Under the pilllow?

Under the pillow or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 170 92.9%

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Many, many, people have been murdered in their beds.

The quickest handgun defense would have to be a pillow gun...is there anything quicker?

A pillow gun with a good external safety system is a must here, which means that most modern handguns - semis and revolvers too, would be unsafe for obvious reasons.

A 1911 would work best as a pillow gun. A Beretta M9 would also do.

Sleep well...but not too soundly.
Sure Shot Mc Gee said:
...The alarm sound alone on all systems are enough to scare any burglar out of their felonious intentions or make them think twice about proceeding? If the burglar or burglars choose not to retreat after setting your alarm off? Firearm handy or not. >"Your in BIG Trouble fellow!! especially so, without immediate police assistance." ... that's just the way it is in that type of un-welcomed scenario....
[1] Maybe the alarm will scare the burglar(s) away, and maybe not. Or maybe the alarm has been disabled.

[2] And while a burglar not chased off by the alarm is extremely troubling and troublesome, one may be able to manage things until the police get there -- at least with some knowledge and training. There are plenty of reported cases in which an alert resident has been able to successfully defend against one or more intruders up to no good.

[3] So no -- that's not necessarily "just the way it is." In any case, categorical statements, especially without solid evidence to back them up, are pretty much meaningless.

federali said:
...keep handguns beyond arm's reach when sleeping. You need that few seconds to shake loose the cobwebs so that you are sufficiently awake so as not to shoot a loved one....

... try to use some smarts: keep the gun concealed but accessible and beyond reach....
Now that makes sense to me.

And we also like lock-boxes in this household.
I'd be afraid it would fall between the wall and mattress in the middle of the night. Not for me. Nightstand and two German Shepherds.
Definitely not. Think about it: what is the guarantee that the pistol stays where you put it? I'd rather sacrifice a second to reaching into the drawer of my nightstand. At least I won't inadvertently move the gun in my sleep there.

Under the pillow is a dumb idea if you ask me. Good enough is often good enough.
Nope. If you stick it under the pillow, there's no telling where it be when you need it. Why not just leave it on the nightstand and stick a magazine (of the reading variety) over it?
That guy would have gotten by the motion sensored lites, 6 dogs and a lite sleeper. Just wont happen in my house. Then there is the long drive out from town....
When it is in my nightstand drawer it can be retrieved in a second or less, the trigger is protected, and I can lay my hand right on it in the dark because it is in the same spot with the same orientation every night.

Pillows have other purposes.
As crazy as it may sound I am too afraid to keep a gun under my pillow. I sleep on my stomach with my arms under my pillow and I have a fear that I will dream of shooting weather in self defense or just at the range and actually shoot myself or my wife. This may be far fetched but it does go through my mind. I will not take that chance. My gun is close enough to me that with any advanced warning such as my dogs barking I am confident I can get to it before anyone makes it to the bedrooms of me or my kids.
Re: Lock-box
Have a lock-box with an electronic keypad, but if the perp is already in the room with duct tape, a baseball bat, or knife, or hammer, or gun, I would rather go for a pillow gun, than get clumsy with the combo to the lock-box.

Re: Pistol staying put
The 1911A1 is a heavy pistol, flat with a big safety that anchors it to the mattress along with (rubbery) black Pierce grips that stick it in place. Never had it move, but if it doesn't work for you thats fine.

Re: Nightstand drawer / gun under mag
Should work well but if I fumble with the drawer or mag, pushing the gun off the night stand, dropping it, etc. Don't like a gun away from me when an assailant is present. Inches can be too far, seconds too short.

Re: Crazy
Crazy, maybe, but I ain't stupid.

In the bedroom, the quickest handgun defense is under my pillow.

Sleep well my friends....but not too soundly
I sleep with my hand under the pillow, so there's no chance I would keep a gun under there. Even with a manual safety like my px4, just not willing to take that chance.
I screwed and glued a small nifty customized wood (with foam pads) "shelf" on the underside of the top of my bedside cabinet. The gun is completely hidden from anyone higher than knee-height yet it's easy to reach and draw. I keep the door open at night but can close and latch it during the day.
"...a small nifty customized wood (with foam pads) "shelf" on the underside of the top of my bedside cabinet...it's easy to reach and draw. "

Excellent tactical layout. And pretty close to a pillow gun, perhaps better (quicker access)...I applaud your superior intellect.
Cell phone, SureFire flashlite & gun on the nightstand within reach every night is my MO. 3 90lbs. dogs sleep on the floor at the foot of my bed & they will eat you!:eek:
On nightstand for me. If an intruder spots it he'll wake me up tripping on all the crap and cussing his fool head off, and then I've got him.
federali said:
That "bed holster" that hangs off the side of your bed is a gimmick playing on your fears and is designed to make somebody money, not keep you safe. Likewise, if an intruder manages to get to you while you're asleep, he then has your gun.

How many items are you wearing on your person right now that were not designed by someone with the intent to earn money?

federali said:
Instead, try to use some smarts: keep the gun concealed but accessible and beyond reach. Consider putting a decoy gun such as a realistic fake in your nightstand drawer. If an intruder finds it, he'll assume he has the upper hand.

How many intruders are going to be fooled by a plastic gun on/in a night stand?

In that case why even carry a weapon? Someone might take it away from you…
If someone was able to gain access to the bedroom, I really would have failed.

Agreed, in addition to which if an assailant is able to get that close to me while I'm sleeping then it really won't matter where my weapon is located since they'd be close enough to engage me as I tried to employ it. Situational awareness is the key here, putting those other measures into place that will guarantee I'm alerted to the danger before they're standing over me. Besides, my Mossberg 500 isn't going to fit well under my pillow...;)
Only once did I feel so unsecure that I tried sleeping with a gun under my pillow. Doing so seemed reasonable as I had heard of people doing this all of my life.

It was at the de Anza Motor Lodge in Albuquerque back in the 90s. During the day (when I checked in), it just looked like your typical ancient motor lodge, a bit run down, but clean and with a decent enough person manning the front desk. I had certainly stayed in much worse places over the years.

What I didn't know about was all the grand low life activity that took place after dark...which became clear when I heard a couple of guys arguing over the price of a drug deal. I looked out the window and saw several folks that appeared to be in the business and a coulple of interestingly stylish ladies that seemed perfectly content amongst the dealers. It was old, but not seedy. It was a classic Route 66 southwestern motor lodge

I took the 1911 off the stand and put it under the pillow where I would have it quickly should someone decide to gain entry to my room. When I awoke the next morning, the gun was gone. So much for a great plan. During the course of the night and my nocturnal calisthenics, the gun had tumbled off the mattress and was under the headboard on the ground where I could not reach it without getting up and moving the bed out of the way.

As I later learned, losing guns placed under pillows was not a unique problem

I did not remain at the de Anza for a second night.
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