Undecided...did Palin change your view?

Undecided...did Palin change your view?

I decided years ago that I could never vote for a liberal. Since I view McCain as a liberal, no, his choice of Palin as VP does not change my mind.

If Palin were running as Prez and McCain were VP, then yes, I could vote for Palin... but I can't bring myself to vote for McCain or any other liberal.

A vote against McCain is a vote for Obama. Very simple.

Ho hum and a big wide *yawn*.

A vote for anyone you want to vote for is fine, as long as you believe in the candidate for whom you vote. When you vote for one candidate out of fear of another, then you have truly wasted your vote.

Anyone who votes for McCain, IMO, is voting for a liberal. A conservative who votes for a liberal is not only wasting their vote... they are selling out their own principles (if they are "truly" conservative).
Only way I would have voted for McCain is if he had chosen a quality well prepared VP. He did neither in my view. Given McCain's age the statement "a heartbeat away from the presidency" is highly relevant with this selection.
McCain will probably win in a squeaker. I most certainly won't vote for Obama but I am equally discouraged by either an Obama or McCain presidency when you take in all the issues and don't just focus on gun rights.
toybox99615 said:
I know she is the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. That is her touted military leadership experience.
In comparison, Obama and Biden have what for military leadership?
That's exactly the point, she is no more qualified than Obama or Biden in foreign or military affairs. The only major reason to vote for McCain is these two issues and she fails both.
News reports abound that McC's preferences were either Joe L. or Tom R. Since he couldn't get either due to a potential party rejection of them he went bold. Bold and inconsistent. How can the same criteria that preferred Lieberman or Ridge now accept Palin? And then the minimal to nonexistent vetting of her.
Sorry McC's thought processes continue to elude me and Palin was just a bad choice.
Only way I would have voted for McCain is if he had chosen a quality well prepared VP.

I know how you feel. The only way I would have voted Democrat is if they had chosen a quality well prepared Presidential candidate. But alas....
Originally Posted by toybox99615
will this person be able to fulfill the duties of the presidency should the need arise.

Palin would do a far better job of it if McCain dies than Obama would 365 days a year for 4 years.

Seriously, which would you want to have in charge? I would vote for Palin for President before Obama.
Originally Posted by toybox99615
I know she is the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. That is her touted military leadership experience.

I have heard something similar before but it was about a southern Governor and the Arkansas National Guard...

Funny question but what other NATIONS does Arkansas border? Last I checked AK has a border with Canada, was invaded by the Japanese and is spitting distance from Russia...
The AL NG used to be pretty active guarding the Aleutians. Is this still the case? Regardless, she has more in international affairs and military command than Barry does. That's not saying much about her, but does speak volumes about him.
I'd rather have troops being sent into danger zones under McCain/Palin than the current administration. McCain has experienced the bad ugly side of war and Palin has her own son to risk loosing. I'm sick of Bush/Cheney telling us how important it is not to leave Iraq when neither of them have anything of their own to risk there. Why didn't the Bush twins join the military if it is important as their dad said; at least Price William and Prince Harry led by example.

Or the thought of Obama/Biden in command:barf:
I do not like McCain. I think he will make a very poor President though slightly better than Obama.

Likewise, I do not think Palin is ready to be President. Neither was Truman. Still, if McCain doesn't make it all the way through his term I'd rather have an inexperienced Palin in the oval office than an inexperienced Obama.

On the other hand, if McCain does make it all the way through his term he'll be 76 years old and his body has taken a helluva beating. He probably won't want to try for another term. By that time Palin would be ready and I think she'd make a great President.

I had planned to vote for Ron Paul but now I believe my ballot will be more valuable cast as an investment in America's future. I will vote for Palin and ol' Whazzizname.
I was going to leave my ballot blank, but now I will probably vote for Palin / McCain.
I can't think of a single thing that disqualifies Palin as a good choice for Vice President. The most curious thing to me is why everyone is so sure McCain is going to kick the bucket within the next four years. If there is evidence to support that idea, then shouldn't all the attention be directed at the fact that McCain should not be running for President at all?
And despite all the hype, Obama IS NOT the chosen one - he is a mere mortal that can just as easily die tragically in the next four years. For all the talking heads on TV that haven't considered that, maybe they should go ask Tim Russert. Oh, I forgot, he dropped dead suddenly one day.
I like Palin for the fact that she appears to be a competent person that just sort of fell into civil service, and performs her duties more efficiently than some people are comfortable with. That is just the type of person I would vote for President. I'll vote for her now for Vice President in the hopes that four years from now she will have done a good enough job to run for President.
I can't think of a single thing that disqualifies Palin as a good choice for Vice President

I was reading one of the liberal columnists today and other that Hillary being qualified while Palin is not, the only things she could find fault with Palin about were:

1. She is anti-abortion

2. She is an NRA member

3. She supports teaching Creationism in schools next to Evolution.

Too bad she never tried plagiarism, then she'd be qualified for both democratic seats and have the support of their loyal fan base.
As I understand it that thrid point is not correct. I read that Palin opposed placing any sort of "creationist" instruction in public schools.
I like Palin for the fact that she appears to be a competent person that just sort of fell into civil service, and performs her duties more efficiently than some people are comfortable with.

It's ironic that the person on either ticket who most closely resembles the Founding Fathers and their ideal of a citizen politician is a woman.
Palin made the difference between gagging, retching and puking while voting for McCain and just gagging a little while I vote for McCain and Palin.
Let' see...She rides a motorcycle, has great legs, has a pregnant, un-married 17-year-old daughter, and is a former Miss Alaska. Everything you want in a "possible" president of the USA. Is McCain kidding?
I knew his choice was not going to be one of the names the mainstream media kept bandying about right up to the announcement. A while back I had heard her name mentioned in only semi-serious passing and, since I knew literally nothing about her, read up on her a bit. I decided then that she was my preferred choice. She complements a lot of McCain's perceived shortcomings in that she is a she, she is young, and she is conservative. That she's a woman is ultimately irrelevant, but it can only be a plus. Those who think McCain should have chosen a more "moderate" running mate, like Lieberman, fail to see the reality of his situation. His credentials among the conservative wing of the party are scarcely better than Hillary Clinton's; if he is to have any chance of winning the election he has no choice but to energize that conservative core of the party. A dull, uninspired choice in running mate would only increase the likelihood of disaffected conservatives not voting at all.

I can say that her selection has made me more interested in voting for their ticket, rather than simply voting against the other one. There are things about her I do not agree with, such as her view that creationism is a valid subject in science classrooms, but frankly I am at a point where I am willing to accept the candidate who is imperfect in that they are more conservative than me, rather than again accepting one who is imperfect in that their "move to the middle" means they're going to play no more than lip service to their supporters' core beliefs.

She brings something else to the ticket that is appealing, I think. She is someone who went into politics almost because she felt like she had to, rather than spending an entire life scheming and polishing herself for a whole career in public office. I don't think I am alone in finding that refreshing. The whole question as to whether or not she is qualified is almost laughable considering who the other ticket is pushing as their top guy. I think 2 years as a state governor is at least equal to a few years of voting "Present" in the Senate.

To summarize my view, this is the first time I've really felt a desire to vote FOR anyone. I don't know if that's just because she is somewhat a novelty right now, but I think there's more to her than that.
capnjim said:
Let' see...She rides a motorcycle, has great legs, has a pregnant, un-married 17-year-old daughter, and is a former Miss Alaska. Everything you want in a "possible" president of the USA. Is McCain kidding?

You mean a real person; with a real family; who has real family problems and issues; who ran on ethics and reform and has demonstrated efficiency in both; and is not a beltway insider who stands idly by watching the corruption and says and does nothing about it?

Then yep. That is not the kinda person I want to be the "possible" president.

That's exactly the kinda person I WANT TO BE the president.