Unusual Targets


New member
So recently I went to a buddy's house in the boondocks and eventually we started doing a little shooting. I had my Ruger 10/22 and Savage 93R17 (.17 HMR) and he had a .45 Kimber. Eventually we shot all our soda cans to bits but wanted to continue shooting.

We looked around for a while until we spotted some hedgetrees. We gathered up as many hedgeapples as we could find and started using those for targets. I gotta say they make very cool targets. When hit they splatter a lot and are usually good for 3-4 hits.

Just wondering what other out of the ordinary (and legal) things you have found to make impromptu targets?
Great targets!

I have one of these trees out in my front yard, during the season when they fill the yard it gets very annoying so I take my anger out on them by taking them out in the field and "getting rid of them". And your right they do make cool targets.

Another thing I like using is spent shotgun shells if I dont have anything else
Golf Balls. When they roll on a flat surface in the wind, they typically don't go in a straight line, so it can get interesting.
^As do chipmunks, we consider them and squirrels varmints. Chipmunks are difficult targets. 1/3 the size of squirrel and just as fast.

We had an overpopulation of turtles in our pond, they were eating entire trot lines clean in a couple of hours... Until I got my .17 HMR out there and started ruining their day. Heads are less than 1" targets out at about 80 yards. .17 HMR solved that problem in a day and we started to catch fish on the trot line. Pond smelled of dead turtles for a while because I probably killed 20 that day, but it was worth it to get some catfish.
Tannerite :D

I also had wasps build a nest inside of the mounting bracket of a steel target that was laying flat on the steel face... I set up 100 yards away and knocked out the nest with my AR ;)
on woods walks in muzzleloading there would be suckers, edge of the card,paint balls,golfballs,eggs,spagethetti,then for fun drop a golf ball and hit the target before the ball hit the ground
Hedge Apples (around here they are called "horse apples") are not really apples. They are some weird, green, round, lumpy fruit that grows on native Osage Orange trees. As far as I know they are not edible, by people anyway. They are reported to have medicinal properties. Google them...interesting read.
Put balloons on a remote controlled car and drive it around while you shoot at it. Loads of fun just be sure of what lies beyond the target.
anything with a balloon on it is cool - instant feedback and the balloons move when its windy - saves ammo for CQB training too

love balloons for shooting. gets you kicked out of the county fair though - figured that clown would have had a better sense of humor
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Old propane tanks, the kind with the old valve or ones that are too rusty or unsightly for grill duty.

Just be sure they're empty, they made a very satisfying noise when hit..and are pretty tough untill you start hitting them with slugs or centerfire rifles.