Trump Shot on Campaign.

We are pretty much operating in radio silence right now with very little information coming from officials. We are left with what we can witness through the available footage. There is no unbiased media reporting on the incident that I can find either.
I have some doubts about this only being a goofy shooter and bumbling government employees. However, that’s all the information we’ve been given so I guess that the official stance.
The trick is understanding that some people will tell the world you are an arsonist because they found matches in your house....

No, the authorities are not saying much right now, for once, and unlike the media, they seem to be operating under the old saying that it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. ;)

Obviously he did what he did, and was killed in the act, so there's no "alleged" or "suspected" that applies here. As far as I can see, it doesn't matter if he was receiving direct instruction from the giant space ants via an encrypted link on his phone, or through direct mental telepathy, he did what he did, I believe, because he chose to do it.

Maybe he was trying to impress Jodie Foster??? :eek:
Why not, it happened before! :rolleyes:
I don’t know what the modern analog for Jodie Foster is, but right now, that’s entirely possible.
The lone gunman is a thorn in the side of decent civilization, you don’t know that they are a threat until they are. Acting weird and behaving suspiciously isn’t against the law.
Does anyone know anything about the wound the shooter sustained?
For me, this would help put to rest a lot of speculation. From what I heard, the snipers shown on the video’s so far were not the ones that fired the kill shot.
Does anyone know anything about the wound the shooter sustained?
For me, this would help put to rest a lot of speculation. From what I heard, the snipers shown on the video’s so far were not the ones that fired the kill shot.
NYT did a video/geo analysis and determined the kill shot came from the second sniper team positioned at about 175 yds away because they had the clear shot that the closer team (shown in the video on news) did not have. Bubba witness claims the perp's head was blown off, probably makes sense considering his proned position and likelihood his head was really the largest target area presented
The bullet went out the back of his head, when I first saw the picture, I thought he was shot in the mouth.
I’ve since seen claims of between the eyes.
Definitely a sizable exit wound
As far as I can see, it doesn't matter if he was receiving direct instruction from the giant space ants via an encrypted link on his phone, or through direct mental telepathy, he did what he did, I believe, because he chose to do it.

Please tell us more about the giant space ant connection. That actually sounds more plausible than so much of what I am seeing on the internet about this.
Giant Space Ants?? :eek: I can't say they are real, and I won't say they're not, but there's been talk.....:rolleyes:

Back in the 70s or maybe the 80s some sci-fi guy came up the idea that the Secret Galactic Overlords were Giant Space Ants who used telepathic mind control on humans for their entertainment. I think it may have begun as someone satirizing John Norman's "Priest Kings of Gor", but, who really knows??

It was a running joke for some time, and was used as the reason anytime someone did something that defied rational explanation.

Its just archaic "geek speak" from an era when Sci-fi was a bit more light hearted and less regulated into various "universes" with "canon" the way much of it is today.

Absent proof or any evidence at all, really, its a likely an explanation as anything else, and its not quite as dark as demonic possession, which is, I think an equally likely explanation.

Hope this explains it for you so we can get more or less back on topic.
And now the almost hysterical Washington Post hit piece about the horrendous wounding characteristics of AR-15 rifles has resurfaced since the Trump shooting.

This is how bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart

Editor’s note: We are publishing these 3D animations to show the destructive power of the AR-15. The images may disturb some people.

The article has impressive graphics (if you're into internet technology) and over 7,000 comments.

You have to scroll down to the very bottom of the article (and the article is quite long) to get to the comments. I've read the latest couple hundred comments and they are dominated by the 'AR is super bad and should be banned' crowd.

There are a few pro-gun (rational) comments but they are shouted down with replies from anti-gun folk that demonstrate, IMhO, an almost religious zealotry that allows NO disagreement when it comes to their anti-gun views.
IMhO, an almost religious zealotry that allows NO disagreement when it comes to their anti-gun views.

Ironic, isn't it? The people who most vocally promote inclusiveness, "open mindedness", and particularly tolerance suddenly become narrow minded, petty, spiteful, intolerant bigots if your opinion differs from theirs, particularly when firearms and our OTHER civil rights are the topic.

As to articles from MSN, Time, Newsweek, USA Today, the Washington Post, and several other sources (call them the usual suspects :rolleyes:) I'm not wasting my time reading their..stuff.. because in the end it all pushes the same philosophy, which is one I disagree with, completely.
I’m looking for more confirmation, but a Florida Representative states that the shooter had 3 encrypted foreign bank accounts.
Actually, the sources says three encrypted foreign accounts, not three encrypted foreign bank accounts.

That's a pretty important distinction. Overseas encrypted bank accounts would be pretty unusual for a 20 year old in the U.S. But having, for example, three encrypted internet accounts (Discord accounts are considered to be encrypted) that operate in foreign countries might be done to allow him to watch videos or streaming content that's not available in the U.S. or might be done for privacy and wouldn't be terribly unusual for an internet savvy 20 year old.

Here the sites are referred to as "three foreign encrypted platforms that Crooks used on his cellphone".
I use ProtonMail and Proton Drive. They are encrypted and reside on a foreign server. I’m sure they fall into the same category.
This is like January 6. As of January 5, people thought Congress had some kind of security that prevented random idiots from just walking in. Now we know that was not true. After the Trump shooting, people know the Secret Service is almost worthless.

Great thing to happen, right while the US is filling up with military-age, untrackable single men from Muslim countries and China. Suddenly, our enemies know how easy it would be to kill a president.
If I were in danger, and the Secret Service were assigned to protect me, I would insist on carrying my own weapons.
Not me--I would be inside a Bradley with fighter cap.

Should the SS instead simply shoot anyone who looks like they might look like a threat? How are potential threats instantly identified among tens of thousands of people? trump is known to be adverse to crowd control if that means complicating access for large numbers of people.
Should the SS instead simply shoot anyone who looks like they might look like a threat? How are potential threats instantly identified among tens of thousands of people? trump is known to be adverse to crowd control if that means complicating access for large numbers of people.

I get what you're saying, I think. In most events people are there for the right reasons. Reminds me of gun control, why punish everyone for future action of the few rotten ones. What stands out IMHO in this instance, Crooks did or seem to do everything he could to get caught. From checking out the place days beforehand, flying a drone over the place, being seen on the roof, ETC. Either he is the biggest fool or he wanted to be stopped.? Either way, there is no way the S.S. will come out of this even looking competent. And like gun control, the biggest losers will be the law abiding who will have to obey all the "new rules" which will be coming out in the name of safety. I ask, why have new rules and regulations if the S.S. can not even follow the ones in place now? Of course I have the same questions on gun control.