Under the pilllow?

Under the pillow or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 170 92.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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when I had a stroke I was not in my right mind. In fact, my brother came in because I was yelling something about a thief.

And that is why I would not sleep with a gun under my pillow. A shotgun under the bed is close enough for me to feel very comfortable.
My dog is half insane half Lucifer, and she sleeps on the bed with us. If she hears a possum fart in the back yard she wakes me up, with that being said I have more than enough time to get my firearm from its location. And if by some snowball chance in he[[ they made it passed my property security system , and got in the house and made it up the purposly left noisey stairs then made it past my dog then I may have a problem as they would be a ghost that has no heat to pick up ,a device that lets them thru the doors or window as they are locked at all times, no weight to make it up the creeky stairs without noise, and invisible to the four legged , anti-Christ that looks like Jaws smiling on my bed. With that being said,,,,,,, I sleep well.:D
A gun under the pillow? Hell, no! For those who think this is a good idea, I'd like to know what their wives, husbands or partners think about it.

There was a case on TV about a woman who shot her husband while he slept and she claimed that the shooting was accidental because she kept her pistol under her pillow. The investigators saw through it and and she went down.

I keep mine concealed within arm's reach but far enough that I need to reach a bit to get it.

That reminds me of the time several years ago when I visited my aunt and uncle out east. Their house was small but they insisted that we stay with them and they offered their bed to me and my wife. As we went to turn down the covers, we found two pistols, one under each pillow. I reminded them to come and get their guns and they did. I often thought of how things might have turned out if my kids had ended up sleeping in that room and they found the guns. I get the creeps just thinking about that.

Since then I have not liked to spend nights at anybody's house. Hospitality is nice but I get hotels now and we visit during the day.
I've read all the negatives, but I often keep my 1911 under my pillow. I don't sleep-walk, always awake clear-headed and alert and don't have concerns the gun will somehow fire without my help ... I believe that keeping it there gives me an advantage if someone manages to get into my house without my hearing it or my dog going insane; it's like concealed carry for the house ... I've just recently started doing this after keeping on my nightstand for years.
Everyone who thinks it's safe to keep a loaded gun within inches of an otherwise unrestrained and unconscious person, you ought video yourself sleeping. You will likely reconsider.

Stupid idea.
Anyone who is that paranoid is probably going to end up accidently shooting either themselves or an innocent family member that had to "get up" for whatever reason during the night. Hopefully, they live alone.
i put my gun in my Wilson baseball glove and lay it on the floor next to the bed i reach down and its in my hand. cant see it from any position till your laying on the floor bleeding at the foot of my bed. i have beagles and you wont make it to the BR in any event.
I can't believe the number of people on here who think it's a great idea to keep a loaded, ready weapon so unsecured.

Do none of you have kids? Do you all live alone and never let anyone in your house?

No way I could leave a loaded weapon just lying around the house. Fingerprint recognition safe underneath the bed. By the time I'm awake enough to wield a firearm, I'd have the safe open. If a perp somehow made it past the locked doors, security system, and dog, and into my bedroom before I'm awake, at least my loaded gun is secured where it can't be used against me and my family.
My wife already smacks the crap out of me if I wake her by snoring, if she knew I had a loaded pistol under my pillow......:eek:
I do not keep a gun under my pillow. I toss and turn too much. Most mornings I wake up with my pillow on the floor anyway. I do have a holster mounted at the head of the bed with a gun in it. I can draw it out while laying in the bed, and someone would have to be straddling me to find it. The only things I keep on the night stand are my keys, my cell phone, and my alarm clock.
Alrighty then. I think this one's run its course, with the overwhelming majority voting no.

I have to concur; people toss & turn while asleep. It's natural, but it only takes once to make a mistake, and that mistake can be fatal.

Let's call this one closed, with the majority voting in favor of common sense.

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