triple 7...

Kevin, Whats the load you used in the Ruger for this last deer you got? Did you use your conicals? Whatever it was that you used it must have worked just as my Remington did on my gun season deer.
When I get my .36 it will be carried around the house with a good accurate load and used for snakes and other ferrous critters in these hills. Not to many Bear right around the house here but lot's of snakes and it never fails that I don't find one or two while mowing. I'm think of getting or making a rig where I can wear this .36 cross draw style across my chest while mowing and working around the house. You know what I mean? Something like a hunting rig for the big magnums.
i beleive it was 42gr of 777 and yes i used my hollow point conicals.great shooting piece.i want a .36 and a .31.the .31 i hope i can get tomorrow from dixie.i have to see how much overtime is on the
Public Forum?

Well MPP I'm sorry you are so bitter about me posting a facts page to do with this thread. I didn't post it for you, I posted it for Public info. I never said a thing about the way you load your guns it was just a chart for everyone. I was told there were friendly, knowledgable people in here. Which I thought was true till you just told me to leave a public forum for discussing something pertinant to the topic. Sorry if I struck a nerve and sorry you have such a hard time with stress. But you ain't the Lone Ranger in that Dept., please remember that. I don't feel I was arguing, yes some do like to argue when they feel threatened with facts just like most others do. So thanks for being so friendly and the fine lookin welcome mat at you alls front door. I'll leave MPP' but because I want to not because you think it's your forum and not because you asked me to. Follow?

Far ye Well, reguardless,
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George I would appreciate you not trying to tell people what I say. Now you gone and done it and we have been asked to leave..Thanks alot george.

FYI members of the Forum gmatov does not speak for me and has not a clue as to what think. Some people can think then type...some just type.
Sorry for him using my name with his thoughts..that weren't right at all.

Kevin, Thanks for the info. Would have gfotten back on here earlier but we have a bad winter storm coming and my hunting blind was still in the woods. Went and got that and then went to town to get more gas for the generator. The power goes out around here is someone even sneezes to hard!
It was out the other night for four hours and al it did was rain a little :) We have an all electric home and my generator allows my wife to watch here big screen TV (61") and run all the lights, the Microwave , water pump and a couple of electric heaters so it's not to bad. Just can't run the stove or oven or the heat pump, but we really don't need it.
Now back to guns!
Does anyone make the hollow point conicals like you use for the .36? That would really be cool! Thanks for the info, Mike
I Know What You Mean About The Power Going Out,my Generator Is Stand By As Power Goes Out Too If The Wind Not Sure About The .36 Conical Holoow Points.i Have Never Seen Them In A .36 Any Way.lee May Have A Mold Thats Not Advertised Or Something ,thats Where I Got My Ruger,i Should Have Sent You Some Ruger Hollow Point,what Was I Thinkin!!i Didnt Even Think About Going To Try And Get That .31.its Made By Palmetto/italy.any Of Yall Heard Of These And How Good Are,just For Shooting?im Not Concerned About The Perfect Looks As Long As It Shoots Ok.hell,for 129.00 Can I Go Wrong?its From Dixie By The Way.
Kevin, I don't have a Ruger anyway, do they fit in your Remingtons as well?
I shot and emptied a cylinder and got it cleaned up spotless to try the ones your sending.
Sure glad I got ready for this ice storm. Everthing out side looks like a big popcicle and the rain keeps pouring down and freezing as it hits.
What a mess! Oh Well, I'm ready and warn and cozy:)
We got an inch or so here, so far, calling for 3 to 6. At least it's a little warmer.

All electric house bothers me. My kid's new house is the same. We lose power here at a sneeze, too. They have a fireplace, but don't know if it will warm the house enough for a toddler and an infant.

Ah, well, my house is close enough to get to in 2 minutes.


We had some freezing rain last night and then it warmed up to 37 and it all meted . This morning it's not bad out at all. Just dry and a little breezy. Looks like we missed the bullet! I know some parts of the country got hit bad.
Dragoon, Have your son get a generator and get the main box wired for it . Mine sits out away from the house in my workshop bay area where I keep my tractor and mower. I have a way of turning off the main breaker in my house and then feeding the power from my generator back through the main box. Then I just turn on the breakers I need. Can't even tell it's being run off a generator.

Kevin, Lyman has a starter kit for people like me who just want to cast there own bullets. It looks like it has all you need for melting and casting #10 of lead and it sells for $64,00. What do you think?
That was George's son with the total Electric house, I don't have any kids, wish I did, but I guess I'm to spoil my Nephew and my Great Nephew.

Sounds like you have a great setup for the "lights out " condition. We lose our electricity often here too. When I'm living in MY Silver Streak RV trailer I have Solar Charger, Battery backup, and if the batteirs are low, all I have to do is plug it into the truck for a bit. My other Silver Streak (like an Airstream) had a generator on board. I do need to get a small Gen. I'm in my Boss's 5th Wheel right now, one of the perks of the job. MY RV is parked on the property, ready to roll.
I Like The Lee Melting Pots For This Time Im Using The Small Pot With The Lyman Ladel But Im Going To Purchase The Bottom Spout Lee Pot Cause The Ladel Is A Pain In The But.i Started Casting My Bp Bullets Sometime Ago And This Set Up Was Good To Start But I Would Get The Bottom Spout If I Were You ,its Much Easier To Fill Your Mould.

After Christmas, if you still want to get into casting, try
, ordered my Production Pot IV, holds 10 pounds of metal, supposed to melt it in 20 minutes, bottom pour spout, 36 bucks.

2 cavity Lee molds, with handles, 14.58 each, ordered one in 380, one in 451.

With shipping, 71 bucks all told.

Our storm, here, was about 5 inches of snow, but it must have been an inch of snow, a time of freezing rain, then 4 more inches of snow. Took half an hour to clean off the car to go to my daughter and s'in'laws house to check to see if the salamander had run out the first bottle of propane. Have to provide heat, cause the builder won't connect the electric furnace till all the other stuff is done, and the b*****rds won't come around to do that.

Builder sayin' they don't get this that or the other unless they want to pay a ton more, so the boy started to finally read his contract. They're supposed to get this, they don't have it. That, they don't have it. White receptacles instead of ivory, nope you get ivory, unless you want to pay a thousand more. Hook up the electric stovetop and oven, nope, you put in your own instead of ours, we don't do that.

15 pages faxed to their lawyer today about what they ain't gettin' that's in the contract. Wouldn't liisten to the old man who has built a few houses and said he would be the General Contractor (ME).

Ain't gonna be in till the New Year, if then. G'kids still gonna be 35 miles away.

Got a 200 AMP welder generator in the garage, propane fired Onan, 3500 watt. Power goes out here, plug into the wall, flip the main on the panel to not electrocute a lineman working to restore power, and I'm still running. Hate to see the neighbors without power when I got lights, but hey, go buy one.



Might be a little off topic. Sorry.
George, Thanks for the link to the casting stuff. That sure saves a few bucks!
It sounds like you are ready for a storm with that generator. If I built a new house today there is no way that I would do it without spending another $4,000 and hooking up a generator that comes on and off automaticly. When your spending several hundred thousand four more is a drop in the bucket for peace of mind and comfort.
Thanks again for the info, Mike

My shipment is due to be in Monday, should go out Monday AM to find some lead to melt to see if the balls from the Lee molds have a smaller sprue cut than the ones I bought.

How come anything you just bought has to be used right now?

Steve499, If you read this, the bee comb foundations came in the mail today. Man, there aren't 2 or 3, there are like 15 of them. Wish you'd just crumpled them into an envelope, just a couple. Way cheaper than the shipping pack you used.

I thank you and look for a letter from me soon.

BTW, I went to the GUNK site, tonight, bought some wax bowl ring maker or the other, and they don't say what the bowl rings are made of till you check the MSDS, there it says Petroleum Grease, 60-100%.

So, no, they won't work for non-petroleum based lubes. Like I said, throw it in the plumbing drawer, someone's gonna need it before too long.



Well, thank you. I just thought the postage was kind of high.

Tell me, as thin as the foundations are, is the seal the bees make also very thin, and the cell walls? Have never seen a honeycomb except on TV or pictures of them cutting off the cap.

I'll have to look into that. Darn near everything arouses my curiosity.

