two liters full of dyed water the make on heck of a splatter when short with a 30.06 or .270
I take several balloons put in a mixture of sawdust and chalk the stuff used in snapping lines. When i get to the outdoor range I put some air into them. Hang them up and shoot away. You can make your own self healing targets using the expandafoam in milk jugs, balloons etc. They work nice too and can take a lot of hits.
With all the snow we got here, my kids and I made a bunch of snowmen in the backyard and went to town on them with BB guns. After they went inside, I broke out my shotgun loaded with birdshot and obliterated Frosty.
Computer hard drives. If you hit them just right with a high-powered rifle round, they can explode quite impressively. I hit the bolt for the swing-arm with my Mosin Nagant. The base of the drive shattered into 3 pieces and scattered parts over a range of 10 feet.
I forgot how fun old hard drives were.

I had a stack of them one time and proceeded to do some "scientific testing."

They're fairly bullet resistant up through pistol calibers. Then the SKS and 1903A3 came out.

Most fascinating was one particularly tough hard drive that was from the 1980s. What is lacked in storage density, it more than made up for with material density. I had a .30-06 tracer stick in it and not penetrate. It was fairly old ammo that had a noticeably delayed ignition for the tracing compound. After about 7 or 8 seconds, it started smoking like the dickens before burning an off purple, the petering out to some funky yellow smoke.
sporting clays. I like 'em because I know when I hit.

I went "Office Space" on some mice that stopped working with the .30-30 @ 50 yds, then finished off with some 12 ga 00 a little closer.

Pumpkins are fun to shoot (not to mention you now have a use for that rotting Jack O' Lantern after Halloween).

Place a plastic shopping bag as a liner inside, and fill with water. Engage with high-powere rifle.
hodaka :
aspirin and Tums

empty 22 casings.

mouser868 :
thumbtacks and staples
Three people after my own heart!

I've used aspirin and spent .22cases and staples many a time.