Undecided...did Palin change your view?

Palin makes a huge difference for me. Even with less than two years of experience as Governor of Alaska, she has more executive experience than Biden, McCain, and Obama combined.

It also does not hurt that there is now a real Republican on the Republican ticket.
i was voting for mccain anyway but having palin would be cool, especially if she uses 4 years vp experience to launch a campaighn for president, i seriously doubt mccain would run for a second term
Would have voted for McCain anyway, but this makes me enthusiastic. We've much to learn about Palin, but my initial take is that she's the first female candidate I've seen who seems confident in herself, comfortable with herself, AND doesn't seem angry at the world that she was born a woman. As such, she's the first female for which I'd be happy to vote. No offense meant to anyone, just something that occurred to me recently.
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Another thread, but fits this topic.

And this:


"The potential for a woman to be vice president will really make a difference for girls in this country," she says.

In a WCBSTV.com poll asking viewers whether McCain's choice would make them more or less likely to vote for him, about 54 percent said it would make them more likely to vote for McCain, 38 percent less likely, and 9 percent said it had no effect.

Why didn't someone tell me months ago that McCain was a really smart guy, then I would not have done all that complaining about him.:D
I think Palin is a great choice and she has my vote. Oh yeah, McCain is on that ticket too.

Seriously, I think John McCain has a better than even chance of winning this election. Sarah Palin will be one of the first vice presidential candidates to actually help the presidential candidate win.

In 4 years, we'll all be talking about Sarah Palin for Persident and Mitt Romney for VP. I think she might very well make a great no nonsense president that can win the hearts of Americans. It will be Hillary against Palin... what a difference 4 years will make.
I was leaning 3rd party but was still considering McCain. I'm on the fence and in my opinion, Sarah Palin has done nothing to change that. There were better, more experienced candidates for McCain to chose than Palin. While I like what little I've seen of her, I'm not convinced she is the right person for the part. I can't look at her and not think it's a gimmick to counter Obama's so called "rockstar" appeal and counter with another young minority, nothing more and nothing less.

Time will tell if this is McCain (and his handlers) greatest move or his biggest blunder.

Me? I've got a few more months till I have to cast a vote but I do know it won't be for Obama.
"McCain failed to consider the most basic of all questions: will this person be able to fulfill the duties of the presidency should the need arise."

As I remember, Harry Truman didn't have an awful lot of executive experience when he was tossed into the cauldron either. He did okay and I think Sarah could too. I would certainly prefer that she learn at a more leisurely pace though... say over the course of four or eight years.
When there were a number of candidates for

the Republican nomination the McCain followers kept insisting qualified candidates need experience. Now McCain pull an inexperienced running mate and experience is a non-factor.

I know she is the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. That is her touted military leadership experience. I guess she'll be instructing tactics at West Point in her spare time. She is also in charge of the Alaska State Medical system and I don't think that qualified her to perform open heart surgery. She was mayor of a town of less than 8,000 people where less than 800 have public sewer and water systems. If those are the qualifications the RNC believes make a VP than I believe we are all in trouble in the future as pomp and circumstance replaces true qualifications.

I'm still predicting that when all is said and done and the voters take a look at the actual experiences she doesn't have the voters will be less supportive of our 44 year old cheerleader soccer mom.
McCain failed to consider the most basic of all questions: will this person be able to fulfill the duties of the presidency should the need arise.

How do you know he did not consider this? By nominating Palin, McCain has shouted to the world that he believes she could handle the Presidency. McCain did make this consideration, you just don't agree with his conclusion.
I'm sick and tired of voting to keep the opposition out

I have never done that, but think this election is a good time to start.

The VP choice doesn't change much, but she's better than I expected. I was leaning toward voting against Obama, and Palin makes that more palatable.
I'm still predicting that when all is said and done and the voters take a look at the actual experiences she doesn't have the voters will be less supportive of our 44 year old cheerleader soccer mom.

Maybe you are right, but then again maybe you are wrong. Sometimes there is just no accounting for voters thinking. Some voters actually look past the frivolous stuff and lock onto the important issues at hand.

Now I am guilty of veering in my own thread. The main subject is any undecided voters that have been swayed by Palin's nomination.

Just viewed this...it is on subject:
A Leading Hillary Supporter Defects to McCain
(see the video)

John Coale, a prominent Washington lawyer, husband of Fox TV host Greta Van Susteren and a supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton, announced today that he was supporting John McCain for president. Coale, who traveled with Sen. Clinton, President Clinton and her family through out the primary season, complained of sexism, and said the Democratic Party is "being taken over by the moveon.org types" in an exclusive interview with Newsweek.com's Tammy Haddad.

I honestly believe those voters who claim they are changing to Palin today are the same voters who changed their minds numerous times over the past year. The majority of voters do not simply change beliefs and expectations becasue a new face enters the race. Some would like us to believe the Hillary supporters will all change to Plain because she is a women. I don't believe the majority of those voters will change for that reason alone will not change their minds a few more times before the race is done with. The same is true for those who want to believe all gun owners will vote for Plain because she is a hunter/shooter.

When all is said and done I believe most people have a set of criterias that influences them. Those voters are the ones who will look at new issues like a new face with Palin. But in the end they fall back to their beliefs to decide who they will vote for.

It is still a long way to the end and the vote count. Between now and then there will be more time to examine choices for President. I just hope people vote based on how they believe the candidates will be good for the country and not on some of the irrelevant nonesence that continues to be thrown out in hope of attracting voters.

Bottom line in my way of thinking is the supposed undecided voters are probably just as apt to pick a candidate based on hair styles as they are to wake up tomorrow and have an epiphany over who they will now vote for.

In all honesty how many of these undecided voters can give you reasons they are undecided. The issues are pretty clear, the position of the presidential candidates established, the party rhetoric in place for years. If they don't know by now will they every know who to vote for.
I was probably going to vote for McCain, but now I am DEFINITELY going to do so.

Palin's a Lifetime NRA member, gun-lover, hunter, and cute to boot? Where do I sign?
Folks, you really need to view the video I linked abovein #32. This guy is the husband of Fox TV host Greta Van Susteren. He was a major player in the Hillary campaign team. Not only is he supporting McCain, but he says that he is working to get Hillary supporters to come over to McCain/Palin.

I will add some of my own speculation. I think there is a good chance that Bill & Hillary support his effort. They will not say so, but I expect Hillary would like Obama to lose and then have a chance to run in 12.
When it was revealed that McCain might be considering a woman for the vice presidential pick they immediately floatted Kay Bailry Hutchinson. I said "No and hell no! Sarah Palin would be a far better pick." Apparently, I said it loud enough for it to be heard in DC. LOL :p

Here is a Fox News video segment on "Who is Sarah Palin?"


I was unaware that she disbanded the state trooper security detail when she became governor. No coward, she.
In all honesty how many of these undecided voters can give you reasons they are undecided. The issues are pretty clear, the position of the presidential candidates established, the party rhetoric in place for years. If they don't know by now will they every know who to vote for.

I can give many. However, since I've posted over and over the pro's and cons in other threads, you can do the research if you really want to know.

I don't necessarily see the same party rhetoric in place for years. Unlike most people from my observation, I don't judge the Republican party's foundation based on what the Bush Adm. has done to it. To me, this is the biggest problem on the general publics' reasoning. So, with new candidates, the slate is relatively clean in a sense.

The issues apparantly aren't clear since there's a large percentage of individuals that don't know what Palin's voting record or stance on issues.

That's why I'm undecided....contrary to your presumption.

And, I'm guessing since you're probably not going to vote for McCain/Palin, I've drawn my own conclusion to the question I presented to you.
McCain's choice of Palin confirmed my vote. I WILL vote for John McCain. I was definitely on the fence with voting for Bob Barr.

Also -- Obama's speech last week could have been from George McGovern in 1972. He did not mention confiscating our pistols, rifles and shotguns...but it's definitely on the Obama agenda.

A vote against McCain is a vote for Obama. Very simple.

Work with me and others to get the LIbertarians elected to local, State and Federal Representative offices. Making a stand on the Presidential race is a vote thrown away to those who want an anti-second-amendment Supreme Court.
Technically, I would be voting for Palin, McCain would just be along for the ride.

I feel the same way. I was leaning third party but she pulled me over to the "R" ticket.

How about a future Palin/Gindal ticket?