Typical # of guns you'd bring to the range for a 1-2 hour trip

I bring 3 rifles and 3 pistols. The plan is to shoot 2 of each with 1 of each for back-up in case of technical issues. I can't handle cleaning more than 4 guns after an outing.
Just had to join Firing Line

This post was the one that got me to join firing line.

If we are talking about indoor ranges...

all you need to bring is your everyday self defense 1911.

Oh yea that was a period after 1911. :)
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At a minimum two. The 22/45 Mk II always goes.

After that one, usually one of my .40s and/or my .357.

A AR-15 or a shotgun, depending on where I am shooting. Sometimes the long guns or the .22 doesn't get shot but my girlfriend and I love our centerfire pistols. :)
Now that I've added two rifles to my collection (a 6.8 AR15 'style' and a 22LR rifle) I had PLANNED to mix a rifle in at every trip (usually the 22LR), but on my most recent range trip, I got charged fully double the usual rate to use a "rifle" lane --- keep in mind, this is an INDOOR range and there is nothing that seems to make a rifle lane any different from a regular lane other than it would appear they like to space out the rifle folk. -- I've previously brought the same rifles to the range and not been charged extra, so I'm not sure what brought on that charge now (and it was a relatively quiet day).

This will probably cut down my # of weapons a bit per trip, as I have to factor in that extra step-up cost to bringing along a long gun. :barf: Is this at all standard at indoor ranges? (that is, charging more to shoot long guns in the same lanes used for handguns?)
I usually take about 2-3 with about 100 rounds of ammo in each caliber of the guns that I take. I end up shooting only 1-2 of them, though.
Two - generally one rifle and one handgun. One of them is usually a .22LR, the other is something centerfire. If the wife is coming, I might pack an extra handgun, but I generally don't have room for a second rifle.

I agree with whomever said that time alone is probably not really a good measure of how much skill you're accruing on a particular range trip... I generally find myself improving the most when I slow the hell down on pulling the bang switch and really concentrate on taking perfect shots.
60 min.

Last two range trips - I took three guns for one trip - Browning HP, a Makarov, a S&W Model 10. One box of ammo for each. Shot about 60 rounds total in the hour. Slow fire 25 yards.
The second trip was to an indoor range for an hour of practice. One gun - a .22 High Standard Victor - two boxes of ammo. Shot through two gallery courses - 30 rounds each. I don't rush.
Both are typical trips.
depends really on what i have more of in the garage regarding ammo
more 45's and i dont have to go to wal mart
then im shooting 45
more 9
then im taking a few 9's
typically depending on ammo i will take 2-3 guns in that caliber
I've recently changed up to 90 minutes (up from 60) and find the whole experience to be much more rewarding. I can spend 30-40 minutes really fine tuning a particular skill and still have another 50-60 minutes to blast away with some 22LR (now that I've been able to buy a decent quantity of it). Previously, at 60 minutes, I usually felt a little rushed the whole time to 'get enough fun in', so to speak. Now at 90, I get the "fun in" and improve my skills at the same time.
Always my 1911 100 rounds
357 To keep the 9mm boys awake 1/2 box 125g with 296
Mac10 If I have enough 45acp load (200 rounds)
My CCW of the day either Kel-tec380 or Kahr 9mm 100 rounds.

Then If I have purchased a new barrel for the Encore I will throw it in.

2 to 6 or so

I used to bring as many as 7 guns (all that would fit in two of my gun cases).

Lately, the prospect of cleaning that many guns has led be to be more selective.

I always bring a 22 rimfire. Ruger Single Six, SP101 or Mark II.

.357 almost always. SP101, Colt Trooper, Coonan, Ruger Blackhawk 2.75" 4" or 6" Security Six, 4" or 6" GP100 Occasionally my Dan Wesson.

44 Mag Redhawk or Super Redhawk

a 9mm Helwan-copy of Beretta '51- Taurus-copy of the current Beretta (with the manual safety where God and John Browning intended it to be, on the frame)

1911 45 ACP (Colt, Randall, AMT, Star)

454 Casull F.A. or Ruger SRH

But lately I have been tending toward revolvers (easier to recover my brass) and cutting down on the number of guns (reduce the time spent cleaning)

Sometimes I go with as few as 4. Sometimes I will only shoot 3 or maybe 2 of the guns I bring. Always 22 RF and lately 357 Mag (because that's what I have the most ammunition for).

Lost Sheep