triple 7...

Really don't want a .36 for hunting. Just want it for plinking around the yard and for when Im mowing or walking around the yard and spot the snakes. Does that sound like it will fly with my wife for an excuse for another gun?:)
It's legal here for squirrel but it would most likely just be for fun.
That Ruger is a well built gun for sure! Just a little out of my price range right now. Mike
Hey Mike,
Man, I Tell Ya You Need To Go To! The List For This Ruger Is 495.00 I Got Mine In Mint Cond For 300.00 And Thats Shipping Too.i'd Like To Get Me A 1860 Too In .44.i Just Want One.i've Shot A Buddies A Long Time Ago And Couldnt Hit Nothing With It But If I Had My Own I Could Play With It And Find The Right Load For It.they Are Still Cool Looking But Not As Much As The 58's.i Got My Mold For The Ruger Bullets Today.i Got The Hollow Point Mold So Im Ready To Try Some And See How The Turn Out.i Just Dont Seem To Have The Time.i Had A Xtra Job This Morning Now At 330pm I Go Int To Regular Duty Until 2am.then Another Xtra Job In The Morning,the Titans Football Sure They Will Lose
Kevin, I can still remember my sister and some of the other officers who are friends working the extra jobs, They paid good but it seemed like they were always tied up, High School football games, Concerts at Blossom Music Center and traffic duty for funerals and many others. Good extra money for sure.
Just don't get to burnt out, it aint worth it, life is way to short. Mike
Well,im Almost There To Tell Ya The Truth But As You Said ,the Cash Is Good And Thats What Gets Ya Home For Dinner Now And So Far Its Been A Quite Night,knock On Wood.
Mike, the 36 would be perfect for snakes and plinking around the yard or as a carry piece for when you're mowing. Your wife might just go for that excuse, :)

Kevin, Mike's right about the burnout thing. My dad worked LE for 25yrs and towards the end of his career he was sick of it, he couldn't wait to retire and get out of the game, my brother is headed down the same road. He's been in a few years and already tired of it, but he doesn't want to give up the money. FWIW, slow down and enjoy life, money will buy more guns but it doesnt do you any good if you never have time to shoot them. :)
Got a question for you guys or anyone who is lerking out there that may want to join in. I just made some felt wads useing the felt weather stripping that goes around your doors and windows. Loading my Remington with 40g. of fffg and a .454 ball over the wad and a little grease over the ball to help keep things running smooth and clean the bore. The problem is I can't find any wads after shooting. I always find wads down range if I use the wonder wads.
Could these wads be burning up ? Sure is strange. I know other guys use these wads but never heard any of them say anything about the wads burning up or not finding them. Mike
I've been trying to post the pics I took yesterday and can't get them to upload. I put a question in on the question/tech support forum so maybe answers later today and maybe pics after that.

Anyway, Mike the valve grinding compound worked like a charm, I took 2 shots with some over the ball and the rest were my normal loads and when I got in to clean the burrs in the bore at all, the rifleing looks good and smooth as a baby's butt! :) The gun shoots right to the point of aim at 10 and 15 yards, which is what I was most concerned about...fixed sights are hard to adjust LOL, ;) but thanks for all the info about how to tune this gun in, I would never have figured this stuff out on my own.
The cylinder still binds on the second cylinder full I shoot so I guess I didn't chamfer out the ends of the cylinders quite enough, I just took a little bit of metal off because I like to go slow on that kind of's hard to put the metal back if you take off too much :eek: I'll take it down a little more and see how it does the next time I shoot. I also know that I need to polish my cylinder pin some more too.

As far as using weather stripping felt for wads, my first guess is that they are burning up either in or first exiting the barrell. The felt that I have seen used for weather stripping is not very dense and looks like it would burn fairly easily. But I've never used any for a BP wad so I'm just guessing...
Low Key, Glad to hear that gun is shaping up for you. Your right aout going slow and not taking to much metal off. As you know it will also get better with time in most cases.
What are you useing to grease the cylider pin and cylinder hole? Are you useing a little grease over the star end of the cylinder as well as the front?
Wonder lube is great for this as well as many others. Some react better to fouling than others and some can make it worse.
Heading out the door , that Bear is waiting for me :) Mike
Good luck with Mr. Bear!

For grease on the cylinder pin I have been greasing the pin, the front of the cylinder, and the star. I had been using bore butter, which isn't getting the job done. Yesterday I tried Thompson Center super lube, same result. Is pure old lard any good? Ive got a whole pound of it for cooking and I'm not afraid to use it! :p
hi guys,well i just got home from an xtra job,yea i know and yall are right but money is i did get to come home from duty early last night because i got in afight about 1am and got my nose bloodied up for me.dont worry,he got his,did you try a little of wonder lube on you felts?low key,i need to do the same to mine,it stick a little but as we have talked i just havent had the time.well,im off to a bud's house for a steak and
Kevin, Can't believe they never tought you to duck at the acadamy:D
Just kidding, Hope your nose is alright.
I don't like wonder lube or any grease on the powder side. It definatly contaminates the powder and more of it than some people think. Been there , done that. :) Useing a little grease over the wad may be alright to help clean the bore or keep it loose as the powder follows. I can shoot 4 cylinders without wipeing the cylinder pin. One thing you guys want to do is chamfer the cylinder pin holes of your cylinders. You can't hurt it because the pin goes all the way through.It will help because it will allow you to get a little grease in the ends.
I thought that 777 was almost none existent of crude or fouling ? I really don't know the chemical reaction of that stuff to different grease but maybe try some plane old dish soap. Just take a good dab of dish soap right out of the bottle and smear it on your pin and the face of the cylinder.If it works then you can make some moose milk to lube with. Let me know if it works and I'll give you the recipe for moose milk if you want it. Mike
Well Ducking Is A Good Idea If You See It Was A Free For All.i Think His Elbow Got Me During The Scuffle.but Like I Said He Got His Too!!! Lol. The 77 Isnt That Bad But I Think My 58 Just Needs Some Tlc.
The 777 does produce fouling, just not as much as the other subs and it cleans easier, I started using it when I got back into BP pistol shooting a few months ago because of the supposed increase in power. When I first started out with BP shooting I grabbed a can of pyrodex pellets for the pistol for ease of loading and let me tell you it FOULS the works up quick and doesn't wash as easy as the 777. With the 777 I can shoot 9 or 10 shots before the cylinder will start to bind up, but the pyrodex pellets would start the cylinder binding at the 3rd or 4th shot. From what I've learned from you I know that I need to slick up the works on my pistol to make it run better.

I had also wondered about maybe there being a chemical reaction between the 777 and my lube. I know that petrolium based lubes react with BP to produce more fouling but I've never heard whether the 777 reacts with them that way also. The dish soap idea sounds interesting, I'll probably give it a try. I'm hoping to have time to fire a few rounds one evening this week. :D
Still trying to post my pic, but its still a no go. :( Gonna monkey with some computer guts and see if the problem is on my end...
I hate those didn't see it coming elbow in the nose incidents...makes me angry, guy who elbowed me wouldn't like me when I'm angry :eek:

(OK, I'm showing my age and my strange sense of humor with that refenence, LMAO) :p

Seriously though, I hope your nose feels better. A busted nose isn't the worst thing in the world, but they sure hurt!
Low Key, Tell me what happens when you try to load a picture? What message do you get? What size are the pictures your trying to load and how you are doing it? Maybe I can help you "get er done" :)
I get a message that says "cannot move/copy file" , the file I am trying to load is a jpeg of about 105Kb, I have been trying to use the manage attachments box down below the reply to thread box. I used it once before to post a pic before the forum crashed, but this is the first try since. I posted a thread in the questions/tech support forum and someone else posted a reply saying they were having the same problem so I think it may be on TFL's end. Any ideas of what else I could try???
hmmmm.....just tried to upload a pic from work and still no dice. So it's probably not on my end of the connection. oh well, I'll wait it out till it works again :(
If those of you that have tried 777 are impressed you should try either Goex Pinnacle or the absolutely cleanest Black Mag'3 powders. These last two powders are ascorbic acid based and as such are not corrosive to steel. They will however attack brass if left too long. These powders (especially Black Mag'3) are so clean in my muzzleloader that after several shots (three or four) a patch run down the barrel will come out with a small amount of gray dust on it. I have not tried it in my original Remington 1858 or my Ruger Old Army as yet but the cowboy action shooters in this area are really getting on the Black Mag'3 bandwagon. It is difficult to find as yet as it comes out of Florida and is more available in the east. Midsouth Shooters Supply has it in stock as well as most Cabelas. (It is pricey).
MLKeith, You have just stated what I have read about the Goex Pinncal but I never even heard of the Black mag powder. Who makes that Black Mag?
Around here it's even hard to find the 777 and it's been out a while.
Read a nice write up on the Goex Pinnical , it had nothing but good stuff to say about it. It's my understanding that you use the Pinnical by thesame volume as the Goex fffg.
It seems that allot of people are switching to the syn. powders.It just don't seem natural to me :) But I am going to try a few just to see what it's all about. Going to miss the smell of that old sulfer and salt peter:( Mike
Gonna try to upload a pic.
